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3.4. Complete the sentences, using multi-word verbs from this unit.

a. My sister is a very good judge of character. She can ___ people immediately if they try to deceive or trick her.

b. He escaped from the country by ___ as a tourist.

c. I lent him some money because he seemed an honest person, but after that I never saw him again. I soon realized I___.

d. Don't ___ his appearance. He may look nice but he's completely untrustworthy.

e. When I first met him he ___ as a very indecisive person who didn't know his own mind.

f. The salesman ___ buying a new washing-machine, although my old one was fine.

g. The robber told him to ___ the keys to the safe.

h. The robbers laughed when the bank manager said: “You won't ___ this. The police will catch you one day”.

3.5. One of the sentences below is correct. All the others have one mistake in them. Change the sentences so that they are all correct.

a. No, you can't have the money. I refuse to hand over.

b. She came across to be a very decisive person.

c. They got away several serious crimes.

d. He passed off himself as a policeman.

e. You should have seen him through immediately.

f. I was never taken in by his lies.

g. He talked me into sign the cheque.

h. I never go with first impressions.

3.6. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Use the multi-word verbs in brackets.

  • Do you ever base your judgement of people on first impressions? Why?/Why not? (go by)

  • What impression do you think you give of yourself when you meet someone for the first time? (come across as)

  • What do you think is the best way to avoid being tricked or deceived by people? (take someone in)

  • Has someone ever persuaded you to do something that you regretted later? If so, what was it? (talk someone into)

  • Imagine you could pretend to be someone else for a whole day. Who would you choose to be? Why? (pass yourself off as)

3.7. Work with a partner. Discuss the meaning of the following expressions.

a. Once bitten, twice shy.

b. Appearances can be deceptive.

c. Honesty is the best policy.

  • How would you express the same ideas in your own language? Do you agree that Honesty is the best policy? Why?

3.8. Work in pairs. Plan and write a leaflet giving people advice on how to deal with doorstep salesmen. Warn them of the dangers and give at least five «Golden Rules» to follow. Remember to use the multi-word verbs and expressions you have learnt in this unit.

3.9. Use the multi-word verbs and expressions you have learnt in this unit to write a story which ends with the following words: “It was only then he realized that he had been completely taken in”.

3.10. Speech practice.

  • Appearances are often deceptive. Do you agree?

IV. “it takes all sorts” (Phrasal verbs and idioms)

4.1. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.

– What do you understand by the expression It takes all sorts to make a world?

– Describe someone you consider to be strange or eccentric.

4.2. Listen to descriptions of three people. Make notes on what is strange about them. Then compare your notes with your partner.

a) _____________________

b) _____________________

c) _____________________

4.3. Match the multi-word verbs with their definitions.

1. to be getting on for sth

a. to begin to do sth as a regular habit

2. to take to doing sth

b. to be noticeable, conspicuous

3. to liven (sth) up

c. to defend oneself against the attacks or demands of someone more powerful

4. to go on about sb / sth

d. to try to impress people by making one’s abilities very obvious, usually from pride or vanity

5. to pick on sb

e. to select someone repeatedly for criticism, punishment or blame

6. to stand up to sb

f. to be nearly a certain age or time, to be growing old

7. to show off

g. to make sth more interesting, exciting and lively

8. to stand out

h. to stop participating in a course of study, a competition or society

9. to drop out (of sth)

i. to keep talking about the same thing, usually to an annoying extent