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1. Write the transcription of the words, translate and read them correctly.

overview raise goal

technique intermediary pension

entity receive achieve

exceed arranging appropriate

aggregate coordinate deposit

consideration accept possession methodology acquisition share

2. Practice the reading of the following groups of words

an entity

lend or invest

gives the

method is

or retail

goals of each

selling equity


whose income

number of shares

mix of financing

use of appropriate

use and acquisition

investor ownership

receives interest

decreasing or increasing

income exceeds

its expenditure

are achieved

retail investors

variety of other

finance is used

investor owns

each of the above

3. Define the tense form of the predicate and translate the sentences. Transform them into negative.

  1. The lender receives interest.

  2. The financial intermediary earns the difference for arranging the loan.

  3. A bank aggregates the activities of many borrowers and lenders.

  4. Banks allow borrowers and lenders, of different sizes, to coordinate their activity.

  5. In return for the stock, the company receives cash.

4. Define the tense form of the predicate and translate the sentences. Compile general questions to the following sentences.

  1. The income of the entity exceeded its expenditure.

  2. The income of the entity decreased last year.

  3. The lender found a borrower.

  4. The bank has just accepted deposits from lenders.

  5. Financial intermediary has reached the goal.

5. Pick all adjectives from the text, translate them and write the degrees of comparison.

6. Look through the last paragraph of the text, pick out the words ending in “s” and explain what it (the ending) means.

7. Put the following pairs of words into the possessive case where it possible.

Lender/share, financial intermediaries/goal, schools and non-profit organizations/finance, entity/income, retail investors/deposits, bonds/owner, borrower/cash, institutional investors/ ownership.

8. Guess the words which are hidden in

dietmeraineris nodetasirinoc nequhitec nerotodiac

naiqitiusoc pateraporip garnirang nuredipetex

9. Look through the text and pick out irregular verbs. Write their forms.

10. Compose your own sentences using the words from the vocabulary list. Begin your sentences with:

On the one hand__________________ .

On the other hand __________________ .

11. Look through the text and pick out sentences with passive predicate. Define the tense form and translate them into Russian. Transform these sentences into active.

12. Answer the questions on the text

  1. What does an entity usually do with its excess income?

  1. What can an entity whose income is less than its expenditure do to raise capital?

  2. What is the role of a financial intermediary? What does he earn for his work?

  3. What are the main activities of the bank?

  4. What categories of finance do you know?

  5. How can they achieve their goals?

  6. Why is finance considered to be one of the most important aspects of business management?

  7. What financing methods does a company use to raise funds?

  8. Who can function as investor?

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