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The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

The Past continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем прошедшем времени, лице и числе (I/He/she/it-was ; They/we/you-were) и глагола- сказуемого в форме инфинитива без частицы to с ing окончанием.

Прошедшее продолженное время означает:

1) действие в процессе, которое совершалось в определенный момент или протекало в течение четко ограниченного периода времени в прошлом.

I was watching television at 17.30 yesterday.

We were all dancing at the party the whole night.

2) Используем для двух и более действий, которые происходили в одно время в прошлом.

They were dancing while he was playing the guitar.

3) Говоря о прошлом действии, которое было в процессе(Past Continuous), когда другое однократное действие его прервало(Past Simple).

He was painted the bedroom (процесс прошлого) when suddenly he fell off the ladder (однократное действие).

4) Глаголы состояния (non-continuous verbs) в Past Continuous также не употребляется.




was (wasn’t)











were (weren’t)



часто употребляются такие обстоятельства времени как: at … o'clock yesterday – вчера в …часов; at that time – в то время; from 5 till 6 last Sunday (from 5 to 6 o'clock) – с 5 до 6 в прошлое воскресенье; the whole evening – весь вечер.

Grammar exercises

1. Answer the questions using the words from the round brackets.

Model: –Where were you at 6 o’clock? – (library/ read a book)

I was reading a book in the library.

        1. Where were you at this time last week? (Spain/ stay at the hotel)

        2. What was your grandmother doing the whole yesterday evening? (armchair/ watch a serial)

        3. What were you doing from 2 to 3? (home/ make lunch)

        4. Where was your brother at midday? (walk with his dog/ park)

2. Complete the sentences with the past progressive tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. At the party lots of people (dance) in the street while our neighbours (have) a barbecue.

  2. I (sit) in my bedroom and (read) a book from 4 till midnight.

  3. Someone (make) a very loud noise in the street.

  4. Why you all (laugh) when I came in?

  5. Sally (practice) the piano the whole morning.

3. Translate into English.

  1. Где вы работали сегодня в 9 часов утра?

  2. Он с друзьями занимался английским весь день.

  3. Мы смотрели телевизор, а они слушали радио.

  4. Во время обеда она читала научный журнал.

  5. Автобус стоял на остановке с 3 до 4, а затем уехал.

4. Add a sentence with the past continuous to say that an action lasted a long time. Model: You had to work yesterday. The work went on all day.

I was working all day.

  1. You had to make phone calls. The calls went on all evening.

  2. Students had to wait in the rain. The rain lasted for half an hour.

  3. We had to make sandwiches. This went on all afternoon.

  4. The lorry had to stay in a traffic jam. It was there for two hours.

  5. Your neighbour played loud music. This went on all night.

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