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  1. One of your friends has a mental health crisis. Make up a dialog using these questions to help your friend solve his problem.

  1. What situations have led to a crisis in the past?

  2. What has worked to help reduce my friend’s stress or to avoid a conflict in the first place?

  3. What steps can we take to keep everyone safe and calm?

  4. Whom can we call for support in a crisis or to help calm the situation?

  5. Should we consider a medic alert tag or bracelet for my friend?

  6. What skills could we or our friend learn and practice to reduce the impact of future crisis?

  7. Have we developed a crisis intervention plan? Does it need to be updated?

  8. What can we do to reduce stressors?

  9. Have we utilized all available resources?

  1. Write a plan:

  1. Your friend has mental health crisis

  2. A member of your family has mental health crisis

Your plan must include

  1. Person’s Information – name and age of the person, mental health diagnosis, medical history, list of child’s strengths and interests.

  2. Family Information – name of parents, step-parents, list of family members who live in the home.

  3. Behaviors – a list of strategies that have worked in the past, a list of what helps calm the person or reduces symptoms.

  4. Medication – name and type of medication, dosage, prescribing physician’s name and phone number, pharmacy name and phone number, list of medications that have not worked in the past, and known allergies.

  5. Treatment Choices – list of treatments that are being used, list of treatments that have not worked in the past, list of treatment preferences.

  6. Professional Involvement - phone numbers of doctor, therapist, social worker, psychiatrist, and hospitals with psychiatric units.

  7. Supports – people the person has a trusting relationship with such as neighbors, friends, family members.

  8. Safety Concerns – access to guns, knifes or weapons, access to medication: both prescription and over-the-counter, safety plan for siblings or other family members, emergency contact names and phone

  9. numbers.

  10. Resources – advocacy organizations, support group

  1. Retell the text “Mental Health Crises”.


Severe Weather Essential Vocabulary

  1. severe weather

суровая погода; ветреная погода; холодная погода

  1. adequate clothing

соответствующая одежда

  1. alert


  1. approach


  1. close to

близко к

  1. constructed building

построенное здание

  1. deteriorate


  1. disrupt


  1. driving


  1. electrical appliances


  1. favorable


  1. flashlight on hand

фонарь под рукой

  1. food


  1. imminent


  1. lightning


  1. local television

местное телевидение

  1. National Weather Service

национальная метеорологическая служба

  1. observe


  1. plumbing

паяльные работы; водопроводная система; водопровод; прокладка труб;

  1. protection


  1. radio stations


  1. shelter


  1. snow-removal

снегоочистительный; снегоуборочный

  1. stay off

избегать; не посещать;

  1. substantially

в большой степени; в значительной степени; основательно; плотно; прочно

  1. thunderstorm


  1. tip


  1. to be struck

быть пораженным

  1. tornadoes


  1. treacherous

предательский, опасный

  1. tune

настраивать; настраиваться; ловить; налаживать; звучать; петь; приспосабливать 

  1. upstate

часть штата за пределами большого города, порта; сельские районы штата; амер. Северные районы штата

  1. utilities

коммунальные услуги

  1. warning


  1. watch

бдение, пристальное наблюдение

  1. weather advisory


  1. weather conditions

погодные условия

  1. winter storm


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