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Грамматика английского языка.doc
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A first-year student – студентпервогокурса.

business partners – партнеры по бизнесу.

Глагол to be в настоящем времени Глагол tobeпереводится “быть, являться, находиться” или не переводится.

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

ед. число

мн. число

ед. число

мн. число

ед. число

мн. число

1. I am

1. We are

1. Am I?

1. Are we?

1. I am not

1. We are not

2. You are

2. You are

2. Are you?

2.Are you?

2. You are not

2.You are not

3. He is

She is

It is

3.They are

3. Is he?

Is she?

Is it?

3.Are they?

3. He is not

She is not

It is not

3. They are not

В разговорной речи используются сокращенные формы: isn’t, aren’t.


1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. I am a student. 2. John is in the room. 3. We are all students. 4. You are in the classroom. 5. The apple is on the plate and the plate is on the table. 6. The woman and the baby are on the chair. 7. The pencil is on the table. 8. The train is in the station. 9. The boy is in the bed. 10. Canada is in the North of America. 11. I am not a worker. 12. Are you a teacher? 13. Two and two are four. 14. We are happy. 15. You are right.

2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в настоящем времени:

1. Bob ________ my friend. He ______ a teacher. 2. I _______ in my room now. 3. ______ those men friends? Yes, they ______. 4. We _______ students. 5. She ______ an economist. 6. ______ you a student? Yes, I _____. 7. ______ they doctors? No, they ______. 8. This _____ a table. It ______ brown. 9. The table _____ in the room. 10. The books ______ on the shelf.

3. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. I am a good specialist. 3. My parents are in Moscow.

2. Kate is an engineer.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения:

1. That boy is near the door. 2. Those boys are near the door. 3. This boy isn’t near the window. 4. These boys aren’t near the window. 5.Is the boy near the window?

5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Это ручка. Ручка красная. Она на столе. 2. Я - экономист. Я в офисе. Офис на улице Калинина. 3. Мои родители - пенсионеры. Они не в городе. Они в деревне. 4. Это его квартира? Да, это его квартира. Онахорошая.

Текст №1

Nick and I are students. We are students. These two young men are also students. You are not a student. You are a teacher of English. We are all in a classroom.

Текст №2

It is Mr. Bell. He is a company manager. It is his office in London. The office is not large. Mr. Bell is in the office. He is at the desk. It is his telephone. It is white. The telephone is on the desk. It’s black.

It is Nancy. Nancy is a secretary. She is a good secretary and a nice woman.

Текст №3

It is Sunday. It’s nine o’clock. Peter Sokolov, his wife and his children are at home. Peter is an engineer. His wife Mary is a doctor. His daughter Nelly is five. She isn’t a schoolgirl. His son Mike is twelve. He’s a schoolboy. He’s a tall boy. Mike isn’t at school today. Mike is always at home on Sunday.

Текст №4

My son is a student. His name is Nick. This is his classroom. It’s large. These are desks. The desks are brown. This is his desk. It’s brown too. These are his notebooks and textbooks. They are on his desk.

These are shelves. They are brown and yellow. They’re new. Those are pictures. They’re on the walls. Show me the picture, please.

It’s nine o’clock. Nick and his friends are in the classroom. The teacher is in the classroom too. Dick is absent today. He is ill. Ann is absent too. She isn’t ill. She’s late.