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First aid

1. As you read the text look for an answer to the following question: When should you go to the emergency room?

You can get treatment for serious medical problems include heart attack, broken bones, serious bleeding, animal bites, or serious burns. Go to the emergency room for sudden serious pain, such as chest or stomach pains. For common health problems such as colds, fevers, and rushes, you should go to the polyclinic. Do not go to the emergency room for chronic problems or you can make a doctor’s appointment for. If possible, call your own doctor before you go to the emergency room.

Hospital emergency rooms are open 24 hours a day. They are often crowded and you might have to wait a long time to see a doctor. When the doctor examines you, she will ask many questions about your specific injury or condition. She will ask also if you have any allergies, what medications you are presently taking, and your medical history. Sometimes you might need x-rays or special laboratory tests. Usually, the emergency room releases you the same day. They will tell you to go to a doctor outside the hospital for follow up treatment. If your condition is serious, you might have to stay in the hospital.

  1. Here are some tips on what to do at accidents. Read them and ask yourself if you know what to do in the case of emergency. Discuss if it is necessary to take a first aid course so that each person knows more about this.

Car accident

(If emergency services are already at the scene, drive past slowly and don’t interfere)

    1. Control any serious bleeding and make sure victims can breath.

    2. Leave victims in the car unless there is a danger from fire there.

    3. Switch off ignition and lights of any car involved. Make sure the brakes are on.

    4. Don’t smoke or allow any bystanders to smoke.

    5. Look to see if any victims have been thrown over a nearby wall or hedge.

    6. Set warning triangles or send bystanders 200 metres behind and ahead of the scene to warn other drivers to slow down.

    7. Get a bystander to call the ambulance, write down exactly where you are, the number of victims and apparent injuries.

    8. Treat the victims as best as you can without pulling them out.

    9. Wait for the emergency services to arrive.

Snake bite

1. Don’t cut the wound.

2. Don’t suck out the poison.

3.Encourage the patient to rest, lying down.

4 Wash the wound and apply a clean dry dressing.

  1. Bandage firmly with a soft pad pressing on the wound.

  2. Prevent the patient from moving the affected part, this reduces the spread of poison.

  3. Get the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.


1.Move the patient as little as possible. Call for a doctor or ambulance.

2.Position the patient with his or her head low and feet raised – do not move any part that may be fractured.

3.Loosen tight clothing.

4.Keep the patients warm, cover them with a coat or blanket.

Artificial respiration

  1. Artificial respiration. By holding the patient in this position, his lungs will be drained of any liquid almost immediately.

  2. Lay the patient on his back …

  3. … press the head back-wards and the lower jaw upwards …

  4. … seal the patient’s nose by pinching his nostrils together …

  5. … then, place your wide open mouth right round his and blow hard …

  6. … and repeat six times quickly and then at about ten times a minute.

  7. Repeat the action each time the patient’s chest falls

  8. Carry on until the patient breathes naturally or help arrives.

Anyone whose breathing has stopped needs artificial respiration at once. Lack of oxygen can cause brain damage within only three to five minutes and longer oxygen starvation leads to death.

Breathing can stop from one of many reasons: drowning, electric shock, poisoning, suffocation or a sudden illness such as a heart attack.

To check whether a person is breathing, put your ear close to his nose and mouth: you should be able to hear air passing in and out of his throat. Or put a mirror close to his lips: if he is breathing, the mirror mists over.

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