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The explanation is that myhost.com requested resolution of queries 5, 6, and 7 from dns.com. The client selected ephemeral source port 1080 on which to issue these queries. When the responses came back from myhost.com, they were directed to destination port 1080. Shadow cannot correlate what we just did, however, and so blindly fires any time a scan is detected on its signature filters. The bottom line is that this is a false positive. One of the most common

false positives, however, is the SYN flood.

SYN Floods

As an analyst, one of the scary calls for me to make is a SYN flood. It is very easy for an intrusion-detection system to be wrong about this when, in fact, this detect actually is a false positive. If the SYN flood comes from a known hostile address, or if other hostile activity is associated with the connection, or if it is very obvious (50 or more connection attempts in less than a minute, for example), I might report the activity. Otherwise, I tend to sit on it and watch for further activity.

Valid SYN Flood

The following trace shows an actual SYN flood:

14:18:22.5660 flooder.601 > server.login: S 1382726961:1382726961(0) win 4096 14:18:22.7447 flooder.602 > server.login: S 1382726962:1382726962(0) win 4096 14:18:22.8311 flooder.603 > server.login: S 1382726963:1382726963(0) win 4096 14:18:22.8868 flooder.604 > server.login: S 1382726964:1382726964(0) win 4096 14:18:22.9434 flooder.605 > server.login: S 1382726965:1382726965(0) win 4096 14:18:23.0025 flooder.606 > server.login: S 1382726966:1382726966(0) win 4096 14:18:23.1035 flooder.607 > server.login: S 1382726967:1382726967(0) win 4096 14:18:23.1621 flooder.608 > server.login: S 1382726968:1382726968(0) win 4096 14:18:23.2284 flooder.609 > server.login: S 1382726969:1382726969(0) win 4096 14:18:23.2825 flooder.610 > server.login: S 1382726970:1382726970(0) win 4096 14:18:23.3457 flooder.611 > server.login: S 1382726971:1382726971(0) win 4096 14:18:23.4083 flooder.612 > server.login: S 1382726972:1382726972(0) win 4096 14:18:23.9030 flooder.613 > server.login: S 1382726973:1382726973(0) win 4096 14:18:24.0052 flooder.614 > server.login: S 1382726974:1382726974(0) win 4096

Did that look familiar? Maybe this will help:

Source: tsutomu@ariel.sdsc.edu (Tsutomu Shimomura), comp.security.misc Date: 25 Jan 1995 "About six minutes later, we see a flurry of TCP SYNs (initial connection requests) from to port 513 (login) on server. The purpose of these SYNs is to fill the connection queue for port 513 on server with 'half-open' connections so it will not respond to any new connection requests. In particular, it will not generate TCP RSTs in response to unexpected SYNACKs."

False Positive SYN Flood

After you compare the preceding excerpt from the Mitnick attack with the following trace, you might wonder what the heck the difference is. Well, the differences are quite subtle. The source port increments in both traces, as does the sequence number. The TCP window size is the same: 4096 bytes. Clearly, there are two TCP retries with four packets each shown below, note the static source port and static sequence number and the 3, 6, 12 time interval. The arrival

times of the packets are very similar. So how do we sort this out?

14:02:22.5166 host.2104 > server.25: S 1382726960:1382726960(0) win 4096 14:02:25.5669 host.2104 > server.25: S 1382726960:1382726960(0) win 4096 14:02:31.7447 host.2104 > server.25: S 1382726960:1382726960(0) win 4096 14:02:42.8311 host.2104 > server.25: S 1382726960:1382726960(0) win 4096 14:02:58.8868 host2.3311 > server.25: S 2382927964:2382927964(0) win 4096 14:03:01.9434 host2.3311 > server.25: S 2382927964:2382927964(0) win 4096 14:03:07.0025 host2.3311 > server.25: S 2382927964:2382927964(0) win 4096 14:03:19.1035 host2.3311 > server.25: S 2382927964:2382927964(0) win 4096

What a difference a small change, email rather than a different service, makes! Email is expensive, at least to mail relays. If the email relay cannot push the mail out the first time, the

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