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Е.А. Панкратова Let me introduce myself.doc
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Murom is one of the oldest Russian towns. It was founded in 862. It is situated on the left bank of the Oka river. Murom got its name from Ugro-Finnish tribes «Muroma» who lived here in the VI-IX centures.

The population of Murom is about 150,000 people. It is an important railway junction.

Murom is an industrious centre. Such major industries as mechanical engineering, radio-engineering, railway switches, soft roofing, wood production are developed in Murom. It is also becoming a trade centre. New stores and shopping centres are built every year.

The inhabitants of Murom can get a good education. There are many secondary schools, special schools (for example, music, sport and art school), vocational secondary schools (such as pedagogical, medical, radio-engineering school). People can also get higher education at three branches of Vladimir State University, Moscow psychology-social University, and Moscow Institute of Railway Transport.

Murom has cultural life. Different concerts and performances are held in the Palace of Culture. Exhibitions are organized in the Exhibition Hall. People watch new films in the cinema houses. Town’s Day, International sport competitions are annually held in Murom.

Murom has a historical museum with a collection of icons, old arms, clothes, furniture, manuscripts, paintings of Russian and western artists, bones of ancient animals and other things.

There are several squares with monuments in Murom. One of the most beautiful is the Victory Square with the monument to the Unknown Soldier.

Murom has many architectural monuments of the past. The oldest Kozma and Demyan Church is the masterpiece of 16th century architecture. Many churches and monasteries are open today. Among them are Monastery of the Annunciation (Благовещенский монастырь), Cathedral of the Trinity (Троицкий собор), the Cathedral of the Saviour’s Transfiguration (Спасо-Преображенский собор) and others.

Murom gave the world many great men. They are famous in different fields. Among them are the television inventor – Vladimir Zvorykin, the Academician of Painting – Ivan Kulikov, the founder of the Russian Archeological Society – count Uvarov and others.

Typically Murom is associated with the name of the epic hero Ilya Murometz – а warrior and a defender of Russian borders.

Tourists come to Murom every year. They like the places of interest in our town because here you can admire past and present of the Russian land.

1. Why is Murom called so? 2. Where is it situated? 3. When was it founded? 4. What is its population? 5. Is it an industrious centre? What are the industries? 6. What are the educational institutions of your native town? 7. What is the cultural life of Murom? 8. Are there any squares and monuments in Murom? What are they? 9. What are the historical monuments of the past? 10. What great men were born in Murom? 11. What attracts tourists in Murom?

75. Speak about your home town using the plan.

  1. Introduction / Введение

  • the name of the town

название города

  • birth, childhood and school years

где родился, провел детство и школьные годы

  • friends and relatives who live here

друзья и родственники, которые живут здесь

  1. Basic part / Основная часть

  • the year of foundation

год основания

  • location


  • population


  • industries

отрасли промышленности

  • educational institutions

образовательные учреждения

  • cultural places: theatres, cinemas, exhibition halls, museums

учреждения культуры: кинотеатры, выставочные залы, музеи

  • architecture, squares, monuments, churches, monasteries

архитектура, площади, памятники, церкви, монастыри

  • pride of the town: great people, events

гордость города: великие люди, события

  1. Conclusion / Заключение

  • attraction to the tourists

интерес для туристов

  • why I like my town

почему мне нравится мой город

  • invitation to my town

приглашение в мой город