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Unit 2a

according to (prep) 1) в соответствии с; согласно; по

according to rule - по правилу;

If everything goes according to plan, they should finish by Thursday.

2) согласно чьему-либо заявлению; на основании (какого-либо) высказывания

according to this author - по утверждению этого автора

According to Freud our dreams represent our hidden desires.

win (won;won) (v) –1. выиграть, победить, взять верх.

To win a battle, a war, a game, a bet.

To win a prize.

To win in a lottery.

Our skiing team won a gold medal at the Olympics.

2. заслужить, снискать.

To win respect.

The city has won the right to host the Games.


inningпобеда, выигрыш

addict (n)- наркоман;

addicted (adj)– склонный (часто к дурному); пристрастившийся к чему-то дурному.

I don`t want the kids getting addicted to stupid TV programmes.

addiction (n)– склонность, пагубная привычка

His addiction to the internet is taking over his life

tempt (v) – уговаривать, склонять, искушать.

gamble (v) 1) играть в азартные игры;

to gamble with one‘s future – рисковать своим будущим.

We used to gamble at the casino in Monte Carlo

gamble (n) 1) азартная игра; рискованное предприятие.

gambler (n) 1) азартный игрок, картежник;

In business, he was a gambler.

cause (v) - 1) быть причиной;

The electrical fault caused the fire.

cause (n) (of) - 1) причина, основание;

The major cause of these accidents is drivers going too fast.

2) дело, общее дело;

good cause - правое дело;

final cause - конечная цель.

Campaigners hope that people will be sympathetic to their cause.

income (n) - доход; заработок;

Most of the villagers rely on farming for income.

to live beyond one‘s income - жить не по средствам;

source of income- источник дохода.

local (n) - 1) местный (doctor, customs, dialect)

Ask for the book in your local library.

locals (n) – местные жители.

The locals are very welcoming.

mate (n)- товарищ (по работе);

He is over there talking to his mates.

classmate; roommate; officemate; seatmate

regular (a) - 1) правильный, нормальный, регулярный;

They`ve been meeting on a regular basis.

regular featuresправильные черты лица.

He was very handsome with strong regular features.

a regular (n) – постоянный посетитель, клиент, завсегдатай;

solve (v)- 1) решать, разрешать, объяснять;

We can help you solve your financial problems.

He hopes to solve the mystery of the plane`s disappearance.

solution (n) - 1) решение, разрешение;

UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

solution to a puzzle - ключ к загадке.

quick- fix solution – быстрое решение проблемы

Word combinations:

to be popular with – быть популярным среди кого-то

to recover from – приходить в себя, оправиться от чего-либо

in the end = finally

for instance - например

to spend/waste (time, money) on – тратить(зря тратить) время, деньги на кого-либо или что-либо

end up – окончиться, прекратиться, очутиться.

EX.7Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right

a. regular

b. solution

c. gambler

d. addicted

e. win

f. cause

g. income

h. local

i. according to

j. mate

1.an event, thing, or person that makes something happen

2.unable to stop taking in illegal and harmful drug

3. a friend

4. money that someone gets from working or from investing money

5. the answer to a question in a puzzle, crossword etc

6. arranged so that there is the same amount of time between events

7. someone who lives in a particular place

8. someone who is ready to take risks in order to be very successful

9. used for saying where information or ideas have come from

10. to defeat everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in a competition


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