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Checklist for Section IX:

  1. How is Continuous Tense Passive formed?

  2. What are the meanings of the suffixes -ness, -ive, -ic, -ture, -al.

  3. What are the properties of new constructional nonmetallic materials?

  4. What are such materials and where are they applied?

Section X Modern Machining Methods

Grammar: Functions of Infinitive (repetition).

Word-formation: Word composition.

Speaking: Laser Cutting Technology.

Practise the reading of the words:














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Learn the meaning and pronunciation of the words:



граница, предел

to emerge


появляться, возникать


увеличение, рост, прибыль, выгода

to vary


отличаться, различаться




коробление, искривление

to customize


to modify


модифицировать, изменять

to yield


приносить, давать (прибыль, урожай)


плоский, гладкий


дополнительный, добавочный

to profile


профилировать, обрабатывать по шаблону

Vocabulary development: word building

word composition

Часто в английском языке слова и термины образуются способом, называемым словосложение. При этом словообразование осуществляется путем соединения двух слов в одно. Сочетаться между собой могут слова, относящиеся к разным частям речи. Сложные слова пишутся либо слитно, либо через дефис: workpiece – деталь, заготовка, machine-tool – станок.

Grammar study: functions of Infinitive

Объяснение функций инфинитива см. в разделе V.


Read the text and make acquaintance with new machining methods

Modern Machinery Methods

To meet the demand for production and precision, researchers and equipment builders are looking outside the bounds of conventional milling, drilling, turning and grinding. New cutting and machining processes continue to emerge along with methods for modifying the conventional techniques. One of new cutting processes is laser cutting.

Laser cutting is a technology which uses a laser to cut materials, and is usually used in industrial manufacturing. Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high power laser at the material to be cut. The material then either melts, burns or vaporizes away leaving a cutting edge and a high quality surface finish.

For more than two decades, lasers have been a substantial part of the sheetmetal fabrication business. Increasing laser power has driven a tremendous productivity gain. Advantages of laser cutting over mechanical cutting vary according to the situation, but important factors are: lack of physical contact and, as the result, the absence of material contamination, and precision, since there is no wear on the laser. There is also a reduced chance of warping the material that is being cut as laser systems have a small heat affected zone. Disadvantages of laser cutting may include the high energy required.

Laser technique is considered by many manufactures to be flexible and versatile. It may be applied to various production processes, because it can be easily customized to handle either type of job. For example, in a volume automotive operation it is currently used to modify body segments. Laser cutting is flexible manufacturing without tools and reduces the number of stamping dies and handling and yields a large productivity gain. The newest development is the addition of a laser-based welding station for the sheetmetal shop.

The most popular lasers for cutting materials are CO2 and ND (dioxide nitrogen). Industrial laser cutters are used to cut flat-sheet material as well as structural and piping materials. Some 6-axis lasers can perform cutting operations on parts that have been pre-formed by casting or machining. There are several different types of industrial laser cutting machines: Flying Optics, Hybrid, Pivot and Pulsed lasers. Laser cutting machines can accurately produce complex exterior contours. The laser beam is typically 0,2 mm (0,008 in) diameter at the cutting surface with a power of 1000 to 2000 watts.

Laser cutting can be complementary to the CNC/Turret process. With 3-axis control, the laser cutting process can profile parts after they have been formed on the CNC/Turret process. Lasers work best on materials such as carbon steel or stainless steels. Metals such as aluminum and copper alloys are more difficult to cut due to their ability to reflect the light as well as absorb and conduct heat. This requires lasers that are more powerful.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian the compound words and define the parts of speech of each component:

sheetmetal (fabrication), laser-based (welding), flat-sheet (material), workpiece, machine-tool, counterbore (см. раздел IV), dovetail (раздел V), tailstock (раздел VI), faceplate (раздел VI), leadscrew (раздел VI), toolpost (раздел VI).

Exercise 2. Define the function of infinitive:

  1. To meet the demand for production, researchers are looking for new machining methods.

  2. New cutting processes continue to emerge along with conventional techniques.

  3. In new technology a laser is used to cut materials.

  4. In laser cutting a high power laser is directed at the material to be cut.

  5. Laser technique is considered to be flexible and versatile.

  6. Laser can be easily customized to handle various types of jobs.

  7. In automotive operations laser is currently used to modify body segments.

  8. Industrial laser cutters are used to cut flat-sheet material.

  9. Metals such as aluminum and copper alloys are more difficult to cut.

  10. Aluminum and copper alloys have ability to reflect the light and absorb and conduct heat.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences:

  1. One of new cutting processes is …

  2. Laser cutting is used to …

  3. Laser power has driven a tremendous productivity …

  4. Disadvantages of laser cutting may include …

  5. Laser technique is considered to be …

  6. Laser technique may be applied to …

  7. Laser cutting is flexible manufacturing without …

  8. The newest development is a laser-based welding station for …

  9. Some lasers can perform operations on parts that have been pre-formed by …

  10. Laser cutting can be complementary to …

Exercise 4. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

  1. (Чтобы удовлетворять требованиям) for production, new methods of machining are being looked for.

  2. (Обычными способами) of machining are: (фрезерование), drilling, (токарная обработка) and grinding.

  3. The material being subjected to laser, (либо плавится), burns, (либо испаряется).

  4. (В течение нескольких десятилетий), lasers have been (значительной частью) of the sheetmetal fabrication.

  5. Increasing laser power has driven a tremendous (повышение производительности).

  6. (Преимущества) of laser cutting over mechanical one (различаются) according to the situation.

  7. (Недостатки) of laser cutting may include (большое потребление энергии).

  8. Laser technique is (гибкая) and (универсальная).

  9. Laser cutters allow to cut not only (гладкие листы) but (структурные) and (трубопроводные системы).

  10. Laser cutting machines can (точно изготавливать) complex contours.

Exercise 5. Choose synonyms to the Russian word:

1. способ a) means c) manner

b) way d) method;

2. обычный (способ) a) usual c) traditional

b) conventional d) ordinary;

3. граница (поле a) border c) frontier

деятельности) b) bound d) limit;

4. требование a) requirement c) demand

b) need d) necessity;

5. возникать, a) to appear c) to emerge

появляться b) to arise d) to originate;

6. энергия a) force c) power

b) energy d) strength;

7. увеличение, рост a) growth c) increase

b) gain d) up-grade;

8. приносить (прибыль) a) to yield c) to contribute

способствовать b) to bring d) to provide;

9. форма, контур a) form c) contour

b) shape d) profile.


Exercise 6. Give the summary of the text using key vocabulary and tell about:

  1. the demands of the production in precise machining;

  2. the technology of laser cutting;

  3. the field of laser cutting application;

  4. the advantages of laser cutting;

  5. disadvantages of laser cutting.

Checklist for Section X:

  1. What are the functions of infinitive?

  2. What is word composition?

  3. What is the laser cutting technology?

  4. Where is this technology applied?

Section XI

Unattended Tool Grinding

Grammar: Modal Function of the Verb “to have”.

Word-formation: prefix re-

Speaking: Automatic Endmills Grinding.

Practise the reading of the words:



















Learn the meaning and pronunciation of the words:


автономный, автоматический




смена (на заводе)




торцевая фреза


паз, канавка, желобок


крюк, крючок

hook angle

угол сцепления

clearance angle

угол зазора


бороздка, прорезь



желоб, выемка, скос

to upgrade

улучшать, усовершенствовать, модернизировать

printer port

порт (для подключения принтера)




патрон, цанга




заготовка, исходное сырье, товар


нарезание пазов, канавок

spread-sheet file

крупноформатная (электронная таблица)



alternating current

1. работающий на переменном токе

2. импульсного типа

probing system

система зондирования