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Bill Wise Gives Advice

- Hello, everybody!

- Hello, Bill. Come in and sit down.

- We are planning our week-end. Can you give us a piece of advice?

- There are dozens of ways of spending a week-end. It depends on the season, your character and your mode of life.

You can go to the country to ski, to fish, to pick berries and mushrooms, to bathe, to boat, to walk in the forest, to lie in the sun, to watch birds, to hunt butterflies, etc.

You can stay in town and go to the cinema, theatre, to an exhibition, a museum, to a dancing party or a discotheque, a cafe or a restaurant, you can visit your friends, drop at your old aunt's to borrow money, etc.

If you prefer to stay indoors you can: watch TV, read newspapers and magazines, sleep till 2 p.m., do the flat, quarrel with your folk at home, listen to music, do nothing, etc.

But if you've got a car there are only two ways for you to spend the week-end. You either enjoy a pleasant car drive in the country or spend the week-end in your garage repairing the car with a hammer and swear-words.

It's really a pleasure to live in a large city and to be able to escape from ir whenever your feel like that.

- It's really a pleasure to have you around, Bill Wise. One can always rely on you for a piece of advice.

Class Discussion

1. Do you often go out at weekends? What do you do?

2. Do you ever go to the cinema, theatre at weekends? What do you prefer?

3. Do you enjoy going to discos? Why? Why not?

4. How do you see an ideal weekend?

Words Ex. 9 A. Jill is talking on the telephone to her friend Marge, in Context a woman with two children. You only read Jill's side of the conversation, but try to imagine what Marge is saying.

"Hi, Marge ... Yeah, it's me, Jill, (a)_____. Fine, and you? ... Good. Listen. I'm just calling to see what you and the kids would like to do tomorrow. You are still coming over, aren't you?.. Well, I thought we could go on a trip somewhere... Oh, I don't know. Drive into the country and go for a walk, (b)______No? Well, would you like to be a tourist for the day and go sightseeing in the city? c)_________. Oh, you think you've seen all the sights ... Well, since you areormging the kids, perhaps we should go to the circus or to the zoo. There's a new baby elephant that's just been born, (d)__________the kids are too old for that, youthink. Well, are they interested in visiting a museum or an art gallery? There's a very good exhibition of nineteenth-century French painting, (e)__________. No? Boring, eh?.. Well, what do you think you would all like to do?.. I see. You want to go window-shopping, (f)__________. No, that's fine with me. I don't mind at all ... No, I'm sure. But what about the evening? I thought we could go out for dinner, (g)_____ No, I thought the kids could stay at home watching television ... Well, I thought we could also go to the cinema, (h)_______ Really? How about some music? A concert? (i)_________. No. The ballet or the opera?.. No? The theatre to see a Shakespeare play?.. No. Well, what do you want to do in the evening? (j)________You'd like to go to a disco and dance and then to a casino and play roulette ... Um, yes, well, no, I've just remembered that I'd promised to visit my mother tomorrow ... Yes, what a pity. Another time perhaps ... Bye then. Love to the kids."

B. Find the places in the telephone conversation above where Marge said the following:

a)________"I don't think I feel like listening to music."

b) ________"Do you mind?"

c) ________"The kids are much too old for the circus and the zoo."

d) ________"How are you?"

e) ________"I'd like to go dancing first and then play roulette."

f) ________"Would we take the children with us to the restaurant?"

g) ________"I don't want to go to the country."

h) ________"There's no film on that I really want to see at the moment."

i) ________"I've been sightseeing there plenty of times".

j) ________"No. I'm sure the kids don't want to go to any museums or art


Ex. 10 Fill in the following sentences with the most likely preposition (on, to, for, etc) and/or article (a, an, the). When no article or preposition is necessary, write 0 in the blank.

1. Let's go ... disco.

2. Let's go ... sightseeing.

3. Let's visit.. museum

4. Let's go .., , shopping

5. Let's go ... , walk.

6. Let's go ... trip.

7. Let's go ... cinema.

8. Let's go out... dinner.

9. Let's see ... sights of Paris.

10. Let's stay ... home.

Ex. 11 Are you fond of picnics? Do you find more advantages or disadvantages in having picnics? What's the best weather for picnics?

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