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УМК по английскому языку.doc
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Контрольная работа № 8 Для выполнения контрольной работы № 8 необходимо изучить следующий грамматический материал:

Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs). Модальный глагол can и его эквивалент to be able. Модальный глагол may и его эквивалент to be allowed.

Модальный глагол must и его эквивалент to have to и to be to.

Модальные глаголы must, may, might и could для выражения возможности, вероятности действия, долженствования или сомнения в его выполнении. Модальные глаголы could, might и would для выражения вежливой просьбы, вопроса или предложения. Модальные глаголы should, ought to и need.

Control Work 8

Version 1

Force Majeure

Force major is a force against which you can not act or fight.

Every contract has a force majeure clause. It usually includes natural disasters such as an earthquake, flood, fire, etc. It can also list such contingencies as war, embargo, sanctions. Along with this there are some other circumstances beyond the Seller’s control. The Seller may find himself in a situation when he can’t fulfill his obligation under the Contract. It may happen if there is a general strike in the country, a strike of coal-miners, transport workers etc. Production may be suspended if there is a shortage of the energy supply. When negotiating a contract a list of contingencies must be agreed on and put into the Contract.

When a manager makes up a contract he must not think only of his one-sided interest. He must think in terms of common interest with his counterpart. Only then will he prove loyal to his partner.

In case of a contingency the Seller must notify the Buyers of a force majeure. The Article of the Contract to this effect may run:

“Should the Seller fail to notify the Buyer of a contingency the Seller is denied a right to refer to these circumstances.” The Seller is to notify the Buyer of a contingency right away. If it’s done in due time the Buyer may take immediate action to protect his interest. He may sign a contract with another supplier on similar terms or if it’s impossible he will secure the best possible terms he can have at the moment. If prices are rising he will be quick to act and will do everything possible to negotiate the best price obtainable at the moment.

In a dispute between the Seller and the Buyer not only the fact of a contingency is to be ascertained. The Seller must have evidence that non-execution of a contract or its partial fulfillment is a direct result of a contingency. If it is proved the Seller is not liable and the execution of a contract is postponed until all the after-effects causing damage are eliminated. A natural disaster may last only a few minutes but it’ll take a lot of time to recover the loss.

The duration of a force majeure is as a rule 4 or 6 months. After that the Buyer has a right to cancel the contract. The Seller in this case has no right to claim any compensation for his losses.

1. Найдите в тексте следующие эквиваленты на английском языке:

непредвиденные обстоятельства; вести переговоры о заключении контракта; извещать кого-л. о чем-л.; убытки; неисполнение контракта; землетрясение; забастовка; условия контракта; подписывать.

2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Whаt is the definition of force majeure?

  1. What contingencies are listed in a force majeure clause?

  2. What must the Seller do in case of a contingency?

  3. What does it happen of force majeure is proved?

  4. What duration is usually stated in a contract for contingency?

3. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными или вопросительными.

1. We can speak French a little.

2. She has to take a taxi.

3. The manager may come soon.

4. My nephew was to stay in Geneva for a week.

5. Mr. Hudson should leave her a message.

4. Выберите глагол to be to или to have to .

1. The film … to be translated into Russian.

2. There were many people at the box-office so we … to queue for about half an hour.

3. Why … she … to clean the whole apartment alone?

4. We agreed that I … to phone him at 6.00.

5. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшее и будущее время, употребив соответствующую форму модального глагола или его эквивалента.

1. Every scientist must check the results of his research.

2. A machine can do work which man is unable to do.

3. The children may go to the cinema alone.

6. Переведите выделенные в тексте предложения с модальными глаголами на русский язык.

7. Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to, should):

  1. You …. not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.

  2. You …. not change the whole text as the beginning is all right. You … only rewrite the second part of it.

  3. . … you help me now? – I am afraid not: I’m in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I …. help you.

  4. It is already six o’clock. We … hurry if we don’t want to be late.

  5. He … to stay at home because he didn’t feel well.

  6. They … go there by bus as it is too late.