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7. Планы практических занятий:

Theme 1: Предмет и задачи стилистики. Становление стилистики как самостоятельной лингвистической науки.


1. The object and objectives of stylistics.

2. Problems of stylistic research.

3. History of stylistics as a science.

4. Fields of investigation of stylistics.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 7-28].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Study the terms concerning the theme.

4. Be ready to answer the questions.

5. Make a report on the theme.

6. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

7. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

8. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Read the material on the theme.

2. Take down unfamiliar terms and look them up in a dictionary.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 2: Основные разделы стилистики. Связь стилистики с другими науками. Лингвостилистика и литературная стилистика.


1. Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistics.

2. Literary and linguistic stylistics.

3. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.

4. Levels of stylistics.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 71-118].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Study the terms concerning the theme.

4. Be ready to answer the questions.

5. Make a report on the theme.

6. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

8. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

9. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 3: Основополагающие понятия стилистики. Определение понятия «стиль». Категория нормы и ее роль в стилистике. Типология норм.


1. Basic notions of stylistics.

2. Stylistics of language and speech.

3. Stylistic neutrality and stylistic colouring.

4. Stylistic function notion.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 134-180].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on different definitions of the style.

4. Study the terms concerning the theme.

5. Be ready to answer the questions.

6. Make a report on the theme.

7. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

8. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

9. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the phoneme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

[4, 282-297].

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 4: Языковые средства выражения. Стилистические приемы. Стилистическая окраска языковых единиц и ее компоненты.


1. Expressive resources of the language.

2. Expressive means and stylistic devices.

3. Different classifications of expressive means.

4. Stylistic colouring, its components and the meaning of the word.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 71-78].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on different modifications of the consonants.

4. Give examples of stylistic colouring.

5. Study the terms concerning the theme.

6. Make a report on the theme.

7. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

8. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

9. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 5: Фоностилистика. Стилистические функции интонации. Графостилистика.


1. Onomatopoeia.

2. Alliteration and assonance.

3. Rhyme.

4. Rhythm.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 229-257].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on different types of phonetic SDs.

4. Give examples of different types of phonetic SDs.

5. Speak on the functions of a intonation.

6. Make a report on the theme.

7. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

9. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

10. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

4. Speak on the theme.

5. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

[4, 317-318].

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 6: Лексико-фразеологические выразительные средства и стилистические фигуры, их классификация и функции.


1. Principles of classification of lexical EMs and SDs.

2. First group of lexical EMs and SDs (metaphor, metonymy, etc.)

3. Second group of lexical EMs and SDs (simile, periphrasis, etc.)

4. Third group of lexical EMs and SDs (cliches, epigrams, etc.)


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 257-286].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on different types of lexical SDs.

4. Give examples of different types of lexical SDs.

5. Speak on different degrees of unexpectedness in English language.

6. Speak on the functions of different parts of speech.

7. Make a report on the theme.

8. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

9. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation.

[4, 318-320].

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 7: Стилистическая дифференциация словаря изучаемого языка. Стилистические ресурсы словообразования и фразеологии.


1. Stylistic differentiation of the English literary vocabulary.

2. Archaic, obsolescent and obsolete words.

3. Stylistic classification of the English colloquial vocabulary.

4. Stylistic potency of word-formation.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 214-219].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Study the terms concerning the theme.

4. Make a report on the theme.

5. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

6. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

7. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 8: Грамматические выразительные средства и стилистические фигуры.


1. The theory of grammatical gradation.

2. Morphological stylistics.

3. Principal criteria for classifying syntactical SDs.

4. Types of syntactical SDs.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 286-322].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on the types of grammatical SDs.

4. Give examples of different types of grammatical SDs.

5. Speak on the meanings of different grammatical structures.

6. Speak on the functions of intonation.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

4. Speak on the theme.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 9: Функциональные стили речи. Система стилей английского языка.


1. The theory of functional styles.

2. The notion of style in functional stylistics.

3. Correlation of style, norm and function in the language.

4. Distinctive linguistic features of the major functional styles of English.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 36-71].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on the functional styles of English.

4. Speak on the distinctive features of each style.

5. Compare each style with the corresponding style in Russian.

6. Give examples of each style.

7. Speak on the styles of English in the USA.

8. Speak on distinctive features of each style.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 10: Стиль художественной литературы. Эстетическая функция художественной литературы.


1. Belles-lettre style: distinctive features.

2. Phonetic, morphological and lexical features.

3. Syntactical and compositional features.

4. Aesthetic function of belles-lettres style.


1. Read the text on the theme [20, 184-232].

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary

3. Answer the abovementioned questions?


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 11: Индивидуальный стиль автора. Лингвостилистический анализ художественного текста.


1. Problem of identifying individual author’s style.

2. Individual style and literary norm.

3. Lingvostylistic analysis of belles-lettres.

4. Stylistics of encoding and stylistics of decoding..


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 257-286].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on different types of individual styles.

4. Give examples of different styles by different authors.

5. Speak on different degrees of uniqueness in English language.

6. Speak on tendencies in English literature and give examples.

7. Speak on the functions of graphical means.

8. Make a report on the theme.

9. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

10. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 12: Газетно – публицистический стиль.


1. Publicist (media) style: distinctive features.

2. Phonetic, morphological and lexical features.

3. Syntactical and compositional features.

4. Main functions of publicist style.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 214-219].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Study the terms concerning the theme.

4. Make a report on the theme.

5. Look through the electronic book by I.R. Galperin in the media-hall.

6. Answer the questions of the test from the electronic book.

7. Do the presentation on the theme.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 13: Официально – деловой стиль.


1. Style of official documents style: distinctive features.

2. Phonetic, morphological and lexical features.

3. Syntactical and compositional features.

4. Functions of style of official documents.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 286-322].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on main components of official style.

4. Give examples of different cases of its use.

5. Speak on the use of different substyles.

6. Speak on the functions of intonation.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

4. Speak on the theme.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 14: Научный стиль


1. Scientific style: distinctive features.

2. Phonetic, morphological and lexical features.

3. Syntactical and compositional features.

4. Function of scientific style.


1. Read the material on the theme [20, 253-276].

2. Answer the abovementioned questions giving examples.

3. Speak on the types of scientific style.

4. Speak on the distinctive features of each type.

5. Give examples of each type.

6. Speak on the types of this style in the USA.

7. Speak on distinctive features of each type.


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Theme 15: Разговорно-обиходный стиль.


1. Colloquial style: distinctive features.

2. Phonetic, morphological and lexical features.

3. Syntactical and compositional features.

4. Literary colloquial and familiar colloquial style.


1. Read the text on the theme [20, 228-279].

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary

3. Answer the abovementioned questions?


1. Reread the text on the theme.

2. Write out unfamiliar words and find them in the dictionary.

3. Speak on the theme.

4. Revise the material and do practical exercises for better preparation

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]