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Spelling. методичка.doc
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Unit 5. Revision.

Exercise 1. Which word is the odd one out in each of these groups?

    1. plough – rough – dough

    2. khan – knight – knave

    3. shepherd – burgher – halfpenny

    4. malignant – campaign – signor

    5. adolescent – sceptic – fascinate

    6. plumber – debtor – lumber

    7. heir – honour – hair

    8. islet – précis – corpse

    9. psalm – psalmist – Psalter

Exercise 2. Write out the words with silent letters.

Sword, swore, lapse, lopsided, sandboy, sandwich, tomboy, tomb, salvation, salve, salmon, salmonella, palmate, palm tree.

Exercise 3. Complete the geographical names below with silent letters.

Totten….., Dur….., Norf….., Green….., Nor….., Suf….., Glou….., Lei….., Birming….., Bucking….., Stock….., Edin….., Ark….., Conn….., Ill….. .

Exercise 4. Think of the full names for these pet names.

  1. Tony is formed from ………. .

  2. Essie, Etty, Hetty are formed from ………., ………. .

  3. Tilda is formed from ………. .

  4. Terry, Tess, Tessy are formed from ………., ………. .

  5. Tom is formed from ………. .

Exercise 5. Guess the words.

  1. River in England flowing from Gloucestershire east through London into the North Sea.

  2. River in Europe flowing from Switzerland north through Germany then west through the Netherlands into the North Sea.

  3. River flowing from Switzerland through France into the Gulf of Lions.

  4. French brandy.

  5. White wine regarded as a symbol of luxurious living.

  6. Strong alcoholic liquor.

  7. Children’s disease with gasping coughs.

  8. Dry cough, high temperature, chest pain.

  9. Swollen, painful joints, stiffness, limited movement.

  10. Difficult breathing.

  11. The largest known sea-animal.

  12. A small two-winged fly that stings.

  13. Young of the domestic cow.

  14. Small short-winged song-bird.

  15. Large red fish.

  16. Thick-skinned, heavily built animal living in Africa.

  17. Young of the sheep.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct spelling.

  1. Sin/scene that is hidden is half forgotten.

  2. Truth is strait/straight but judges are crooked.

  3. We ought to weigh/way well what we can only once decide.

  4. The bitter pill may have holesome/wholesome effects.

  5. The grief of the heir/air is only masked laughter.

  6. Every mother’s child is hansom/handsome.

  7. Young people must be taut/taught, old ones be honoured.

  8. A prudent man procures in summer the slay/sleigh and in winter the wagon.

  9. None waits/weights for yesterday.

  10. Good wait/weight and measure is Heaven’s treasure.

  11. If the weather/whether is fine, put on your cloak; if it rains/reigns, do as you please.

  12. No day is holy/wholly productive of evil.

Exercise 7. Each of the tongue-twisters below lacks silent letters. Supply them where necessary. Pronounce them as fast as possible.

  1. We wish we were w..ispering whales in w..ite w..irling waters.

  2. ..nomes, ..nats and ..nus all ..nash and ..naw ..narled nutshells.

  3. Fo..k wa..k cha..ky paths ca..mly sta..king quiet qua..mless sa..mon.

  4. The ..night who ..new the ..nack of ..nitting ..nots ..nelt with a ..nobbly ..napsack on the ..noll.

  5. The clim..ing plum..er’s thum.. grew num.. .

  6. R..yming, r..ythmical r..inoceroses like r..inestones and r..ubarb.

  7. The ..retched ..riter ..reaked his ..rath by ..renching the ..rinkled ..rappers from the ..recked ..ristwatches.

  8. Around the solem.. colum..s the singers’ hym..s condem..ed the Autum.. .

  9. G..ostly g..ouls and g..astly g..osts eat g..erkins in g..oulish g..ettos.

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with silent letters missing.

Last week I had my pa..m read by Madame Rippemovsky, the famous ..sychic. I was ag..ast at the things she ..new. She told me all about my “keep the countryside tidy” campai..n, also that I don’t like lam.. chops or egg yo..ks, and that ras..berries are the fruit I like most. She ..new that I want to be a fashion desi..ner and that I’d seen an art ex..ibition the day before. She told me that I shou..d look for my lost s..issors in my brown bag, and also that one day I wou..d sail on a ya….t around forei..n and exotic i..lands with a tall, dark and han..some stranger! I hope she’s ri….t!

Exercise 9. Unscramble the words with silent letters.

Mobb, porbucad, nydhig (шлюпка), strewrel, kenrock, ceetrip, bruscm, oybu, fenik, stacel.

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