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УМК по английскому языку.doc
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5. Выберите герундий или инфинитив.

1. Did you remember (book) seats for the theatre tomorrow? Yes, I have the tickets here. 2. Did you remember (lock) the door? – No, I didn’t. I’ll go back and do it now.

3. Where is my dictionary? Have you forgotten (borrow) it a fortnight ago. 4. We stop (buy ) a petrol and then we stopped again ( ask) somebody the way.

6. Переведите на русский язык.

1.The speaker faced the audience, his hand raised for silence. 2. The girl wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks. 3. He gave up the idea of ever hearing from her. 4. The child was happy to have been brought home. 5. Isn’t it natural that we like to be praised and don’t like to be scolded?

7. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Она не ожидала, что ее остановят. 2. Эта тема слишком скучна, чтобы ее так долго обсуждать. 3. Я против того, чтобы вы говорили ей об этом. 4. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 5. Выпив чашку чая, она почувствовала себя лучше.

Контрольная работа № 10 Для выполнения контрольной работы № 10 необходимо изучить следующий грамматический материал:

Сложное дополнение (Complex Object). Употребление сложного дополнения после глаголов физического восприятия, после глаголов умственного восприятия, после глаголов принуждения, приказа, просьбы и разрешения. Объектная конструкция с инфинитивом (The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction). Объектная Причастная конструкция (The Objective Participial Constructiоn).

Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject). Субъектная конструкция с инфинитивом (The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction).

Способы перевода конструкций со сложным дополнением и сложным подлежащим на русский язык.

Повторение неличных форм глагола в английском языке.

Control Work 10

Version 1

How to shop

In America, just as in England, you see the same shops with the same boards and windows in every town and village.

Shopping, however, happens to be an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. If you are hungry, you go to the chemist’s. A chemist’s shop is called a drug-store in the United States. It is a national institution and a very good institution at that. In the larger drug-stores you are likely to get drugs, too, but their main business consists of selling stationery, candy, toys, braces, belts, fountain pens, furniture and imitation jewellery. Every drug-store has a good counter with high stools in front of it and there they serve various juices, coffee, sundaes, ice-cream, sandwiches, omelettes and other egg dishes.

If you want cigarettes, you are expected to go to the grocer’s. If you want to have your shoes cleaned, go to the barber; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suitcase, go to the chemist’s. On the other hand if you want to send a telegram, avoid the post office, because telegrams are sure to be handled by private companies. Nor has the post-office anything to do with the telephone either, as the telephone service is supplied b the American Telephone and Telegram Co. Nor will you find public conveniences in America in the British sense of the word because a lavatory turned out to be a strictly private enterprise in the United States, well hidden from the public eyes.

Whatever you buy, it may be exchanged later for something in the same shop. This seems to be a great pastime with the Americans. A great many people do not really buy things – they only want them to be exchanged later for something else. It is not unusual at all to see a lady bringing back a hat with a lot of fruit on it and exchanging it either for real fruit or a real hat; or to see somebody bringing back a refrigerator with the remark that he made a mistake and now he wants to subscribe to the Reader’s Digest instead.

No matter you are going to buy you should take in mind: if you are a foreigner and you are not sure the place you may buy something you’d better find it out before you leave your home.