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government – правительство

meaning – значение, смысл

to apply to = refer to

within – в, внутри; в рамках (какой-л. организации)

personnel manager – менеджер по персоналу, начальник отдела кадров

financial manager – финансовый менеджер, финансовый директор

sales manager – менеджер по продажам, заведующий отделом продаж

goods – товар, товары

marketing manager – менеджер по маркетингу

market – рынок

promotion – 1) продвижение, раскрутка, рекламирование

2) продвижение по службе, повышение в звании

to solve a problem – решать, разрешать проблему

variety – многообразие, разнообразие; ряд, множество

in terms of – с точки зрения; в свете

efficiency – эффективность, продуктивность, производительность

to depend on – зависеть от

according to – в соответствии с, согласно, по

position - положение; должность

to occupy / have / hold a position — занимать должность

hierarchy – иерархия

subordinate – подчиненный

authority – власть, полномочия

to delegate authority –передавать, делегировать полномочия

order – 1) порядок

2) приказ

level – уровень, ступень

without – без

1. Write the transcription of the words and train their pronunciation.

include meaning financial specific

government personnel finance efficiency

agency personal product culture

determine individual company hierarchy

subordinates successfully authority initiative

2. Work with the following groups of words. Write the transcription of the words and train their pronunciation. Define their part of speech and translate. Point out prefixes and suffixes. Memorize the words and use one from each group in a sentence of your own.

  1. To govern, governor, government, governing, governmental.

  2. To mean, meaning, meaningful, meaningless.

  3. To finance, finances, financial, financing.

  4. To solve, solution, solvable, unsolved.

  5. To depend, dependence, dependency, dependent, dependable, independent, independence, independently, interdependence.

  6. Variety, to vary, variable, invariably.

3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words, then translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Many different terms can be used … the term “manager”, for example, “director”, “administrator”, “president”.

  2. The term “manager” is used more frequently in … organizations.

  3. … manager … for supervising people in an organization.

  4. … manager … for finance.

  5. … manager … for selling of goods.

  6. … manager … for promotion of products on the market.

  7. When a problem exists a manager has to… to solve it.

  8. National culture often … how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.

  9. The position an individual occupies in a company’s hierarchy … the amount of his or her responsibility.

  10. Authority is the right to … decisions and … orders.

  11. When managers delegate authority, they allow employees at … levels in the company hierarchy to make … without … their manager.

4. Write degrees of comparisons of the following adjectives. Use them in the sentences of your own, make use of different comparative constructions.

Broad, responsible, hard, little, efficient, active, successful, low, high.

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