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Spelling. методичка.doc
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General spelling rules. Unit 1. Combinations -ei-/-ie- in the middle of words.

Exercise 1. Translate the words below into Russian, check their pronunciation in the dictionary, then memorize them paying special attention to their spelling.

Surfeit, belief, gaiety, siege, yield, experience, skein, feint, receipt, freight, diesel, lieutenant, reign, conceit, sieve, acquiesce, medieval, grievance, retrieve, beige, lie, perceive, sheik, conscience, tier, relief, pierce, series, efficient, geisha, bier, quiet, recipient, movies, oriental, relieve, atheist, eiderdown, fiend, alien, seismic, piety, sienna, deity.

Exercise 2. Complete the words in the text below with combinations -ei-/-ie-.

Please, write a br…f p…ce about the rel…f work in the Sudan. We bel…ve the work you did in this f…ld was for charity organizations who rec…ve medicines from the West and teach hyg…ne. We do not wish to dec…ve the public who often perc…ve the problem in Africa as ch…fly one on lack of food, particularly prot…n.

Exercise 3. Unscramble the words containing combinations -ei-/-ie-.

Ithef, hegit, wive, difle, ite, frakehidench, dilshe, roselid.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with combinations -ei-/-ie-. Make sure you know how to correctly pronounce the signs of the horoscope.

Aquarius. You will rec…ve a gift.

Pisces. Don’t get too t…d up with other people’s problems.

Aries. Have a night out with fr…nds.

Taurus. Watch out for counterf…t money.

Gemini. The results of a sc…ntific experiment will interest you.

Cancer. You will take …ther a boat or plane trip.

Leo. Make a recipe using unusual ingred…nts.

Virgo. Don’t let a stranger dec…ve you.

Libra. S…ze the chance for a new exper…nce.

Scorpio. It’s a good time to begin learning a for…gn language.

Sagittarius. Visit some anc…nt ruins.

Capricorn. You will hear from a distant relation, perhaps a nephew or a n…ce.

Exercise 5. Finish the words. Each of them contains combinations -ei-/-ie-. The number of points coincides with the number of letters required.

  1. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Patel are next-door n……… .

  2. “Pat….. is a virtue,” the pr…. Told his congregation.

  3. The E….. Tower is in Paris.

  4. Max is a very diso……. dog.

  5. Pirates’ gold is also known as “p..ces of e…t”.

  6. Santa Claus’s sl…. Is drawn by seven r……. .

  7. When the portrait was unv….., they all saw it had gone!

  8. He was h… to the throne.

Exercise 6. In the news item that follows the words society, reprieve, chief, brief, feigned, achievement, lenient are missed. Insert them into the text following the logic. Pay special attention to all the words containing combinations -ei-/-ie-.


Bank robber sentenced to 125 years.

A judge has sentenced two men accused of robbing a bank at gunpoint to 125 years in prison. Throughout their ………. trial the men ………. innocence, in the hope of a ………. . But the judge said he could not be ………. as the pair were obviously a menace to ………. . ………. inspector Lawless said that putting these bad criminals behind bars was a great ………. .

Exercise 7. Unscramble the words in bold. Don’t forget they all contain combinations -ei-/-ie-.


  1. Make sure your tide contains plenty of tirpone.

  2. Watch your thewig.

  3. Reduce your cholesterol intake – it is bad for your seniv.

  4. Drink dacefatfendie coffee.

  5. Eat a yearvit of foods, to make sure you get all the sunnitret and vitamins necessary for good health.

  6. Spend some of your reelius time each week exercising.

  7. Meditate regularly, in order to reeveil stress and texyain.

  8. Make sure you have a bath or shower every day. Personal heegyin is very important.

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