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Lets Speak English(Гарагуля).doc
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17. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 1.

18. Make up dialogues of your own using Dialogue 1 as a model.


a) You are an applicant for entry. Put some more questions in addition to the above about entrance requirements.

b) You meet your foreign friend. Talk to him about the system of higher education in Russia.

Dialogue 2 talking of studies

(Two friends, Ivan and Paul, meet each other in the reading room of the library. It’s been ages since they saw each other. Both of them served in the Russian Army, returned to their former work and became students. Ivan is a part-time student and Paul is a correspondence student.)

Ivan: Hallo, Paul, old chap! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you getting on?

Paul: I’m very glad to see you again! Everything is O.K. Well, Ivan, I suggest we should go somewhere and have a drink.

Ivan: No objections. But first tell me, old man, what are you doing here? You look so anxious as though you are solving a very serious problem.

Paul: Right you are, Ivan. I’m a correspondence student of the Academy. They send me a lot of written assignments and demand that everything should be done on time. I’m busy like hell, you know…

Ivan: So am I! The difference is that you don’t have to attend classes three times a week. You can manage your time more freely than me, a poor part-time student.

Paul: There are pros and cons in every situation. As for me, I prefer the type of study I’ve chosen. Well, enough of that! Let’s go, old chap … .

19. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

20. Using Dialogue 2 as a model, make up a dialogue about two friends discussing pros and cons of full-time and part-time (correspondence) education.


End-of-term exams

Peter: How many exams did you take last term?

Boris: Four.

Peter: Did you pass all of them?

Boris: Certainly, but I didn’t do very well, unfortunately I got a sat in Physics. How about you?

Peter: I passed three exams and failed math.

Boris: But you were quite good at math. Why did you fail that exam?

Peter: I’m afraid I was loafing the second half of the term; that’s the reason.

Boris: Oh, I see. I hope you’ll manage to pass the exam in math very soon.

21. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

22. Fill in the missing remarks in the following dialogue and finish it up.

(Jane is talking to Martin about winner holidays).

Jane: … .

Martin: Nowhere. Just stayed here.

Jane: … .

Martin: I was working. I wanted to go away but I couldn’t.

Jane: … .

Martin: On the college newspaper mostly. Some lab work too.

Jane: … .

Martin: Well, if you’re really interested … .


23. Listen to the Text “St. Petersburg University”.

a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. When was St. Petersburg University founded?

2. What outstanding people did the University give the world?

3. What buildings does the University occupy?

4. Who does the teaching staff consist of?

5. When did Elizabeth II, Queen of Britain, visit St. Petersburg University?

6. What did Elizabeth II say in her speech at the University?

b) Read Tapescript 6A of the Text and look up the words you do not know.

c) Retell the Text about St. Petersburg University.

d) Do you know anybody who studies at St. Petersburg University or graduated from it? If yes, tell your groupmates about his/her study there.

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