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18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод прилага­ тельных с суффиксом -ous:

  1. The department deals with the whole range of extractive in­ dustries such as coal and metalliferous mining.

  2. The famous universities of Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest in Great Britain dating from 1249 and 1284. They are recog­ nized centres bf education.

  3. The graduates from the Mining Engineering Department work in various fields of the country's economy.

19. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:

the college authority industrially experienced engineers

a wide range of subjects/interests a new meaning of the word

means of production full-time and part-time education

the preliminary course of study oil technology

mine surveying surface excavation

difficult conditions of work management system

graduation paper advanced courses

extractive industries powder metal

average coal output to improve knowledge

to save fuel resources that is why

20. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с кор­ нями соответствующих слов в русском языке:

a technical college; a preliminary course; professional training; a good tradition; a technically advanced profession; industrially expe­rienced engineers; highly qualified specialists; the organization of the academic year; three-term system; examination tests; to recom­mend for entry to the university; to take examinations; to interview all the candidates; to select candidates

21. Прочитайте текст Б. Обратите внимание на особенности системы образования в университетах Великобритании:


Mining Education in Great Britain


At present in Great Britain there are a number of universities and colleges which give instruction in mechanical engineering, mining, metallurgy, etc. These institutions provide full-time and part-time education. It should be noted that technical colleges con­fer diplomas' on college graduates.

A university graduate leaves with the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science,2 which is an academic qualification awarded by universities. [

For example, the University in Cardiff has become one of the largest in Wales. It is one of the four colleges which together with the Welsh National School of Medicine form the University of Wales. There is the Mining Engineering Department in the Univer­sity of Wales. The Department deals with the whole range of extrac­tive industries such as coal and metalliferous mining, quarrying and oil technology.

After graduating from the college a student can be recommended for entry to the university by a college authority and he can apply for admission to the university.3

At the Mining Department students may take several courses such as geology, mining engineering, mine surveying, quarrying, manage­ment studies and others. It has become a tradition that the courses are based on an intensive tutorial system. It means that students are allotted4 to members of the teaching staff5 for individual tuition separately in mining, in quarrying and in mine surveying. The system is founded on that* of the older universities of Great Britain.

At the Department of Mining Engineering of the Newcastle Uni­versity mining has now become a technically advanced profession. The Department of Mining Engineering trains industrially experienced en­gineers through various advanced courses in rock mechanics and sur­face excavation. For many years the Mining Engineering Department at Newcastle has recognized the need for highly-qualified engineers and realized that the courses in rock mechanics and surface excavation are of great importance for mining engineers.

At the University a student studies for three or four years. The organization of the academic year is based on a three-term system which usually runs from about the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June or the be­ ginning of July. '

Students course is designed on a modular basis. Modules are self-contained 'units' of study, which are taught and assessed indepen­dently of each other. When a student passes a module, he (she) gains a credit. All modules carry a number of credits. At the end of the term, the number of credits a student gets, determines the award he (she) receives. Each module is continuously assessed by coursework and/or end-of-term examinations.

Admission to the British universities is by examination and se­lection. The minimum age for admission to the four-year course is normally 18 years. Departments usually interview all the candidates. The aim of the interview is to select better candidates.

Just over half of all university students live in colleges, halls of residence, or other accommodation provided by their university, another third lives in lodgings or privately rented accommodation; and the rest live at home.


  1. confer diplomas — присуждают дипломы

  2. Bachelor of Arts — бакалавр искусств; Bachelor of Science — бакалавр наук

— ученые степени, присуждаемые в Англии и США оканчивающим уни­верситет

3. to apply for admission to the university (college) — подать заявление о приеме

в университет (колледж)

  1. are allotted — распределяются

  2. teaching staff — профессорско-преподавательский состав

  3. ... on that of the older universities — на системе (that — слово, замещающее

"the system") более старых университетов