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Радіотехніка-Радіоелектронні апарати(Тюренкова-...doc
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I. Reading Exercises:

Exercise 1. Read and memorize using a dictionary:

monochromatic television; a field sequential color television broadcasting system; a compatible color standard; the lucrative black and white market; the uppermost line; a viable alternative compatible system; to reconstitute; to be compatible with; color reception; channel allocation; dot sequential system;

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

1.When was color television demonstrated?

2.How does color television work?

3.What year did the first color television come out ?

4.Why was the color television invented?

Exercise 3. Match the left part with the right :

1. Experimental color broadcasting was initiated in 1940,

over a decade after the standard was set, that color TV sales rose significantly.

2. On 21 July 1953 the second NTSC approved

when the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) publicly demonstrated a field sequential color television broadcasting system.

3. It was not until the late 1960s,

in setting monochrome standards in the United States, was reactivated to investigate the status of compatible color systems.

4. The NTSC, the entity which played a key role

a compatible all electronic color television dot sequential system .

Exercise 4. Open brackets choosing the right words:

Experimental color broadcasting was( to introduce /to initiate) in 1940, when the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) publicly (to demonstrate/to show) a field sequential color television broadcasting system. This system (to use/to employ) successive fields scanned one at a time in one of the three primary colors; red, blue, or green. On the receiver end, a mechanical color wheel was used (to reproduce/to reconstitute ) the primary colors in sequence to enable (reproduction/ reconstitution) of the colors in the original scene.

The Speaking Module

II. Speaking exercises:

Exercise 1. Describe words:

color television; monochrome; field sequential color television system; line sequential color television system; dot sequential color television system; reception;


color television-a television system that reproduces an image approximately in its original colors. an image/ original / a television/ that/ approximately/ its/ colors/ system / reproduces/ in/


on/photography/ image/ or/ a black-and-white/ as/ television/in

field sequential color television system

fields/ primary/ of/successive/an early/ three/ color / which/ in / form/ are scanned/ colors/TV/in

line sequential color television system which/ color /sequence / to/ blue/ a color/ an entire/ is/ changing/ line/in/ green /from / with/ television/ line/ colors/ and/ one/ system/ a red/ in / line/

dot sequential color television

each/ television/ which/ green/ are formed/ line/ in/ primary-color /dots/ scanning/ a color/ the red/ in/ along/ rapid/ blue/ system/ and /succession/


waves/ into/ forms/ conversion/ or/ equipment/ electronic/ by/ perceptible/ electric/ radio/ of/ means/ and/ signals/ transmitted/ of /antennas /

Exercise 2.Ask questions to the given answers:

1) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: On 19 October 1951, CBS discontinued color broadcasts due to the limited numbers of color receivers.

2) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: Experimental color broadcasting was initiated in 1940, when the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) publicly demonstrated a field sequential color television broadcasting system.

3) Question:_________________________________ ?

Answer: On 17 December 1953 the FCC formally adopted a compatible color standard.