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3.16 Speak on the topics:

1 Carolus Linneus’ biography.

2 Carolus Linneus’ investigations in Biology.

3 Carolus Linneus – the founder of taxonomy.

3.17 Match the words in a with their meanings in b.












a. Animals with backbones. The group includes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

b. Mammal with no placenta, whose young are born atembryonic stage after short gestation period, then attach to a nipple, usually within a marsupium or under folds of skin.

c. Group of carnivores adapted to marine life, including seals and sea-lions.

d. Animal which eats plants and animals.

e. Group of mammals which includes tarsiers, monkeys, apes and humans.

f. Group of gnawing animals, including mice and rats.

g. Mammal which lays eggs and possesses a cloaca. It feeds its young on milk but lacks nipples.

h. Minute living creatures such as bacteria and protozoa.

i. Animal which eats other animals.

3.18 Match each animal from the box with the animal group it belongs to. Some animals can be used more than once.

Herbivores, insects, mammals, cats, reptiles, fish, birds, carnivores, omnivores, amphibians.

crocodile, lion, tiger, bear, hawk, frog, wolf, goldfish, panther, monkey, snake, sparrow, wasp, whale, lizard, fly, jaguar, tortoise, pigeon, cow, fox, beetle, eagle, puma, squirrel, goat, sheep, salmon

3.19 Fill in the gaps in the text below with one of the words given in the box. Some words can be used more than once.

Milk, blood, temperature, skin, brain, mammal(s), internal, flight

What is a mammal?

A 1)... is an animal which has a backbone and whose well-developed 2)... is protected by a skull. Its heart has four cham­bers which separate fresh from used 3).... Using the heat generated in its body, a mammal keeps its 4)... temperature much the same no matter what the 5)... of its surroundings. The hair which grows from a mammal's 6)... acts as insulation to help this. All 7).. have mammary glands, which in female mammals develop so that they can feed their young ones on 8)... . Mammals have four limbs, which may be adapted for swimming or, in bats, for 9)….

3.20 Match each of these parts of body (a-d) to an animal from the box.

Horse, bird, cat, fish

a) feathers, beak, wings: ... c) whiskers, paws, fur: ...

b) gills, scales, fin: ... d) hooves, tail, mane: ...

3.21 Read the text and find the main differences on the three kinds of mammals.

Monotremes lay soft-shelled eggs. The tiny young which hatches from a monotreme egg is naked, blind and has undeveloped hindlimbs. It uses its forelimbs to drag itself to its mother's belly, where it suckles on a patch where milk oozes onto the skin. The Short-beaked Echidna has a pouch, the Platypus does not.

Marsupials give birth to tiny young which are naked, blind and have undeveloped hindlimbs. The baby uses its forelimbs to drag itself to one of its mother's nipples, where it attaches itself. Here, it suckles milk and completes its development. It may be protected by a pouch, or by folds of skin.

Placental mammals keep their young ones inside their bodies until they are well-developed. This is possible because a placenta links the blood vessels of mother and baby and pre­vents the mother's body from rejecting the baby. Once born, the baby suckles milk from its mother's nipples when it is hungry.

Grammar: The Gerund

Герундий – это неличная форма глагола с окончанием ing. Герундий имеет свойства глагола и существительного.

Формы герундия





Being planted


Having planted

Having been planted

Герундий ставится после:

1.To avoid, to admit, to appreciate, to consider, to delay, to deny, to detect, to enjoy, to explain, to fancy, to finish, to forgive, to imagine, to help(on), to mention, to mind, to miss, to pardon, to postpone, to put off, to stop, to give up, to go on, to suggest, to resent.

He postponed writing his research work.

2. To agree to, to accuse of, to approve of, to be afraid of, to consist of, to complain of, to prevent from, to succeed in, to persist in, to be engaged in, to spend in, to result in, to hear of, to suspect of, to inform of, to give up the idea of, to think of, to be capable of, to be fond of, to be proud of, to insist on, to depend on, to object to, to be surprised at.

Students are engaged in studying various subjects.

3. To feel like, to be for, to be against, can’t help, can’t avoid, can’t afford.

4 It is (of) no use; it is useless; it is no good.

Герундий может употребляться после:

1. About, without, after, by, in, on, of, at, for, to, besides, apart from, before, with.

2. существительного в притяжательном падеже или местоимения.

He complains of my working too slowly. Он жалуется, что я работаю слишком медленно.

Герундий в форме Active употребляется после: to need, to want, to require, worth (стоящий).

The book is worth reading.

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