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Lesson 4 our institute (academy)

1. Фонетический курс:

повторение материала.

2. Устная Речь:

Our Academy

3. Грамматика


Фонетический курс

Упражнение 1. Отработайте чтение гласных и согласных звуков.

[ð] this, these, that, those, there, there is; There is a book on the desk. There is no exercise-book there. Is there a book on the desk? Yes, there is. Is there any exercise-book on the desk? No, there isn't any. There is no exer­cise-book on the desk; there, there are; There are some pupils there.

[a:] car, cars; There are two cars in the street.

|] not, lorry, lorries; There is a lorry there.

[Λ] bus, buses; There are some buses in the street. Under, under the desk, under the chair; Your pencil is under the book

[æ] map, man, a good man, fat, a fat man; There is a man there; tractor, tractors; We have some tractors on the state farm.

[i:] people, many people; There are very many people in the street.

[θ] fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, thank; Thank you; thin, a thin man, a thin book, a thin exercise-book.

[ai] five, nine, line, in the line.

[ei] name, take, pavement, on the pavement.

[:] Short, a short man, a short pencil; tall, a tall man your, yours; Not at all

[ou] go, old, an old man; road, a good road, on the road.

[iə] here, here is a street; near the pavement, near the desk.

[ŋ] English, young, a young man, a young woman; His friend is young.

[i:] green; ceiling, a white ceiling; The ceiling is white. Look at the ceiling. The ceiling is white and clean.

[w] white; The chalk is white; window; Shut the window. Let's open the window; wall; The walls are yellow. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a map on the wall.

[ai] nice, a nice girl, a nice room; She has a nice bag. She is a nice woman; light; The room is light. We have a light room; a light day; light green, light yellow.

[ə:] word, words, English words; We learn English words at every lesson.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите следующие слова:

snow, depth, width, stir, mere, bird, doctor, burn, sport, born, care, car, square, long, pure, rare, wire, maker, fume, she, singing, Dutch, Rome, space, brick, teach, bold, run, myth, eve, add, go, fix, wage, cake, fancy, few, ink, day, dirty, here, nurse, serf, English, turn, worker, dark, car, hair, more, fir, ring, yes, kind, rifle, huge, town, round, child, pass, talk, six, know, witty, voice, satire, 'tester, 'darling, father, front, mother, among, aloud, along, 'gardener, 'ignorant, some, 'human, 'parents, 'parrot, love.

Упражнение 3. Пользуясь таблицей чтения гласных, выпишите по два примера на каждый случай чтения гласных:made, short, burn, aware, far, first, cure, sake, lute, wire, black, dare, mere, rope, pole, pot, sport, mud, bee, sore, hire, here, her, bridge, but, pure, eve, pen, time, thick, bird, more, bad, turn, car, lot, tune, pine, verb, send

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте выразительно стихотворение и выучите его наизусть

We go by car, and we go by train

We go by boat, and we go by plane

We go by land, and sea and air

We go, go, go, from here to there.

Упражнение 5. Найдите русские эквиваленты для следующих английских пословиц.

  1. You must spoil before you spin.

  2. A word spoken is past recalling.

  3. The unexpected always happens.

  4. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  5. There is small choice in rotten apples.

Хрен редьки не слаще.

Коли хочешь себе добра, никому не делай зла.

c) Кабы знать, где упасть, так соломку б подостлал,

d) Первый блин комом.

e) Слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь.

Упражнение 6. Прочитайте и выучите наизусть скороговорку.

Whether the weather be nice

Or whether the weather be not

Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be hot

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not

Упражнение 7. Вставьте пропущенную букву.

F…ve [faiv], r…st [rest], c…r ka:], r…ng [riŋ], sl…p [sli;p], st…l [stu:l], b…g [big], ma… [mei], n…se [nəuz], m…st [mΛst], …s[Λs], s… [sei], g…den [ga:dn], f…ne [fain], l…ke [laik], d…d [did], n…te [nəut], da… [dei], f…m [fa:m], r…m [ru:m], m…ss[mis], se…[si:], s…ng [siŋ], t…l [tel], m…t [mi;t], b…s [bΛs], …rm [a;m], s… [səu], st…y [stei], l…g [leg], …nglish [Iŋgliζ], f…d [fud], k…ep [ki:p], n.…d [n:d], l…ng [lבּŋ], r….n [rΛn], s…ng [sבּŋ], h…d [ha:d], …ing [θiŋ], cl…b [klΛb], pa… [pei], K…te [keit], b…ok [buk], t…me [taim], g…d [gud], m…ch [mætζ], w…fe [waif], g…rl [gə:l], f…n [fæn], h… [hə:], …ite [wait], th…m [ðəm], th…e [θri:], t…ll [tבּ:l], w…k [wi:k], b…ck [blæk].

Упражнение 8. Найдите лишнее слово, обращая внимание на чтение гласных.

1. your, court, neighbour, pour

2. would, should, shoulder, could

3. accountant, country, count, fountain

4. drought, ought, bought, thought

5. enough, cough, rough, tough

6. anonymous, mouse, enormous, furious

7 trouble, double, doubt, country

Упражнение 9. Напишите слова в орфографии.

[pei], [tru:], [fə:m], [kaind], [glΛv], [i:zi], [zu:], [kæp], [pjuə], [ma:sk], [teik], [pə:m], [kεə], [θiŋk], [ði:s], [ζבּp], [boks], [lisn], [tuə] [dзæz], [wΛndə], [dבּ: tə], [boiz], [pu:l], [sænd], [feiməs], [tai], [kru:], [wבּζ], [freζ], [sta:z], [pli:z].

Упражнение 10. Напишите транскрипцию к следующим словам

What, bird, these, rare, here, charm, fox, sing, sheep, pen, apple, black, end, table, sport, bird, desk, plate, wire, her, mother, sit, sane, summer, sink, sorry, sport, she, six, serf, singing, space, square, snow, stir.

Упражнение 11. Запишите парами слова, имеющие различное написание, но одинаковое звучание.

Dike, cole, block, cord, maid, bate, dye, dyke, die, chord, bait, bloc, coal, made

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