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7. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Под­твердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

  1. Igneous rocks have been formed by sedimentation.

  2. Intrusive rocks have been formed by the cooling of rocks of the Earth's crust.

  3. Extrusive rocks have been formed the same way.

  4. The grain size of igneous rocks depends on mode of occur­ rence.

  5. Exposed igneous rocks are numerous in mountain zones.

  6. Granites and diorites belong to the group of extrusive rocks.

  1. As a rule, granite may occur in dykes.

  2. Pegmatites do not belong to the group of plutonic or intrusive rocks.

8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Have igneous rocks crystallized from magma or have they been formed by sedimentation?

118 Unit 5

  1. Which types of igneous rocks do you know?

  2. What does the grain size of igneous rocks depend on?

  3. Can you give an example of intrusive or plutonic rocks?

  4. Are diorites intrusive or extrusive formations?

  5. What do you know about batholiths?

  6. Do pegmatites belong to the group of plutonic or volcanic rocks?

  7. How do pegmatites occur?

  8. What minerals are igneous rocks rich in?

9. А) Найдите в правой колонке руссжше эквиваленты следующих слов в сочетаний слов:

  1. adjacent layers а) способ залегания

  2. abyssal rocks б) крупнозернистый

  3. dimensions of crystals в) зоны крупных нарушений

  4. valuable minerals г) абиссальные (глубинные) породы

  5. shape and size of grains д) смежные пласты (слои)

  6. mode of occurrence e) размеры кристаллов

  7. coarse-grained ж) взбросы

  8. uplifts з) форма и размер зерен

  9. zones of major deformation и) ценные минералы

б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих сочетаний слов:

  1. затвердевшие массы a) irregular shape

  2. обломочные породы б) at a certain depth

  3. медленно остывать в) economically important

  4. мелкозернистый г) solidified masses

  5. многочисленные трещины д) scientific value

  6. неправильная форма e) to cool slowly

  7. на определенной глубине ж) existing types of rocks

  8. экономически важный з) fine-grained

  9. научная ценность и) fragmentary rocks

  10. существующие типы пород к) numerous cracks or fissures

10. Переведите сочетания слов, обращая внимание на место причастия прошедшего времени по отношению к определяемому существительному:

accelerated process weathered fragments of rocks

crystallized magma generally applied method

successfully improved design unconsolidated and consolidated rocks \

weakly deformed minerals unfrozen ground

rapidly cooled rocks detailed studies of the Earth's crust

utilized equipment dissolved minerals

minerals dissolved by the consolidated rocks

action of water rocks consolidated by some substances

rocks formed by solidification stratified sediments

rocks exposed on the Earth's exposed rocks

surface transformations caused by new


Unit 5 119

11. Найдите предложения, • которых имеются причастия прошедшего времени. Определите их функцию. Переведите предложения:

  1. Igneous rocks form a large group of minerals which are eco­ nomically important.

  2. The igneous rocks formed by cooling occur either as intrusive or extrusive rocks.

  3. Orthoclase is particularly used in great quantities as raw mate­ rial in the production of porcelain (фарфор).

  4. The clayey mass obtained by the decomposition of orthoclase is usually white and is called kaolin. The product obtained is used in industry.

  5. Quartz occurs in the form of small grains. Quartz crystals found in the cracks and fractures of rocks are very hard and beautiful.

  6. Pure quartz sands are used in the production of glass.

  7. Actual observations of rocks exposed on the continent show that shale represents 46 per cent of the total, sandstone about 32 per cent, and limestone about 22 per cent.