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Грамматика английского языка.doc
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1.Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I had been writing this exercise for an hour when you came to my place. 2. I’ll take a test in this subject. 3. Tomorrow at ten o’clock in the morning we’ll be taking a test in this subject. 4. Tomorrow by two o’clock in the afternoon we’ll have taken a test in this subject. 5. I had already written a letter to my sister when you came to my place yesterday. 6. How long will you have been writing the test before you give it to the teacher? 7. Yesterday I came home, wrote a letter to my parents, looked through the newspapers and went to bed. 8. I’ll send you a letter as soon as I write it.

2. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Каждый год в конце семестра студенты пишут контрольную работу по английскому я зыку. 2. Я сейчас делаю упражнение. 3. Я пишу это упражнение уже 20 минут. 4. Я написала упражнение. Проверьте его, пожалуйста. 5. Что вы делали вчера в это время? – Я писала письмо своей сестре. 6. На этой неделе я написала несколько писем своим друзьям.

Текст №1

I study at the university. I have been studying here since September. I have been learning English since the fifth form. I speak English fairly well and know German a little. I like to read English and German books and try to do translation into Russian. Now we are revising the English tenses. We have been revising them for two weeks.

Текст №2

My name is Kate. I am nineteen. In August I entered the institute. Now I am a first-year student. I have been studying at the Institute for some months. I have come to Moscow from the town of Vladimir. Two years ago I left a secondary school. I had worked before I entered the Institute. There are fifteen students in our group. We live at the Institute hostel (three to a room). Most of us receive grants.

Текст №3

I have been studying at Moscow University in the historical faculty for a year. The students of our faculty often go on excurtions to ancient Russian towns. Recently we went to Pskov. Our guide was S.V. He graduated from our faculty a year ago. Now he is taking a post-graduate course. In a bus one of the students of our group asked me: “Have you been to Pskov before?” – “No, I haven’t. But not long ago I went to Kolomenskoe with our group. Have you been there?” – No, I haven’t. I have never been there but I hope to go there as soon as I pass my credit tests.” – Now we are preparing for exams. Our group will go to Yevpatoria, as soon as we pass our exams. I have read a lot about the excavations in Yevpatoriya for many years.

Времена глагола в страдательном залоге


Страдательный залог указывает, что лицо или предмет не само совершает действие, а испытывает воздействие со стороны другого лица или предмета.

to be + -ed (III форма глагола/Participle II)

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite

I am asked.

Меня спрашивают.

I was asked.

Меня спросили.

I shall be asked.

Меня спросят.

He is asked.

Его спрашивают.

He was asked.

Его спросили.

He will be asked.

Его спросят.

She is asked.

Ее спрашивают.

She was asked.

Ее спросили.

She will be asked.

Ее спросят.

It is asked.

It was asked.

It will be asked.

We are asked.

Нас спрашивают.

We were asked.

Нас спросили.

We shall be asked.

Нас спросят.

You are asked.

Вас спрашивают.

You were asked.

Вас спросили.

You will be asked.

Вас спросят.

They are asked.

Их спрашивают.

They were asked.

Их спросили.

They will be asked.

Их спросят.

Вопросительная форма:

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite

Am I asked?

Меня спрашивают?

Was I asked?

Меня спросили?

Shall I be asked?

Меня спросят?

Is he asked?

Его спрашивают?

Was he asked?

Его спросили?

Will he be asked?

Его спросят?

Is she asked?

Ее спрашивают?

Was she asked?

Ее спросили?

Will she be asked?

Ее спросят?

Is it asked?

Was it asked?

Will it be asked?

Are we asked?

Нас спрашивают?

Were we asked?

Нас спросили?

Shall we be asked?

Нас спросят?

Are you asked?

Вас спрашивают?

Were you asked?

Вас спросили?

Will you be asked?

Вас спросят?

Are they asked?

Их спрашивают?

Were they asked?

Их спросили?

Will they be asked?

Их спросят?

Отрицательная форма:

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite

I am not asked.

Меня не спрашивают.

I was not asked.

Меня не спросили

I shall not be asked.

Меня не спросят.

He is not asked.

Его не спрашивают.

He was not asked.

Его не спросили.

He will not be asked.

Его не спросят.

She is not asked.

Ее не спрашивают.

She was not asked.

Ее не спросили.

She will not be asked.

Ее не спросят.

It is not asked.

It was not asked.

It will not be asked.

We are not asked.

Нас не спрашивают.

We were not asked.

Нас не спросили.

We shall not be asked.

Нас не спросят.

You are not asked.

Вас не спрашивают.

You were not asked.

Вас не спросили.

You will not be asked.

Вас не спросят.

They are not asked.

Их не спрашивают.

They were not asked.

Их не спросили.

They will not be asked.

Их не спросят.

Действительный залог

Страдательный залог

1. We study many interesting

subjects at the Institute.

1. Many interesting subjects are studied by us at the Institute.

2 I wrote the letter

2. The letter was written by me.

3. We shall finish the work tomorrow.

3. The work will be finished by us tomorrow.