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6. Guess what is meant.

  1. A piece of paper that you are given which shows that you have paid for something.

  2. A person or organization that lends money to people on condition that they pay it back.

  3. The sum total of all the money you owe: mortgage, student loans, credit cards, even loans from friends and family.

  4. A legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over a period of years.

  5. A service (such as a supply of electricity or water) that is provided to the public.

  6. A first payment that you make when you buy something with an agreement to pay the rest later.

  7. A small plastic card that is used to buy things that you agree to pay for later.

  8. The day by which something must be done or paid.

  9. A document that says how much money you owe for something you have bought or used.

  10. Money that is earned from work, investments, business, etc.

7. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word. Translate the sentences.

lenders, down payment, total debt load, mortgage, interest rates, utilities, bill, income, bills, bill, earns, due date, job

  1. Farming is his main source of …… .

  2. Even on two incomes, we're having a hard time keeping up with our …. .

  3. He ….. a good income as a consultant.

  4. He paid the telephone …. .

  5. I've been having a hard time paying the bills since I lost my … .

  6. The waiter gave us our …. .

  7. Add the amount I now owe to what I already owe and I will pay the … later.

  8. Tomorrow's the …. for our electricity bill. (the bill must be paid by tomorrow)

  9. She made a 10 percent … on the car.

  10. Many of these people are in danger of having their … shut off for nonpayment. (of no longer getting electricity, water, etc., in their homes because they have not paid their bills)

  11. They've taken out a 30 year …. (they will pay for their house over a period of 30 years).

  12. Several … are offering very attractive …. at the moment.

8. Translate into English.

  1. Маргарет собирает чеки, чтобы составить бюджет того, что она потратила за последние три месяца. Она точно (for sure) знает сколько платит за аренду и коммунальные услуги.

  2. Джек ищет вторую работу. Он хочет увеличить свой доход.

  3. Сергей оплатил свои счета до установленной даты.

  4. Невозможно разобраться со своим бюджетом.

  5. Кэйт добилась снижения процентной ставки.

  6. Света создала хорошую кредитную историю, так как всегда своевременно платила.

  7. Я внесу большую сумму, если получу стипендию вовремя.

  8. Они не смогли внести очередной взнос по кредиту, который брали на обучение.

  9. К предсказуемым затратам добавляются еще и непредвиденные расходы.

  10. У тебя более высокая процентная ставка по кредиту, потому что ты работаешь здесь всего полгода.

9. Answer the questions.

  1. What one should do to develop a budget?

  2. What is an advantage of creating a budget of what one has spent?

  3. What is the difference between unexpected expenses and predictable costs?

  4. What is the highest percent of one’s income the lenders look for for a total debt load?

  5. How much of total income does installment debt usually constitute?

  6. What is the way to find where you can save?

  7. How can you increase your income?

  8. What are the ways of getting a better rate and a lower overall cost?

  9. Is it possible to create a house fund? What can you do to save? Do you have your own way of saving money?

  10. Why is it important to make payments by the due date and to pay off the entire balance promptly?

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