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XIV. Julie and Dave are getting married next month. Match the beginnings of the phrases with their endings. Pay attention to the active vocabulary.

  1. Julie has sent out

  2. Dave has asked

  3. They’ve booked

  4. Julie has bought

  5. They’ve bought each other

  6. They’ve made

  7. Julie’s going to have

  8. Dave’s going to have

  1. her wedding dress.

  2. a stag night on the Friday before the wedding.

  3. a wedding list.

  4. a hen night on the Friday before the wedding.

  5. invitations to all the wedding guests.

  6. wedding rings.

  7. the hotel for the reception.

  8. his brother to be the best man.

XV. Use these words to fill the gaps.





best man


The two people getting married are a ……………… and a ……………… . They are being married by a ……………… . The two little girls are ……………… . The man standing on the groom’s right is his ……………… . The wedding ……………… are watching the ceremony.

XVI. Here are the marriage vows that a man says in Britain. Complete them using these words.





I (John Smith) take thee (Jane Brown) to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for …………… , for richer, for …………… , in sickness and in …………… , to love and cherish, till …………… do us part.

XVII. Use these expressions in the situations below:

broke up

had a huge row

get a divorce


split up

  1. - Do you think I should invite Jeff and Sue to the party?

- Haven’t you heard they’ve finally decided to ……………… .

  1. We invited Dave and Kate over for dinner last Saturday. It was really embarrassing. They ……………… and Kate went home in the middle of the main course.

  2. Our marriage ……………… after my wife discovered I’d been seeing somebody else.

  3. My wife and I ……………… last year. We hadn’t been very happy for a while. We’ve now decided that the best thing is to ……………… .

XVIII. Complete the response in four different ways.

- I hear Mark and Lucy have split up. What happened?

- She found he was …

  1. being

  2. seeing

  3. having

  4. cheating

  1. somebody else

  2. unfaithful

  3. on her

  4. an affair


I. Read the text and answer the questions below. Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. Her sales outnumber those of William Shakespeare. However, she was a shy woman whose life was often unhappy and lonely.

She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with long golden hair. She didn’t go to school but was educated at home by her mother. Her father died when she was 11.

During World War I, while she was working in a hospital, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved very useful to her in her later career. She wrote her first detective novel in 1920.

In 1914, at the beginning of the war, she married Archibald Christie but the marriage was unhappy. It didn’t last and they divorced in 1926. That year there was a double tragedy in her life because her much loved mother died. Agatha suffered a nervous breakdown, and one night she abandoned her car and mysteriously disappeared. She went missing for 11 days and was eventually found in a hotel in the North of England. It is interesting to note that it was while she was suffering so much that she wrote one of her masterpieces, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.

Agatha wanted solitude and developed very bitter feelings towards the media because the newspapers had given her a hard time over her breakdown and disappearance. She was determined never to let them enter her private life again and she buried herself in her work. On 25 November 1952 her play The Mousetrap opened in London. Today, over 50 years later, it is still running. It is the longest running show in the whole world.

She enjoyed a very happy second marriage to Max Mallowan, an archaeologist. Her detective skills were a help to him in his excavations in Syria and Iraq. She found happiness with her beloved husband. She died peacefully in 1976.

  1. Where was she born?

  2. When was she born?

  3. What do you learn about her childhood?

  4. Which people played a part in her career?

  5. What do you think were the most important events in her life?

  6. When did she die?

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