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Vocabulary exercises

Ex. 1. Translate the authentic sentences into Russian paying attention to the italicised word-combinations. Memorise them and make up the sentences of your own.

  1. People tend to be divided along two extremes in their approach to spare time activities: those who have so many interests and things they want to do that they find themselves frustrated with trying to do everything; and secondly, those who are so busy in their careers that they have never taken the time to develop any appropriate pastimes.

  2. Or, in some instances, a person will have only one specialized interest, and will be at a loss when he or she is prevented from pursuing it.

  3. In planning your spare time activities, in addition to your major “love” of softball, tennis, racquetball or what have you, it is helpful to have a couple of other activities, which you enjoy as a backup.

  4. Joggers, for example, after incurring an ankle or knee injury that prevents them from running, find that filling the time with sports such as swimming, biking, or weigh lifting keeps their spirits up.

  5. For most of us, the biggest problem by far, however, is not a shortage of interests or things we enjoy doing, but an overload of what I refer to as leisure “yes-yes” conflicts.

  6. There are only so many hours in a day, and even in the course of a lifetime of unlimited leisure, we could not possibly experience the thousands of alternatives that are available.

  7. Without personal assessment of what is right for your personality and needs it is too easy to skip from one activity to another without gaining full satisfaction and benefits from anything.

  8. If you have only a vague notion of the value of a particular activity for yourself, you are unlikely to follow through long enough to get much out of it.

Ex. 2. Use the following words in the sentences and write down small situations of your own:

1) a source of joy and delight; to be filled with disappointment; to do a leisure surprise planning; to receive a card or E-mail from someone; a gift, good news, to make an effort, to get busy; to have too much on someone’s mind; on special occasions; to receive pleasure; dinner at your favourite restaurant, a night out of town, just words of congratulations; out-of-town friends;

2) leisure time; cultural activities; a great number of places to go; high times at night; a route; to have the typical wines of the country; to wish a quieter night; to enjoy a good chat and music; outdoor cafés; a lot of pubs and small discos; increase the number of entertainment places;

3) vacation time; self-renewal; relaxation; your vacation desires; outdoor living; camping; deep sea fishing, kayaking, hot air ballooning; hiking; going to plays, opera, movies and historical sightseeing; to get into the habit; boring; shopping; to fly, to travel in a car, to take a train, cruise on a ship, to ride tour buses; to sound appealing; painting, playing a musical instrument, crafts building; physical fitness program; establishing the habit of palliates, aerobics, swimming, strength training.

Ex. 3. Look at these groups of words with similar meanings. One word in each group does not have a similar meaning. Circle this word, and then explain how the other words in this group are related.

Example: whirligig, a roundabout, carousel, refreshment stall.

Refreshment stall does not fit in this group.

It is the only word that does not refer to attractions.

1) relax, feel lazy, spend an evening out, work like a bee, have good time;

2) play the violin, play billiard, play hockey, play ball, play dominoes;

3) nightspot, nightclub, venue, establishment, café, hawker;

4) band, clarinet, trumpet, guitar, drums, pianist;

5) gambling game, gambling room, stripper, tourneur, roulette wheel, chip.

Ex. 4. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B.



  1. Vacation time can be a wonderful source of …

a) … a self-improvement program.

  1. Vacation surveys suggest that many of us have only a vague…

b) …totally boring to another.

  1. Reasons stated most frequently are to relax, …

c) …turn you on?

  1. Do you find enjoyment in outdoor sports like …

d) …while only a tiring chore for others.

  1. Or does going to plays, the opera, movies and historical sightseeing…

e) …have fun, and get away from the grind.

  1. Basking in the sun may be relaxing for one person but …

f) …idea of what we want out of our vacation.

  1. Shopping and sightseeing in a new city is a form of diversion and relaxation for some…

g) …deep sea fishing, kayaking, hot air ballooning and hiking?

  1. Travel time takes up a huge …

h) …on a ship, ride tour buses?

  1. Do you prefer to fly, travel in a car, take a train, cruise…

i) …portion of most vacations.

  1. A vacation is an excellent time for starting…

j) …self-renewal and relaxation.

Ex. 5. Translate the following advertisements into English. Write down 5 advertisements of your own.


Night Club “Plaza” is a large luxurious club. On the 15th of March 2001, it received the premium as “The best night club of St. Petersburg”.

Programmes: fashion shows, star performances.

Comments to cover fee: General cover fee depends on a concert. Cover fee: 100-500 rbls. (without concert fee).

What others are saying: “The club is situated in the centre of the city and is a part of one of the most splendid architectural ensembles of St.Petersburg – Spit of Vasilyevsky island. The club is one of the largest entertainment centres of the city.”

Working hours: Casino works daily, 24 hours a day. Restaurant: daily, from noon till 6:00 a.m. Dancing: Wednesday-Saturday.


Saygon: three levels, two bars, a video screen, an Internet-cafe. Every Monday - ethnic music for all ages. Every Tuesday – programmes form the series “only classics”. The classics of blues, surf, reggae, twist, rap, gospel. Every Wednesday – jazz in all its display. With massive support of jazz DJs. Sunday – the best disco-bands of St. Petersburg. Thursday-Saturday – every night the best groups of St. Petersburg and outskirts (of Moscow, the country and the world) are in the club. Dinner for two without strong drinks – from 250 to 400 rbl. During the retro-hour you can buy coffee for 28 kop. like at good stagnant time.


Casino “Astoria”: live bands, strip tease, dance. It’s one of the most luxurious, respectable, attractive and extravagant places in Petersburg. Romantic and mystic aura of decadent Russia of the beginning of the century, tender desserts and rare collections of wine in the restaurant of the casino-club, performances of famous show-ballet “Astoria”. Tournaments in preference and poker, performances of stars, exquisite fashion-shows take place here.


Hollywood nights Entertaining complex. Nightclub, casino, restaurant. A perfect interior, comfortable VIP-zone, three bars, a huge choice of strong drinks, exquisite dishes of European and Russian cuisine. Concerts of Russian and foreign stars, prizes every night, the best discotheques with best DJs and a show-ballet every night. Guarded parking. Restaurant: modern interior, international cuisine (more than 100 dishes), a wide choice of Italian and French wine. Discounts: from noon till 6 p.m.  a 20% discount at all dishes in the restaurant. A free of charge invitation card to a disco/the concert hall and a $2-counter to the casino are included into the cost of dinner and supper (to the sum of more than $30). Credit cards are accepted.


Arena. The club is situated in the shopping centre “Continent”, on the 3rd floor. In the club you can play all modern computer games of different genres. You can also install your favourite game. Administrators will always help you in technical questions, and experienced players will keep you company.

A spacious darkened hall, large comfortable tables, highlight – everything makes for a pleasant play and rest. The club is linked up to the LAN of Kolomyagi district and has got a dedicated line 11 Mbit on the Internet. All clients of Nevacom have got an opportunity of playing with visitors right from home. The global net is accessible form each computer in the club. Internet-packages from different providers and various components for computers are sold. There are 16 computers in the club. A cosy atmosphere and numerous entertainments contribute to a pleasant rest! By phone you can reserve a playing time and get any information.

Ex. 6. Translate into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

  1. Клуб «Rock City» появился в Новосибирске в начале сентября 2002 г. и буквально за месяц стал одним из любимых мест сибиряков и гостей города. Идеальное сочетание продуманного до мелочей дизайна, демократичной ценовой политики и музыки высшей пробы сделали свое дело – каждый вечер клуб работает на полную мощность, принимая своих старых и новых гостей.

  2. Прообразом и «идейным вдохновителем» клуба «Rock City» можно считать знаменитую сеть «Hard Rock Cafe», известную во всем мире. Еда и музыка – основные направления «Rock City». Днем это доступный по цене фаст-фуд высокого качества, где можно пообедать и посмотреть по видео популярных рок-музыкантов, полюбоваться на «символы эпохи»  виниловые пластинки, гитары, микрофоны, а вечером «Rock City» приобретает черты легендарного лондонского клуба «Marquee» с ежедневными рок-концертами, главной особенностью которых считается сильный эмоциональный контакт публики и музыкантов, который невозможен при «стадионных» выступлениях.

  3. Живые выступления транслируются в отдаленных от сцены местах на плазменные панели, а также на большой проекционный экран над сценой. Мебель клуба (столы, стулья, барные стойки) разработана и произведена ведущими дизайнерами Италии. В интерьере используются самые настоящие «символы рока»  гитары, гитарные усилители, раритетные микрофоны (вся аппаратура в рабочем состоянии).

  4. Новый клуб «Щука» открылся в августе 2002 г. Находится в подвальном помещении кинотеатра «Аврора». Днем работает как бар с бильярдом (два стола для игры в «Американку» и один стол русского бильярда в отдельном зале). Со среды по воскресенье – ночные клубные программы. Контингент разный. Цены – умеренные.


Translate the authentic text into Russian.