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Word-building (4)

Ex7 a) Read and translate the following words and pay attention to the prefixes il-, in-, un-, non-, mis-, dis-. Analyze the meaning of these prefixes.

  1. illegalнедопустимый

  2. incorrect неправильный

  3. invalid недействительный, неверный

  4. insufficient недостаточный

  5. unlimitedнеограниченный

  6. mismatchне соответствовать

  7. disconnectрассоединять

  8. dissimilarне похожий, разнородный

But:internal[ın´tƏ:nl]– внутренний;intermediate[ˏıntƏ(:)´mi:djƏt] - промежуточный

b) Translate the negative form of the following words:

Incompatible, unrecoverable, unavailable, unusable, unsuitable, non-removable, non-contiguous, non-volatile.

c) Choose the right variant, put down the rule into your copybooks:

Префиксы …, …, …, …, …, …,имеют значение:

  1. положительное; 2) отрицательное

и указывают на:

а) отсутствие какого-либо свойства

б) неполное наличие какого-либо свойства

в) наличие противоположного свойства.

d) Translate the following words basing on the above given rule, memorize them:

Несовместимый, соответствовать, энергозависимый, похожий, достаточный, смежный, перемещаемый, восстанавливаемый, недействительный, недоступный, соединять, ограниченный, внутренний, промежуточный.

Structure (3)

Ex.8 a) Read the sentences and analyze their structure:

  1. The file contains bad blocks.

  2. This shared resource does not exist (to exist [ıɡ´zıst] - существовать).

  3. Toolbars provide quick ways to do tasks.

  4. You do not have admin privilege in this domain.

  5. You specified an invalid password.

  6. You didn’t specify a filename.

  7. Continuing will cancel (to cancel [´kensƏl] - отменять) the connections.

  8. You will not perform an administrator task in a domain without admin privilege in this domain.

Simple Tenses in the Active Voice:










Кто? Что?

Что делают?

Что содержат?

the Present Tense

the Past Tense

the Future Tense

V, Vs

Ved (VII)

shall/will V



shall contain/will contain

b) Use the following sentences in :

  • the Past, the Future Tenses

  1. The program needs more memory.

  2. Universal Serial Bus (USB) lets you disconnect a lot of peripherals such as joysticks, scanners.

  3. IEEE 1394 provides a higher-bandwidth connection for devices that require faster data transfer.

  4. Windows NT Workstation 4.0 includes a lot of new video drivers that improve screen quality.

  5. The system BIOS code identifies the startup disk and reads the MBR.

  • the Present, the Future Tenses

  1. The computer ran out of memory.

  2. A protocol driver failed (to fail [feıl] - не удаваться, давать сбой) during system setup.

  3. You typed an invalid password.

  4. The parameter created the three setup disks.

  5. You chose to close the application.

Lesson 9

Text A. «Ware» Terms.

Ex.1 Read and translate into Russian:

«Ware» terms

1.Software is the computer program that tells a computer's hardware what to do. System software is the operating system that controls the basic functioning capabilities of the computer, network (сеть, сетевой) software enables (to enable – позволять, давать возможность) multiple computers to communicate with one another, and language software is used to develop programs.

2. Hardware is the physical part of a computer system; the machinery and equipment (оборудование).

3.Freeware is software that is available free of charge (бесплатный), but which is copyrighted by the developer, who retains (сохранять, оставлять) the right to control its redistribution (перераспределение) and to sell it in the future. Freeware is different from free software, which has no restrictions on use, modification, or redistribution. 4. Shareware is software that is copyrighted, but may be downloaded and used for a limited time for free, after which the user is asked to send the author a small payment ((о)плата). Some shareware products offer additional features, documentation,

technical support, and/or updates to registered users. 5. Firmware is software stored in ROM or PROM; important programs that remain (оставаться/сохраняться) even when the system is turned off. Firmware is easier to change than hardware but more permanent than software stored on disk.

Ex.2 Translate into Russian:

  1. Software, hardware, freeware, shareware, firmware;

b) basic functioning capabilities, (to) develop programs, available free of charge software, multiple computers, the right to control redistribution, restrictions on use, (to) offer additional features, technical support, (to) change, permanent.

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