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concrete floor slab. The four lines of columns are supported by three rows of concrete columns, cast on top of piles, and by the retaining wall at (5)… . The columns are stabilised by a grid of reinforced concrete tie beams cast on the surface of the sloping (6)… . The cladding is of aluminium panels with (7)… . Window frames are also in aluminium. The dimensions are modular: 4in in both horizontal directions and 6in vertically. The various building elements must fit (8)… this modular grid with sufficient (9)… to allow easy erection, and any dimensional variations or errors whether in construction (10)… in production of the components.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию глагола to have.

1.They have square cross-section and are weakly glued one to the other.

2.The development of reliable wood glues has brought in a range of manufactured products.

3.Materials have to perform under specific conditions of usage.

4.Fabric structures have been in use for a very long time as temporary forms of construction.

5.It is important to build with timber which has about the same moisture content as the one it will have in the building.

6.Wood has decreased strength under long-term loads and at high temperatures.

7.Large spans have quite often to be obtained.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом.

1.This width of the beam is considered to be sufficient.

2.The engineer is said to have changed the design of the roof.

3.Steel is known to be widely used in building.

4.The strength of the fabric is known to depend mainly on the fibre which is used.

5.Wood is expected to have low strength under long term loads and at high temperatures.

6.The strength of the hardened concrete depends greatly on the water to cement ratio.

7.Cement powder is believed to be one of the most versatile binders.

8.The design chosen is thought to be the best for owner requirements.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова.

1.The action of shear unit stresses is complex compared to that of the axial unit stresses, tension and compression.

2.Various kinds of cement are available, for example, those which harden rapidly.

3.This arrangement allows the structure to be positioned on a steep slope.

4.The cabins were built in 18 months, work in the factory starting two months ahead of that on site.

5.Those grades of steel which have higher carbon contents are stronger.

6.That brick is still so popular is largely due to this geometrical idea and the consequent flexibility it allows in the plan shape of buildings.

7.The six-person two-storey house contains three main walls in the long direction; these support the two monopitch roofs and the floor above ground level.

8.The house is unusual in that the main central wall is both an internal and an external wall and is therefore of cavity construction throughout.

9.Different proportions of these materials produce concrete with different strength and weight.

10.The basic components of a steel structure are steel sections, these usually prefabricated in a factory.

Упражнение 4. Образуйте существительные от следующих слов, используя суффикс –ness, и переведите их на русский язык.

thick, stiff, effective, hard, weak, light

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1.Glass is a strong material in compression but is only able to realize its full strength in tension with specimens that are free of scratches.



2.In this case the glass wall is hung from supports to avoid buckling.

3.The wire enables the glass to be transparent and strong at the same time.

4.Wired glass is often used to provide fire resistance for periods of about half an hour.

5.A film or coating is usually applied to a fabric to increase its life and improve other properties.

6.Other alternatives are synthetic rubber which is easy to stretch and put into shape but not very durable or thin metal sheet such as stainless steel which is strong and very stable but hard to get into shape.

7.To achieve the result required prestressed concrete was used.

Упражнение 6. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А. Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C. Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


Part I

An asymmetrical but balanced-looking arrangement of masts and cables that cover this ice-skating stadium are visible from a long way away.

The principal cable-supported frame has two steel masts of rectangular section, each leaning slightly outwards and supporting twin box-section ridge beams passing either side of it. The span is 82 metres. The ridge beams have an apex which is nine metres nearer to the mast on the south side. There are two cables at each suspension point except the two central points which have four to compensate for the shallower cable angle there; the cables pass in the gap between the twin beams and are attached to 1.60 m diameter steel cylinders which are cut in and welded to the beams.

The cylinders are subsequently filled with concrete to ensure that the cables are properly anchored to them. Twin 200×1650 mm laminated timber beams span 24 m between the ridge beams and slender steel columns set in from the perimeter; the columns have pinned connections top and bottom to eliminate any bending moment, which would increase their size. Timber purlins at 3.75 m centres span between the laminated beams and prevent buckling or

twisting; steel angles, in turn, span between the third points of the purlins and brace them. Each 9 m bay of the roof is cross-braced with steel flats. Galvanised steel sheet, with a plastic coating is attached to the purlins. Timber secondary roof members were selected being preferred to steel as this was thought to be more suitable for a building in a holiday area.

Two transverse frames, one at each end, are connected to four concrete columns at the corners of the building. These columns absorb all torsion on the building as well as the wind forces in the east-west direction transferred to it by the roof.


cross-brace v. соединять крестовыми связями holiday area зона отдыха

ice-skating stadium ледовый стадион lean v. наклоняться

suspension point точка подвески torsion n. кручение

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.What are the main visible features of the stadium?

2.Why does the structure look asymmetrical?

3.How are cables anchored?

4.What members of the structure was timber used for?

5.Why was timber chosen?

6.What absorbs all torsion on the building?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте предложение с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом и переведите его на русский язык.

Упражнение2. Найдитевтекстеместоименияthis (these)/that (those) и переведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже словаисловосочетания. ЕслиВынезнаетеслово, найдитееговсловаре.



Выпишите из словаря то значение слова, в котором оно использовано в тексте.

asymmetrical (adj.), box-section (n.), cylinder (n.), mast (n.), purlin (n.), ridge beam, third point, twin (adj.), twisting (n.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.








long way away




























visible adj.

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже слов:

space n. – space v. – spacer n. – spacing n.

Упражнение 4. Составьте план содержания текста B.


ПрочитайтетранскрипциювспискеA, соотнеситееёссоответствующим словом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все слова списка В даны в списке А.









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When large column free spaces are required, the structure of the building is a major element in the design. A good example is provided by this arena which has a roof supported by three huge triangular space trusses. The three space trusses spanning 324 ft are completely self-supporting. The enclosure is set within the space truss structures and is made up of metal panels which are separated by wide joints.

The space trusses are 27 ft high and made of mild steel tubes of 48in diameter and up to 1¼ in thick for the top chords, 36 in and up to 1 in thick for the bottom chords and 30 in and up to 15/8 in thick for the web members. The top chord carries a maximum working load of approximately 2500 tons (2260 tonnes). This huge compressive member is restrained against buckling by the inclined web members. At bottom chord level, cross bracing is provided in


each bay by two steel rods of 3in diameter. The space truss has great rigidity and strength against vertical, horizontal or twisting forces. Suspended below the space trusses by hangers, are secondary roof trusses, generally at 54 ft centres, the space truss panel length. They are 9 ft deep, decreasing to 4 ft 6in deep over the 45 ft central parts between trusses. The space trusses are positioned so that they all have approximately equal loads on them from each side. For the two end trusses, the load from one side includes the weight of the wall cladding, it being partly supported by the roof, as well as the roof weight itself. Joists 4 ft 5 in deep at 9 ft centres span the 54 ft between the roof trusses and in turn, support the roof decking. To give the roof surface a certain amount of stiffness in its own plane, bands of cross-bracing are provided over the 45 ft central parts between the trusses, going in an east-west direction, and on the east and west sides of the building, going in a north-south direction. The wall cladding panels are generally 15 ft 6 in by 9 ft and supported by mullions at 15 ft 6 in centres, in turn supported by cross beams and then by columns at 18 ft centres. The columns are suspended from the perimeter roof beams so that the cladding panels move with the roof, except the lower band of panels at the four corners whose mullions are supported on the ground.


mild steel низкоуглеродистая сталь restrained adj. связанный, защемлённый working load рабочая нагрузка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.How is column free space for this arena provided?

2.What are the dimensions of the space trusses?

3.Which member of the space truss resists compressive forces?

4.How are secondary roof trusses positioned?

5.What are the differences in the loading of the space trusses?

6.How is stiffness of the roof surface provided?

7.What are the features of the wall cladding?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова и словосочетания:

arena (n.), huge (adj.), triangular (adj.), web member.

Какиеизперечисленныхсловмогутбытьдругимичастямиречи? Какими именно? Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

Упражнение2. Переведитенаанглийскийязыкприведённыениже слова и словосочетания:

арена, вес, внешняя балка покрытия, вспомогательная балка, двигаться, кроме, наклонный, настил, ограждающаяконструкция, огромный, панель стеновой облицовки, перекрёстная связь, подвешивать, полоса, потеря продольной устойчивости, пояс фермы, пример, жилая застройка, пространственная ферма, равный, размещать, самонесущий, свободное от колонн пространство, сжатый элемент, скручивать, стойка фахверка, стык, уменьшаться, хомут.

Упражнение 3. Дайте синонимы следующих слов:

division n.

terminate v.

link n.,v. (2)

let v.

complete v.

faced adj.

apart from adv.

think v.

rear n.

collapse n.

fully adv.

huge adj.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию it is/was … that… .

1.It is connection of precast concrete units that can be a major construction problem.

2.It is the reaction of water and cement powder that makes the paste harden.

3.It is the hotel that has ten storeys, the office building being a low-rise one.

4.It was in 1824 that Portland cement appeared.

5.It was the health club with two levels below grade that determined the column spacings under this playing floor.

6.It was the main staircase that structurally separated the building into two parts.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола.



1.To overcome this flexibility GRP is often used in the form of shaped or double skin panels.

2.The load transmission conditions being approximately the same in both directions, a planning grid with a square mesh was adopted.

3.Steel was thought to be more suitable for a building in an industrial area.

4.The builder uses different construction materials to produce the finished structure.

5.This period of time is necessary to allow the concrete to gain sufficient strength before it has to support itself.

6.The slab may be composed of a system of two-way ribs joined together by a thin top layer of concrete, the latter being described as a waffle slab.

7.These cements generate such heat after setting that they may cause thermal cracking.

8.The space above the ceiling is not accessible without locally destroying the ceiling.

9.Having been advised by the consulting engineer to increase the strength of the foundation they decided to change its design.

10.The area having few sunny days, all the living rooms face (смотрят на) south.

Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующее:

1/3; ½; ¼; 1/8; 3/8; 1¼ in thick; 35/8 m wide; 0.9 ft deep; 15.24 cm deep; 45.72 cm by 274.32 cm; 0.415 kg per sq m; 2.26 mm; 2,625 tons.

Упражнение 4. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А. Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C. Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


The effect of the masts and cables is to more than double the span of this same frame without cables. The shape of the cable-stayed frame follows the

general pattern of the bending movement in a portal frame with pinned feet and deep haunches. The snow load of 410 kg per sq m is taken by axial forces in the cables and bending of the ridge beam and, if the load is asymmetrical, causes some cables to go slack. Load effects then become non-linear, that is the effects of different load cases may not be simply added together. Linear analysis is sufficiently good for the analysis of dead load effects however. The masts receive compression forces of up to 1100 tonnes from the cables. With wind forces acting at right angles to the main axis of the building, the lateral stabilising system allows the cable anchorage points to move up to 226 mm in the east-west direction. As in any large structure, the increase of forces due to temperature variations is decreased as far as possible, in this case by pinned connections and sliding joints. However the main cable-stayed frame is internally indeterminate and has to absorb these forces; the transverse frames are flexible and bend under temperature stresses so that the concrete corner supports do not receive excessive horizontal force.

The total period of construction was 24 months. Steelwork was brought onto site in large sections and welded up in position.

With heavy snow loading a structure of strength and rigidity was required. However reasonable economy has been achieved by the elimination of ground anchors, the use of a continuous ridge member and the careful selection of angles and prestressing force in the cables. Higher prestressing forces would have increased the size of the ridge beam.


axial force

осевая сила

cable-stayed frame

балочно-вантовый каркас

haunch n.

консольный выступ

indeterminate adj.


linear adj.


go slack


sliding joint подвижное соединение

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.What is the effect of the masts and cables?

2.When do cables go slack?

3.How is the effect of forces due to temperature variations decreased?

4.What was the total period of construction?

5.How has reasonable economy of the construction been achieved?



Грамматическое упражнение

Найдите втексте неличные формы глагола ипереведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.






anchorage point

следовать за


главная ось


собственный вес

pinned connection




portal frame


corner support

угловая опора



dead load


ridge beam












right angle













прямой угол





main axis







Упражнение 2. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже слов:

twist v. – twisting n. symmetrical – asymmetrical

Упражнение 3. Составьте план содержания текста B.

Текст C


The site for the new 18,800-seat Target Center sports arena was a difficult one. While most of the site was limestone bedrock, the northwest corner

extended into a preglacial river channel. These soil conditions made a singlefoundation design not practical. So the engineers used three footing types.

Typical spread footings were placed away from the channel, where the limestone was in place. They bear directly on the limestone with a pressure of 20 tons/sq ft, which reduces the need to remove bedrock. Because the shale below the limestone was of lower strength, minimum thicknesses of limestone were required between the footing and shale. Where the limestone thickness was inefficient, footings were extended to the sandstone. About half of the arena is supported on 180 spread footings.

Drilled piers designed for founding on sandstone because of the limited limestone thickness, were placed near the channel’s edge. The sandstone in this area functioned as the bearing stratum because of limited limestone thickness. Ranging in diameter from 36 to 78 in and in length from 5 to 50 ft, these piers support 78 columns. The 5 ft piers are founded on good-quality limestone that extends beyond the estimated edge of the channel.

In the channel, concrete-filled 95/8 in diameter pipe piles carry 80–100 tons per pile. Protective conical points helped the piles embed themselves into the sandstone-bearing stratum. There are from three to 20 piles per group driven to the depth of 50–130 ft.

The arena has the first structurally supported, elevated, movable floor in the U.S. It was the health club with two levels below grade that determined the column spacings beneath this playing floor. The engineers used a 1522 ft

The movable floor area (22890 ft) is two levels above the lowest slab. When lowered, movable seats pull out on all four sides for basketball and concerts. In the up position the seats pull back and the floor is lifted with a series of 98 jacks.

The top 6 in of concrete on the floor contains the coolant piping for the ice hockey slab. Directly below this slab is 6in rigid insulation and a 10in structural slab of conventionally reinforced cast-in-place concrete.

When lowered, the floor functions as a one-way structural slab that spans between the jack support beams. In the up position, it functions as a two-way slab supported on the 98 jacks. The jacks are supported by a series of conventionally reinforced cast-in-place beams that, in turn, are supported by the cast-in-place columns. The dead load of the movable floor is 2,625 tons, with a live-load capacity of 2,625 tons when lifted up and 5,250 tons when lowered.



The trusses of the roof system are 30 ft deep at the ends and slope to 32 ft deep at the centre. They are made of W14 sections rotated with the weak axis vertical. The top and bottom chords are grade 50 steel with web members grade 36 steel.

The trusses were all fully preassembled with the drilled bolt connection shop fabricated then disassembled and transported to the site. This eliminated fitting problems during erection. The 330 ft trusses weighed an average of 250 tons each. All truss connections were bolted in-situ with 1in diameter A325 bolts.


coolant piping n. система труб охлаждения disassemble v. демонтировать

drilled pier буронабивная свая-столб health club оздоровительный клуб ice hockey хоккей на льду

live-load capacity допустимая временная нагрузка pipe pile трубчатая свая

preglacial river channel русло доледниковой реки support beam опорная балка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.Why was the site a difficult one?

2.What were the three footing types the engineers used?

3.What did the use of spread footings result in?

4.Why were drilled piers placed near the channel’s edge?

5.What is the structure of the arena floor?

6.How do the cast-in-place columns under the floor area function?

7.What are the trusses of the roof system made of?

8.How are they joined?

Лексическое упражнение

В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которыеиспользованы в тексте для домашнего чтения. Найдите их перевод в списке В.






в свою очередь



bearing stratum


live load







column spacing



отдельный фундамент



conical point








подвижной пол














иметь наклон


схема сетки колонн

column grid








in turn



шаг колонн




грунтовое несущее



up position





плита с перекрёстной

рабочей арматурой








This multi-storey car park has 748 parking bays on seven floors. On the six upper floors the parking bays are positioned at right angles to two access roads. Vehicles entering the park use a semi-helical ramp built at one end of the building; a second semi-helical ramp, protruding from one of the longitudinal faces, is used by leaving vehicles. Staircases are accommodated in two cores, one of which additionally contains two lifts.

The overall dimensions of the car park are 78.0632.77 m. The height above ground level is 20.80 m. The external radius of the semi-helical ramps is 11.60 m, the radius of centre-line is 9.05 m, the gradient being 9 %.

Layout comprises two 6.00 m wide access roads. On each side of them there are 5.00 m deep rows of parking bays on each upper floor. Corresponding to this layout the structural system has been designed as a pin-jointed framework comprising a row of columns in each of the two longitudinal facades, a row of columns extending along the longitudinal centre-line, and floor beams spanning 16.00 m from the central to the external columns. Columns are spaced at 2.50 m centres longitudinally, corresponding to the width of a parking bay. External columns consist of HE 180 A and B, internal columns of HE 300 A and B, floor beams of IPE 450. Floors are of composite construction comprising 10 cm thick precast concrete slabs (2.508.07 m) spanning between the floor beams and interconnecting the structural steelwork in the longitudinal direction. Composite action is ensured by stud shear connectors and in-situ concrete in the joints. The imposed load on floors is 350 kg/m2. Wind forces are transmitted through floors to vertical diagonal bracing in the end and longitudinal walls.

Semi-helical ramps are structurally separate from the main building. The ramp structure comprises inner and outer columns, radially placed floor beams and an in-situ concrete deck slab. Horizontal forces due to wind and traffic are transmitted by three groups of bracing erected between the outer columns.

Spandrel panels of 8 mm thick asbestos cement, 1.20 m high are used for the facades. Above these are horizontal slats. The end walls and the two semi-helical ramps feature cladding consisting of plastic-coated sheet-steel troughing units.


deck slab опорная плита enter v. въезжать в gradient n. уклон

parking bay парковочный карман protrude v. выступать semi-helical adj. полуспиральный

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.What kind of building is it?

2.How is access to and from the parking bays provided?

3.What are the overall dimensions of the car park?

4.What does its structural system correspond to?

5.What does the framework of the building comprise?

6.How is composite action ensured?

7.How are wind forces withstood?

8.What are the structural features of the semi-helical ramps?

Фонетическое задание

Найдите в тексте слова, транскрипция которых дана ниже, и переведите их на русский язык.

[]; [ []; [ []; []; []

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже словосочетания.

horizontal slat, in-situ concrete deck slab, leaving vehicles, longitudinal centreline, main building, multi-storey car park, overall dimensions, parking bay, plastic-coated sheet-steel troughing unit, structural steelwork.



Упражнение2. Переведитеследующиеслова исловосочетанияна английский язык:

анкерныйсоединительныйэлемент, асбестоцемент, вдоль, верхнийэтаж, ветровая нагрузка, включать в себя, внешнийрадиус, гарантировать, изза, каркас с шарнирным соединением, перемычка, подъездная дорога, полуспиральный пандус, приложенная нагрузка, продольный фасад, прямойугол, размещаться, ряд, срасстоянием… междуосями, состоять из, стык, схема, торцевая стена, характеризоваться, центральный ствол.

Упражнение3. Составьтемаксимальноеколичествопарсинонимов и антонимов из приведённого ниже списка слов:

















Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

semi-basement level, concrete basement structure, foundation pocket, ventilation plant, in-situ concrete deck slab, temperature movement, car park design, metal stud, precast concrete infill panel, hollow core concrete plank, cavity brick wall.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию глагола to have.

1.The structural system has been designed as a pin-jointed framework.

2.The car park area has no structural fire protection.

3.Cores for tall buildings have to be constructed with thicker walls and more reinforcement than necessary for the fire protection of the services within cores.

4.This multi-storey car park has 748 parking bays.

5.They had to find a safe method of construction.

6.The foundation had been completed by June and the construction of the superstructure began.

7.This method will have to be used due to difficult soil condition.

Упражнение3. Определите, ккакойчастиречиотносятсяследующие слова и переведите их:

longitudinal, efficiently, independent, capability, dimension, additionally, external, structure, builder, characteristic, respective, direction, basement, stainless, brightness.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, выделите главные и второстепенные члены.

1.The end walls have cladding consisting of plastic-coated sheet-steel troughing units.

2.Connections between the panels and timber beams are generally made by galvanised steel screws.

3.Columns are spaced at 2.50 m centres longitudinally.

Упражнение 5. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 5 вопросов различных типов к тексту А. Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C. Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


The structural design of this pavilion includes two rectangular pavilion blocks displaced parallel to each other, comprising 690 m2 of exhibition space in all. Main stairs are located between the two blocks. In addition, there is a spiral staircase between ground floor and upper floor.

The characteristic feature of the structure is the arrangement of the upper storeys, which are suspended from three rows of tubular steel columns, so that they span over the ground floor and cantilever a distance of 7.0 m and 14.0 m, respectively, at the ends. The upper storey of each block comprises two



Vierendeel girders integral with the longitudinal facades and interconnected by cross beams at roof and floor level. The girders are pin-jointed to brackets on the columns, which are spaced at 14 m centres in both directions. There is horizontal lattice bracing in longitudinal direction at roof level and transverse bracing in the end faces of the upper storeys. Steel trough decking serves to stiffen the upper floors. Wind forces are transmitted by the eight external columns fixed in foundation pockets in the reinforced concrete basement structure. The 1800 mm dia tubular columns are of welded construction, from 15 mm thick plate, stiffened with internal diaphragms. The Vierendeel girders, which are 4.24 m deep, comprise welded I-section chords, 620 mm deep, and HE 600 M uprights spaced at 3.50 m centres. Due to transport restrictions the Vierendeel girders had to be brought to the site in pieces, field joints being made at the mid-point of the depth of the uprights. Transverse beams are spaced at 1.75 centres and have bolted connections.

The ground floor is glazed. The Vierendeel girders in upper storeys have stainless steel cladding with opening windows provided with double glazing.


restriction n. ограничение

Vierendeel girder безраскосная ферма, ферма Виренделя

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arrangement, bracket, cantilever, comprise, displace, double glazing, fair (n.), feature, field joint, foundation pocket, I-section chord, locate, rectangular, respectively, spiral staircase, stainless steel cladding, suspend, transverse bracing, trough decking, upper.



Generally the building has cast-in-place concrete floors supported by brickwork walls and columns, although outside, on the north-west elevation, the six columns and the two large columns on either side of the entrance are concrete with a brick surround and in the middle unit of the building, the floor of the main hall is precast concrete.

The structure of the middle unit consists of two 381 mm thick brick cavity walls with the main hall floor and roof spanning them. These side walls are buttressed by piers at 4.21 m centres giving an overall depth at pier positions of 954 mm; the main hall floor consists of prestressed precast concrete floor units, with a 50 mm cast-in-place topping; adjacent units are welded together by means of steel inserts at 2.40 m centres along the edges, the floor thus forming a rigid diaphragm. The strip foundations to the side walls are taken below a soft clay layer to sand. The stability of the whole middle unit of the building is assured by four 225 mm thick return walls, about three metres long, on one side or other of the wall on the south-west elevation, all being founded on the same wall strip; the two inner return walls terminate at the main hall level. All other ground floor walls at right angles to the side walls are separated from the main loadbearing walls by vertical movement joints and have separate strip foundations. The back unit of the building is similar in principle to the middle unit but the two loadbearing walls run across the building in a north-west direction with cast-in-place floor slabs spanning between them; at the hall level, the slab cantilevers over the wall on the south-east elevation. The foundations for these loadbearing walls run in a continuous strip under the four walls of the unit with a minimum width of 2.35 m.

The front unit of the building is founded on a 450 mm concrete raft at basement level which is stiffened by concrete basement walls that in general are 300 mm thick. This was necessary because the unit contains a number of structural forms which all work together and cannot withstand differential movement. The concrete columns on the north-west elevation appear to be



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