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УМК по английскому языку.doc
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1. Переведите выделенные предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Complex Object или Complex Subject.

2. Составьте пять вопросов к тексту и напишите ваше мнение о прочитанном в пяти предложениях.

3. Раскройте скобки, используя Infinitive или Participle I .

1. He made me ( do) it all over again.

2. She watched him ( pass) the gate and ( walk) down the street.

3. He felt the water ( reach) his knees.

4. You can see him ( work) in his little garden every day.

5. I let him ( go ) early as he had done his task.

6. I want her ( learn) English.

7. They know him ( be) an outstanding journalist.

8. We noticed a man ( clean ) his shoes.

4. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в Complex Subject.

1. Science influences environment ( to be certain). 2. The standard of living in this small country has risen ( to seem). 3. I was present at the Oscar Awards ceremony (to happen). 4. A hare runs very fast ( to know). 5. This invention is of great importance ( to consider).

5. Переведите на русский язык, подчеркните Complex Object.

1. He had his luggage sent to the station. 2. He heard his name called from behind. 3. I don’t want my papers looked through. 4. When did you have your photo taken? 5. I shall have your taxi kept at the door.

6. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We hate him ……. the piano too late.

a) to play; b) playing; c) play.

2. Her mother didn’t want …… to eat ice-cream before dinner.

a) her; b) she; c) he.

3. This medicine is sure ………your grandmother.

a) help; b) helped; c) to help.

4 They stood on deck and watched the sun ………down.

a) to go; b) go; c) going.

5. He had his photo ……… last week

a) take; b) taken; c) to take.

7. Найдите и подчеркните Complex Object Complex Subject и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I had seen my father leave the house that very morning. 2. We didn’t expect him to come back so soon and were wondering what had happened. 3. He is said to have been a sailor in his youth. 4. I’d like you to go away as quietly as possible without attracting anybody’s attention. 5. I watched the woman with suspicious curiosity and she seemed to be looking back at me.

8. Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на Complex Object или Complex Subject:

1. Я видел, как она выходила из дома. 2. Я видел, как она вышла из дома. 3. Его заставили выйти из дома. 4. Оказывается, он ничего об этом не слышал. 5. Кто позволил вам распоряжаться моими вещами? 6. Он почувствовал, как силы возвращаются к нему. 7. Они наверняка поженятся. 8. Родители всегда хотят, чтобы их дети выросли честными людьми.

Control Work 10

Version 2

How to telephone

If you want to ring somebody up, you pick up the receiver, wait for the dialing tone and then dial your number; if you are not sure of the number, you look it up in the telephone directory (book).

After you have finished dialing, you are sure to hear a series of high toned blips which means that the line is engaged ( then you hang up or replace the receiver) or to hear the calling-signal (i.e. a series of separate slower blips), which means that the line is free, and you just have to wait until your party answers your call.

If you happen to have no private (home) phone you walk up to the nearest telephone booth (public phone) . You are expected to start by dropping a coin into the slot. But for a trunk call (long-distance call) you have to make use of the operator. If you are calling from the extension phone, things work a little differently. Indeed, instead of waiting for the signal and then dialing your number, you’ll hear the switchboard operator say: “ Number, please,” or “Switchboard operator,” or “Hotel operator” and you simply give the number of your psrty. The operator will either repeat your number ( to make sure she got it right), or just say “Thank you”, and try to put you through.

By the way, in giving your number don’t forget to give it figure by figure (e.g. seven-oh-five-oh - 70-50)

When you have been put through, you may hear a voice, saying “Hello” at the other end, but it’s much more likely that the person answering will either repeat his own phone number, e.g. “Kensington 2209 here( speaking)”, or give his name or name of the office.

The techniques of telephoning are very much the same in all countries. Only remember your good telephone manners:

Make sure that your conversation with a busy person is as brief as possible.

When calling a friend who does not recognize your voice – don’t play: “ Guess who?” . You are expected to announce yourself promptly.

When you get a wrong number, don’t ask : “What number is this?” good manners are considered to ask: “ Is this two-three- four- five-six?”. If not – apologize.

If you hear somebody get a wrong number don’t lose your temper. Simply say: “Sorry, wrong number” – and hang up.