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Радіотехніка-Радіоелектронні апарати(Тюренкова-...doc
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I. Reading Exercises:

Exercise 1. Read and memorize using a dictionary:

the cathode-ray tube; the rotating disks; to transmit pictures; selenium bars; to expose to sunlight; the photoelectric effect; to perforate with; to face the image; a spiral pattern of holes; at the same rate; to steer the beam across a surface ; a line-by-line scanning pattern ;a neon lamp; a mosaic; a fluorescent screen; to enamor; to run afoul of;

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1.Who is the inventor of the first television?

2.How does television works?

3.What was the purpose of television?

4.How does the first television differ from the television today?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right :

1. A young telegraph operator, Joseph May, discovered the photoelectric effect:

which did away with the rotating disks and other mechanical aspects of mechanical television.

2. George Carey proposed a system based on the exploration of every point in the image simultaneously:

each identically perforated with a spiral pattern of holes and spun at exactly the same rate by motors.

3. In 1884 a German inventor named Paul Nipkow patented a system that did it with two disks,

selenium bars, exposed to sunlight, show a variation in resistance.

4. Philo had created the first electronic television system,

a large number of photoelectric cells are arranged on a panel, facing the image, and wired to a panel carrying the same number of bulbs.

Exercise 4. Open brackets choosing the right words:

A key (component/ constituent ) was a 19th-century invention, the cathode-ray tube, which

(to generate/ to emit) a beam of electrons and used electrical or magnetic forces (to direct/ to steer) the beam across a surface—in a line-by-line scanning pattern if desired. In 1908 a British lighting engineer, Campbell Swinton ,(to suggest/ to propose) using one such tube as a camera, scanning an image that was projected onto a mosaic of photoelectric elements. The ( resulting/outcoming) electric signal would be sent to a second cathode-ray tube whose scanning beam(to reconstruct/to re-create) the image by causing a fluorescent screen (to glow/ to shine).

The Speaking Module

II. Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe words:

television; cathode-ray tube; photocell; neon lamp; fluorescent screen;

using the suggested words and expressions as in example.


television- the broadcasting of a still or moving image via radiowaves to receivers that project a view of the image on a picture tube

radiowaves/ project/ of/ a picture/ on/ the broadcasting/ moving/to/ that/ the image/of / moving/via/ receivers/ a view/ or/ tube/image/

cathode-ray tube

beam/ deflected/ of/ both/ magnetic/ a vacuum/ can be/ fields/ a focused/ tube/ electrons/by/ fields/that/ electric/ or/ generating/


an electrical/ struck/that/ a device/ pulse/by/when/emits/light/

neon lamp

in/ emitting/ a voltage/ two/ bulb/ is applied/ a glow/ across/ a gas-discharge/ neon/ and/ electrodes/ when/ the electrodes/ gas/ containing/

fluorescent screen so/ ionizing/ material/ with/ beams/ to emit/ when/as / a fluorescent/ a sheet/by/ electron/ visible/ of/ substance/ struck/or/ radiation/ such/ coated/ x-rays /light/as/

Exercise 2.Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: The first whirling disk scanned the image, with light passing through the holes and hitting photocells to create an electrical signal.

2) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: In 1908 a British lighting engineer, Campbell Swinton, proposed using one such tube as a camera, scanning an image that was projected onto a mosaic of photoelectric elements.

3) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: Sarnoff publicized the product by televising the opening of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, but in the end he had to pay for a license to Farnsworth's patents anyway.