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VII. Analyze this table and say at what age in Russia you can do the following.


Leave school

Ride a small motorbike

Buy cigarettes

Get married (with parents’ consent)

Drive a car

Buy alcohol


Get married (with parents’ consent)









VIII. Read an extract from the book “Britain Now” and take part in discussing of the following issues. Family life in the past

Many people think there was once a golden age, in which the world was filled with happy families. The mother ran the house and the father went out to work to bring back enough money for this ideal family to live its life. The family – mother, father and three or four healthy, happy children – would go out for an occasional treat. Roles were very clear for the parents and children. Discipline within the family unit was strong and moral standards were high. This image is the kind of family life people mean when they talk about 'Victorian values'.

From Britain Now by C. Addis, 1994.

(page 29)

1. Do you consider these ideal families really to have existed?

2. Are there many families nowadays in Britain or in your own country, in which the real bread-winner is a man?

3. What should be done by the couples in order to create such an ideal


VIII. Listen to the following interview of a teacher and mother of three young children and do the following assignments.

  1. Choose the right answer.

  1. The speaker worked as a teacher in …

a) Glasgow

  1. London

  2. Liverpool

  1. All in all she spent with her children …

  1. 5 years

  2. 8 years

  3. 9 years

  1. After her child going to full-time school she thought about …

a) career of a teacher

b) career of a nurse

c) some other career

  1. Now she works at a school for …

  1. deaf children

  2. handicapped children

  3. blind children

  1. She considers her work to be …

  1. dull and hard

  2. hard and interesting

  3. hard and useless

b) Answer the questions.

1. Why did she decide not to work for a long period and devote it to upbringing of her children?

2. What was the reason of choosing such a hard activity?

3. What is one of the greatest difficulties in upbringing of children according to the speaker?

4. Do mothers having many children need any back-up help with friends or relatives?

5. Is it easy for women with children to be in full-employment?

6. Does the speaker in fact feel herself to be a happy mother? Prove it.

c) Discuss the following issues with your group-mates.

A happy family for me is …

a) the family with many children

b) the family with great welfare

c) the family in which everybody tries to understand and help each other

4. Leisure Spare Time

British people now have more free time and holidays than they did thirty years ago. The average number of working hours has fallen and by the mid-1990 almost all full-time manual employees were entitled to four weeks’ holiday or more, in addition to public holidays including Christmas and Easter. Although for some people there was more leisure time (for the increasing number of pensioners for example), in general the pace of life became busier in Britain in the 1990s.

Typical popular pastimes in the UK include shopping, listening to pop music, going to pubs, playing and watching sport, going on holidays, doing outdoor activities and watching TV. The number of people, playing sports has risen, partly due to the availability of more sporting facilities such as local leisure centres. As more people become aware of the necessity of exercise, it is estimated, that one third of the adult population regularly takes part in outdoor sport and about a quarter in indoor sports. Among the most popular sporting activities are walking, swimming, snooker and darts; fishing is the most popular country sport. Football, cricket, horse racing and motor sports are all popular spectator sports. Many magazines are published, which relate to popular and minority sports and interests.

Multi-screen cinemas have become more common and the number of people, going to the cinema, increased in the mid-1980s. This was despite a large increase in the popularity of home videos: Britain has one of the highest rates of home video ownership in the world.

Pubs are an important part of British social life (more than

restaurants) and more money is spent on drinking than on any other form of leisure activity. Holidays are the next major leisure cost, followed by television, radio, musical instruments and eating out.

If they have enough money people travel more, usually by car or by air, and they take more holidays. The numbers going abroad increased from 7 million in the early 1970s to 32 million in the early 2000s, with Spain still the most popular foreign destination.

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