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Английский методичка (Воскресенская).doc
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Learn the meaning and pronunciation of the words:










обработка давлением














сжатие, прессование




понижение (напряжения),

сброс (давления)

grain refinement


сокращение зернистости



упругость, прочность


отжиг, отпуск



закалка (металла)


литейная форма, матрица






подходящий, соответствующий, свойственный, присущий



приспособление, устройство, инструмент



соединение, слипание


луч, пучок лучей






топливно-кислородная сварка



ацетилено-кислородная сварка

shielded metal arc welding

дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в защитной среде


[′frI:kwənsI ]





solid state

твердое состояние

Vocabulary development: word building

Суффикс ity, -ty образует существительные от прилагательных со значением свойства, качества или состояния: viscosity – вязкость; plasticity – пластичность.

Grammar study:

Participle II in the function of an attribute.

Причастие прошедшего времени в функции определения отвечает на вопрос «какой?» и переводится на русский язык причастием страдательного залога совершенного вида с суффиксами – окончаниями -(н)ный, -тый, -емый: the sent signal – посланный сигнал; the received data – полученные данные.


Read the text describing technological processes and tell how this information is connected with your speciality

Technological Processes of Metal Hot Treatment

Engineering is the sphere of activity dealing with various manufacturing processes. It presupposes not only machining the parts and units, but also their industrial production. The manufacturing processes are: casting, welding, forging, pressing, upsetting, rolling, extrusion, stamping, drawing, squeezing. There are basically two types of metal treatment – one that is performed at relatively low temperatures, cold working; and the other performed at high temperatures, hot working

Hot or heat treatment is also called thermal processing of metals and alloys. Properly designed and implemented thermal processing can result in the positive changes in physical, chemical and mechanical properties of materials. All metals can be subjected to thermal processing with the following purposes: improvement in ductility, relieving internal stresses, grain size refinement, increase of strength, improvement in machinability, toughness, etc.

Thermal processes may be broadly classified into two categories based on cooling rates from elevated temperatures – annealing and quenching / tempering. Annealing involves cooling slowly, while quenching means very fast cooling the material using cooling medium like water / oil bath.

Let’s consider hot metal treatment – casting. Metal casting is an ancient technique that has a variety of applications and purposes. The process of metal casting involves melting metals at high temperatures and using molds to further shaping the metal into new items. The furnace used in metal casting is the inalienable part of the process. Metal casting requires specialized equipment, knowledge and creativity. Since metal casting involves working with metal in its molten form, the process can be dangerous. The melting point of several metals is above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 530 degrees Celsius. It is vital that anyone dealing with metal casting should take all the proper precautions and use appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and goggles.

The history of joining metals goes back to several millennia.

Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to become a strong joint. Many different energy sources can be used for welding, including a gas flame, an electric arc, a laser, an electron beam, friction, and ultrasound.

The most common gas welding process is oxyfuel welding, also known as oxyacetylene welding. It is one of the oldest and most versatile welding processing, but less popular in industrial applications. It is still widely used for welding pipes and tubes, as well as repair work.

Arc welding is the process which uses a welding power supply to create and maintain an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt metals at the welding point. One of the most common types of arc welding is shielded metal arc welding (SMAW).

Energy beam welding methods, laser beam welding and electron beam welding, are relatively new processes. The two processes are quite similar, differing mostly in the source of power. Laser beam welding employs a highly focused laser beam, while election beam welding is done in a vacuum and uses an electron beam.

Some modern welding methods do not involve the melting of the materials being joined. One of the most popular, ultrasonic welding, is used to connect thin sheets or wires made of metal or thermoplastic by vibrating them at high frequency and under high pressure. The processes commonly used for welding dissimilar materials (aluminum with steel) belong to solid-state welding processes. To such technologies friction welding refers.

Exercise 1. Translate the derivative words with the suffix –ity, -ty into Russian and name the original word:

activity, creativity, property, ductility, machinability, safety, variety.

Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations with Participle II into Russian:

information connected with speciality; treatment performed at high temperatures; properly designed processing; properly implemented treatment; thermal process based on cooling rate; treatment based on elevated temperatures; molten form of metal; a pool of molten material; welding known as oxyacetylene welding; shielded welding; a highly focused laser beam; the materials being joined; sheets and wires made of metal; the processes commonly used belong to … .

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

  1. Engineering is the sphere of activity dealing with …

  2. Heat treatment is also called …

  3. Properly implemented thermal processing can result in …

  4. Thermal processes may be broadly classified into …

  5. Annealing involves …

  6. The process of quenching means …

  7. Working with molten metal can be …

  8. The history of joining metals goes back to …

  9. Welding is a fabrication process that joins …

  10. The most common gas welding process is …

Exercise 4. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

  1. Engineering (предполагает) not only (обработку деталей) but also their production.

  2. There are two temperature types of (металлообработки).

  3. (Тепловая обработка) can improve (свойства материалов).

  4. (Литье) involves (плавление металла) at high temperatures.

  5. (Использование литейных форм) shapes the metal into new items.

  6. (Литье металлов) requires specialized (оборудования).

  7. (Точка плавления) of several metals is very high.

  8. While working with (расплавленным металлом) proper (предосторожности) should be observed.

  9. One of the types of (дуговой сварки) is (дуговая сварка в защитной среде).

  10. The solid state welding is used for welding (разнородных материалов).

Exercise 5. Find English equivalent to the Russian word:

1. сжатие а) pressing c) stamping

b) squeezing d) stressing;

2. техника a) machinery c) technics

b) engineering d) technique;

3. деятельность a) concern c) activity

b) business d) occupation;

4. литье а) melting c) pouring

b) casting d) shaping;

5. обработка а) machining c) processing

b) treatment d) turning;

6. горячая a) thermal processing c) hot treatment

обработка b) warm processing d) heat treatment;

7. расплавленный a) flow metal c) molten metal

металл b) hot metal d) liquid metal;

8. универсальный, а) comprehensive c) versatile

всесторонний b) universal d) unique;

9. луч, пучок а) ray c) light

b) beam d) laser.

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian:

  1. В машиностроении существуют различные способы обработки материалов.

  2. Производственными процессами являются: литье, сварка, ковка, штамповка и другие.

  3. Различные материалы обрабатываются при разных температурах.

  4. Доменная печь является неотъемлемой частью литья материалов.

  5. При горячей обработке металлы улучшают такие качества, как ковкость, прочность, обрабатываемость.

  6. Горячая обработка металлов включает такие процессы, как отжиг и закалка.

  7. В процессе сварки расплавленный металл при охлаждении соединяет детали.

  8. Самым старым и универсальным способом сварки является ацетиленокислородная сварка.

  9. Энергетическими способами сварки являются лазерная и электронная сварка.

  10. Ультразвуковая сварка не требует плавления материала.


Exercise 7. Give the summary of the text, using key vocabulary and tell about:

a) the manufacturing processes;

b) the essence of hot treatment of metals;

c) the varieties of thermal processes;

d) the precautions when working with molten metals;

e) the types of welding.

Checklist for Section VII:

  1. How is Participle II translated into Russian in the function of an attribute?

  2. What words are formed with the suffixes -ity, -ty?

  3. What are metal manufacturing processes?

  4. What are the main features of thermal processing?

Section VIII

Technological Processes of Metal Cold Treatment

Grammar: Gerund, Participle II as an attribute (repetition).

Word-formation: suffix –ing (repetition).

Speaking: The Methods of Metal Cold Treatment.

Practise the reading of the words:
















[eks′tru:ჳən ]



Learn the meaning and pronunciation of the words:

to induce

вызывать, заставлять, побуждать

to enhance


увеличивать, усиливать




клеть прокатного станка







крупная заготовка,

стальная болванка


пластина, толстый лист


полоса, лента, планка


слиток, болванка



drawing mill

вытяжной, волочильный станок

to undergo



болванка, заготовка


брусок, заготовка, вырубка (из-под штампа)


двутавровая балка



to protrude


выпирать, выступать

to upset




cross section

поперечное сечение


прокатный стан

Vocabulary development: word building

Значение и функцию суффикса -ing см. в разделе II. Следует помнить, что с помощью суффикса -ing в английском языке образуются три категории слов:

1) причастие I (причастие настоящего времени): working mill – работающий прокатный стан;

2) герундий – forging process – процесс ковки;

3) отглагольное существительное – the working of metal – обработка металла.

Grammar study:

repetition of Gerund and Participle II in the function of an attribute.

Грамматические пояснения по указанным глагольным формам см. в разделах III (Gerund) и VII (Participle II).


Read the text describing technological processes and tell how this information is connected with your speciality

Technological Processes of Metal Cold Treatment

Apart from thermal treatment, metals and alloys are very often subject to mechanical processing. In these techniques a metallic piece is subject to external pressures to induce deformation under which the material acquires a desired shape. During cold working the most common forming techniques are realized: forging, rolling, extrusion, stamping, drawing and squeezing. All these techniques are referred to as treatment of metals by pressure.

Forging is the working of metals performed by means of hammer blows or under pressure of a press. Forging enhances the mechanical properties of metal and improves its structure. Forging operations can be hand and machine operations. Hand forging is carried out on anvils with the aid of hand forging tools. Machine forging is done under forge hammers or presses. Depending on the methods of the production of forged articles, forging processes are classified as hammers and die-forging (stamping). In hammer forging the metal shape is changed by pressing the metal between the dies of a hammer or a press. It should be mentioned that forging operations may also be hot.

Rolling is accomplished by rolling-mill. A mill consists of a number of stands that may be reverse or non-reverse. Roll forming is a continuous bending operation in which sheet or strip metal is gradually formed in tandem sets of rollers until the desired cross-sectional configuration is obtained. Roll forming is ideal for producing parts with long lengths or in large quantities. Rolling comprises rolling of slabs, blooms, sheets or plates, strips or rods, tubes, rails, angles and many other kinds of finished product of different thickness and different shapes from an ingot or a billet.

There are three kinds of rolling: cold, hot and special tube rolling. A particular group represents various types of mills, including hot and cold drawing mills.

The drawing operation is very similar to the forming operation except that the drawing undergoes severe plastic deformation and the material of the part extends around the sides. A metal cup is an example of the difference between formed and drawn. The bottom of the cup was formed while the sides were drawn.

E xtrusion and squeezing are the acts of severely deforming blanks of metal called slugs into finished parts such as an aluminum I-beam. Extrusion dies use extremely high pressure from the punch to squeeze the metal out into the desired form. The difference between cold forming and extrusion is that the extruded parts do not take shape of the punch.

Upsetting is a cold forming operation for reshaping metal by plastic flow. Upsetting is accomplished by inserting a blank of specific length into a stationary die. A punch moves towards the die, contacts the protruded portion of the blank and upsets it.

W ire pulling is realized by wire making dies having a hole through the middle of them. A wire or rod of steel, copper, or other metals or alloy, enters into one side, is lubricated and reduced in size. The wire should never actually come in contact with the die. For pulling a substantial rod down to a fine wire a series of several dies is used to obtain progressive reduction of diameter in stages.

Exercise 1. Translate the word combinations with Gerund, Participle I and verbal noun:

mechanical processing, cold working, forming technique, forging operation, working of metal, hand forging, forging tools, machine forging, forging processes, hammer forging, pressing the metal, rolling mill, cold rolling, tube rolling, drawing mill, drawing operation, forming operation, deforming blank, roll forming, bending operation, producing parts, wire pulling, wire making die, pulling a rod.

Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations with Participle II into Russian:

desired shape, performed working, forged articles, desired configuration, finished product, formed part, drawn part, extruded parts, protruded blank, lubricated material, reduced size.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

  1. Metals and alloys are very often subject to …

  2. All forming techniques are treatment of metals by …

  3. Forging working of metals is fulfilled under pressure of …

  1. Forging enhances …

  2. In hammer forging the metal shape is changed by…

  3. Extrusion is the act of deforming blanks of metal called …

  4. Upsetting is a cold forming operation for …

  5. Upsetting is being done by inserting a blank into …

  6. Wire pulling is realized by …

  7. For pulling a wire several dies are used to …

Exercise 4. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

  1. Metals and (сплавы) are often (подвергаются) to mechanical processing.

  2. (Ковка) is performed by means of (ударов молота).

  3. Forging (усиливает) the mechanical (свойства) of metals.

  4. (Прокатный стан) consists of a number of (клетей).

  5. Rolling (включает в себя) rolling of (плит), (стальных болванок) etc.

  6. Rolling is making products of different (толщины) and (формы).

  7. Roll forming is a continuous (гибочная операция).

  8. (Выдавливание) and (сжатие) are severe deforming (заготовок).

  9. By (при высадке) (штамп) contacts (заготовки) and upsets it.

  10. (Вытягивание проволоки) is realized by (пресс-формами).

Exercise 5. Choose synonyms to the Russian word:

1. обработка а) processing c) treatment

b) machining d) dealing;

2. производство a) performance c) production

b) manufacture d) business;

3. тепловой a) warn c) heat

b) hot d) thermal;

4. обработка а) pressure c) relieving

давлением b) squeezing d) pressing;

5. заготовка а) bloom c) billet

b) ingot; d) blank;

6. подвергать a) to induce c) to subject to

чему-либо b) to undergo d) to enhance.


Exercise 6. Give the summary of the text, using key vocabulary and tell about:

  1. what is mechanical processing;

  2. the influence of forging the mechanical properties of metals;

  3. the technique of forging;

  4. what products can be made by rolling;

  5. wire pulling.

Checklist for Section VIII:

  1. How is Participle II translated into Russian as an attribute in word combinations?

  2. What verbal forms are derived with the suffix -ing?

  3. What are the processes of metal cold treatment?

  4. What properties are acquired by metals under pressure processing?

Section IX

Development of New Materials

Grammar: Continuous Tense Passive.

Word-formation: suffix-ness.

Speaking: The Names and Properties of New Materials.

Practise the reading of the words:


























[′medsIn ]





