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10.2 Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы студентов

СРС Основополагающие понятия стилистики. Определение понятия «стиль». Категория нормы и ее роль в стилистике. Типология норм.


1. Reporting on one of the themes.

2. Making a presentation on the chosen theme.


1. Make a report on the themes.

2. Make sure of the material before making a presentation especially if you would like to take it from the Internet.

3. Prepare for the discussion on the theme.

4. Do research into the themes.

5. Search for additional information in the Internet.

6. Research into different problems on the themes.

7. Give a presentation on the themes.

8. Do a project on the themes.

Form of the lesson:

Pre-translation analysis


Written translation

Comparing translations

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

СРС Фоностилистика. Стилистические функции интонации. Графостилистика.


1. Making a report on the theme.

2. Doing a follow-up project on the themes.


1. Make a report on the theme.

2. Make sure of the material before making a presentation especially if you would like to take it from the Internet.

3. Prepare for the discussion on the theme.

3. Make a presentation on the theme.

Form of the lesson:

Pre-translation analysis


Written translation

Comparing translations

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

СРС Стилистическая дифференциация словаря изучаемого языка. Стилистические ресурсы словообразования и фразеологии.


1. Reporting on one of the themes.

2. Making a presentation on the chosen theme.


1. Make a report on the themes.

2. Do research on the themes.

3. Search for additional information in the Internet.

4. Research into different problems on the theme.

5. Give a presentation on the themes.

Form of the lesson:

Pre-translation analysis


Written translation

Comparing translations

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

СРС Стиль художественной литературы. Эстетическая функция художественной литературы.


1. Making a report on the theme.

2. Doing a follow-up project on the themes.


1. Make a report on the themes.

2. Make sure of the material before making a presentation especially if you would like to take it from the Internet.

3. Prepare for the discussion on the theme.

4. Do research into the themes.

5. Search for additional information in the Internet.

6. Research into different problems on the themes.

7. Give a presentation on the themes.

8. Do a project on the themes.

Form of the lesson:

Pre-translation analysis


Written translation

Comparing translations

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

СРС Научный стиль.


1. Making a report on the theme.

2. Doing a follow-up project on the themes.


1. Make a report on the themes.

2. Make sure of the material before making a presentation especially if you would like to take it from the Internet.

3. Prepare for the discussion on the theme.

4. Do research into the themes.

5. Search for additional information in the Internet.

6. Research into different problems on the themes.

7. Give a presentation on the themes.

8. Do a project on the themes.

Form of the lesson:

Pre-translation analysis


Written translation

Comparing translations

References: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]