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Lets Speak English(Гарагуля).doc
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18. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

19. Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.

Anton: Hello, Mark. I’d like to ask you some questions about higher education in Britain.

Mark: Oh, I’ll do it with great pleasure.

Anton: Who are lectures given by?

Mark: … .

Anton: Who are the students’ studies supervised by?

Mark: … .

Anton: What are advanced students engaged in?

Mark: … .

Anton: What degree may a student proceed to after three years of study?

Mark: … .

Anton: What other degrees can a student get after a few years more at the university?

Mark: … .

Anton: Is the education in the universities and colleges free of charge?

Mark: … .

Anton: Thank you very much.


Talking of proctors and “Bull-dogs” at Oxford University

John: Who is that man in the cap and gown with those two men in bowler hats behind him? Is he a tutor?

Pete: No, he’s a proctor. And the two men behind him are “bull-dogs”. The proctor’s job is to keep discipline, to see that students aren’t out after midnight, or aren’t driving a car without having first received permission from the proctor.

John: What punishment can the proctor give?

Pete: Students can be fined a sum of money, or, for a very serious offence, they can be expelled.

John: And the “bull-dogs”, what are they for?

Pete: They are to catch the student if he tries to run away before his name can be taken.

John: Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.

20. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

21. Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

1. Your groupmate asks you about student life in Oxford or Cambridge.

2. You explain the functions of the following members of the university teaching staff: a lecturer, a reader, a tutor, a professor.


22. Listen to the Text “Universities” about higher education in Britain.

a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. Are British universities open to everyone?

2. How is it possible to get a place at a British university?

3. Is the number of students on a particular course limited?

4. Why are drop-out and failure rates low?

5. What is the negative side of the system of higher education in Britain?

6. Why have the numbers of school-leavers who went on to university doubled over the last 20 years?

7. What do all universities in Britain differ in?

8. What are the most prestigious universities?

9. How do students make their choices about the university to go to?

10. How do students pay for their study?

11. Are British universities popular with overseas students?

12. What does the Erasmus programme arrange?

13. Are all universities in Britain equal on status?

b) Read Tapescript 9A of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

c) Retell the story about higher education in Britain.

d) Tell your groupmates about Cambridge University based on the information collected.

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