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X. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the expressions below. Use one of the endings twice.

  1. She fancies

  2. She’s not really interested

  3. She’s absolutely crazy

  4. I don’t know what she sees

  5. She’s always flirting

  1. with him

  2. about him

  3. in him

  4. you

b) Now use the expressions to complete the following sentences.

  1. Julie seems to really like Ian, but personally, ………………………… . He must be at least ten years older than her.

  2. John isn’t very happy at the moment. He really likes this girl at college but …………… …………… at all.

  3. Debbie goes bright red every time she talks to you. I’m sure ………………………… .

  4. Tina spends almost every evening with this guy she is seeing. ……………………… .

  5. I’m sure Liz fancies that guy in the accounts department. ………………………… .

XI. Read the following sentences and put the words and phrases in bold into the correct column below.

  1. It started out as just a casual relationship but one day I realized we had fallen in love.

  2. Tina and Mike spend every minute together. They’re obviously madly in love.

  3. I met a guy when I was in Greece, but I knew it was just a holiday romance. I never saw him again after we got back.

  4. John’s been with Linda for ages. He absolutely adores her.

  5. I haven’t had a girlfriend for a while now. I had a brief relationship with someone a few months ago, but it didn’t really work out.





Not serious




XII. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences below.

  1. Sarah’s very happy at the moment. She is seeing

  2. Have you heard about Mark? He’s going out

  3. Have you heard about Laura and Joe? They’ve started

  4. Apparently, Phil and Liz have been seeing

  5. Did Sally tell you about Mike? He asked

  1. going out together.

  2. her for date.

  3. with Susie Jones, the singer.

  4. some guy she met on holiday.

  5. a lot of each other recently.

Note that in American English you say that you are dating somebody instead of seeing or going out with them.

XIII. Use the correct form of these words and expressions:

get engaged


propose to


set a date

  1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark …………… me to marry him last night. I said yes!

  2. I remember the day my husband …………… me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

  3. - Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just ……………………… . They are planning to get married next year.

- Really? That’s fantastic. Have they …………………………?

  1. In some countries parents ……………………… their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.

Note that the man you are engaged to is your fiancé. The woman you are engaged to is your fiancée. Nowadays these words are less common.

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