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Unit 8. Additional rules.

Exercise 1. All the words below contain the sounds [kəl]which can be produced by letter combinations ‘cal’, ‘cle’, ‘kle’. Guess the words by their definitions and spell them correctly.

  1. What the ‘p’ stands for in PE.

  2. Round shape.

  3. Something in your way (starts with letter ‘o’).

  4. Hanging finger of ice.

  5. Vegetables preserved in vinegar, especially cucumbers.

  6. Of utmost importance.

  7. Where your foot joins your leg.

  8. A type of music.

  9. Single eye glass.

  10. Cars, trucks, etc are all types of this.

  11. Two-wheeled transportation.

  12. In the surrounding area (starts with letter ‘l’).

Exercise 2. Insert the missing letters ‘a’ and ‘e’.

Acquaint..nce, confide..nce, differ..nce, innoc..nt, intellig..nt, par..nt, conveni..nt, clear..nce, allow..nce, ignor..nt, sil..nt, occurr..nce, perman..nt, observ..nt, dilig..nt, resid..nce, cli..nt, evid..nt, refer..nce, ramp..nt, influ..nce, assist..nt, audi..nce, lieuten..nt, effici..nt, griev..nce, defend..nt, exist..nce, appli..nce, appar..nt, circumfer..nce, nuis..nce, viol..nt, abs..nce, ten..nt, excell..nt, adjac..nt, import..nt, frequ..nt, interfer..nce, impertin..nt, disturb..nce, immin..nt, resembl..nce, consci..nce, inst..nt, obedi..nt, pres..nce, persever..nce, appear..nce, promin..nt, prud..nt, insur..nce, accid..nt, sent..nce, fragr..nt, reluct..nce, consequ..nce, insol..nce, pret..nce, ambul..nce.

Exercise 3. Derive nouns from the adjectives below. Give all the possible variants.

Brilliant, constant, correspondent, different, distant, important, independent, dependent, pregnant, present, significant.

Exercise 4. Insert the missing letters ‘s’ or ‘c’.

  1. My piano teacher says that practi..e makes perfect – but I hate practi..ing!

  2. A clairvoyant prophe..ied my future, but I will be surprised if her prophe..y comes true.

  3. An inventor has devi..ed a devi..e to wake you up in the morning.

  4. Everyone should buy a dog licen..e in order to licen..e their dog.

  5. I advi..ed him not to give up, but he took no notice of my good advi..e.

Exercise 5. Some words in the story below lack double consonants, insert thee consonants.

I had had a fu..y feeling about things from the begi..ing. I had mi..ed my co..ection – the last train till morning, so I asked someone (a sma.. man with a shifty a..earance and a nervous ma..er) to reco..end a hotel. Leaving my lu..age I set off. The weather was ho..ible – to..ential rain poured down my co..ar and co..ected in my boots, while the wind whi..ed around me. After walking for ages down a deserted road, with no sign of any a..o..odation, I was ge..ing i..itable and depre..ed. Su..enly, I saw da..ling headlights coming from the o..osite direction. I a..empted to a..ract the driver’s a..ention, but the car a..elerated as it a..roached! I leapt out of the way, just avoiding a co..ision, and ho..led to the side of the road. Having na..owly avoided a te..ible a..ident, I was also u..erly lost. What was I to do? Just then, I noticed a light in the distance. I trudged toward it through the su..ounding darkne.., over pe..les and through pu..les of mu..y water, until eventua..y I a..ived at a sha..y li..le co..age.

I knocked, cautiously, but there was no reply. Su..re..ing my nerves, I heaved the door open with a great e..ort, and ste..ed into a dark pa..age. On my i..ediate right stairs led down – I a..ume to the ce..ar. An o..ensive sme.. came wafting up. In a room to my left, a table was set with food and a cup of co..ee – still warm. I was pu..led as to why the o..upant had left in such a hu..y. But before I could satisfy my a..etite by a..acking the food, I realized with a shu..er that I was not alone! I turned around to find myself looking down the ba..el of a gun. A man with a ha..ard expre..ion was calmly si..ing by the door, behind me. I hoped he didn’t have an itchy tri..er finger. I could te.. he was a profe..ional vi..ain by the way he said, “Don’t make it nece..ary for me to shoot you.” I didn’t like his a..itude one bit. But as my mo..o is “never say die”, I determined to try to escape at the first o..ortunity, or find a way to get a me..age to someone, somehow.

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