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42. А) Выразите основную мысль каждого абзаца текста в одним или двумя предложеншп».

б) Найдите в тексте В абзацы, в которых говорятся о характерных особенностях системы высшего образования в США.

43. Определите, какой из трех заголовков наиболее соответствует содержанию текста в.

  1. Education in the USA.

  2. Higher Education in the USA.

  3. Technical Higher Education in the USA.

44. Составьте 10 специальных и 5 разделительных вопросов к тексту в. (Помните, что разделительные вопросы характерны для устной речи.)


Проблемы горного образования в России и за рубежом

Прочитайте текст «Mining Schools», подготовьтесь к обсуждению затронутых в нем проблем.

Слова для понимания текста:

to abandon — отказаться от, ос- reward — вознаграждение

тавлять staff — штат служащих, персонал

accountancy [a'kauntonsi] — бух- stock broking — фондовые опера-

галтерскос дело ции

award — присуждение (степени) supervisor [ 'sju.-psvaizaj — конт-

fame — слава ролер, надсмотрщик

gain experience [iks'pismns] — to tend — иметь склонность, тен-

приобретать опыт денцию

to hold a higher regard — быть trainee [trei'ni:] — стажер, прак-

более высокого мнения тикант

matartty [ms'tjusnti] — зрелость to waste — расточать

mill — обогатительная фабрика wealth [e] — богатство recruitment fn 'kru.-tmant] —



Mining Schools

As is known young people who are in their last year at school are planning the next stage in their education. The variety of courses at universities and colleges is extensive but many young people don't have any clear idea about the career they wish to fol­low. Those who are primarily motivated by wealth tend to choose law, business administration, economics or accountancy. Those in­terested in fame may choose the arts, the stage, or the media.

Except perhaps in the countries with successful manufacturing industries such as Germany and Japan, where engineers tend to be held in higher regard, a career in engineering is not often recom­mended with any enthusiasm by school teachers, politicians, TV, newspapers or teenage magazines. Those influencing young peoph tend to be pop singers, TV actors and sports stars.

It is no wonder, therefore, that many engineering degree courses find it difficult to attract students, with the result that young gradu­ate engineers in many fields are in short supply worldwide. Courses in mineral resource engineering — mining geology, rock mechanics, mining, quarrying, mineral processing, and petroleum engineering have special difficulties in recruitment.

However, this is only part of the story. After graduation and the award of a degree, there is a strong wish to abandon the subject matter of the course and enter a career offering more reward: com­merce, banking, accountancy or stock bracking. This causes disap­pointment to the academy staff who wasted all their efforts to give useful practical knowledge to the students. There is one more bar­rier to recruitment into the mining industry where management trainees should spend several years of practical training under­ground or in the mill. Modern mining and processing machinery, computer controlled and high in output capacity, cannot and should not be operated by young management trainees: nowadays operators are often highly skilled and from their ranks should come the line supervisors. Management trainees, after a brief pe­riod to acquire general knowledge about the operation, would be better trained by acting as assistants to managers and consulting engineers, and gain experience in planning surveying and ventilation departments, all areas where knowledge learned at a mining school can be utilized to good advantage.

It should be noted that there are mineral engineering courses which must provide a wide and general tuition, covering not only

mineral extraction and processing methods but also economics, business administration, computer studies, communication skills and basic civil and mechanical engineering which are vital for im­portant career development to senior ranks.

Выучите фразы, которые используются для выражения согласия или несогласия. Они,вам понадобятся при проведении дискуссии.




I'm in complete agreement. I quite agree. I couldn't agree more. Yes, definitely. Exactly. Precisely.

I agree. You're right there. I think you're right. Yes, and... That's true. That's right.




I disagree completely. That's out of the question. On the contrary. Of course not. That's ridiculous! (Нелепо!)

I don't agree. That's not how I see it. I wouldn't say that. I think you are wrong. I disagree.

Выскажите свое мнение по проблемам высшего образования, дав ответы на следующие вопросы. Используйте разговорные формулы, приведенные выше.

  1. Is it easy to decide what career to choose in the last year at school? What helps make your choice?

  2. There are different kinds of higher schools in our country and abroad. What kinds of schools do young people prefer to study in? Why?

  3. It goes without saying that our higher school system could be reorganized. How do you think it can be done? (To have highly educated and trained teachers' staff; to provide wide and general tu­ ition, economics, business, administration, computer studies, communication skills; to supply colleges and universities with modern technical equipment; to choose subjects to one's interests, abilities; to get more practical work; to carry out research, etc.)

  1. Multistaged system of education is popular in many coun­ tries of the world. Is it popular in Russia? What appeals to you in this system?

  2. The status of engineers in society is not high, is it? Why? What's your view on the state of education for the mineral indus­ try engineers?

  3. Highly educated people do much for their country, don't they? What helps (to) make a person educated? Why do you think it is important that everyone should be educated?

UNIT 3 Outstanding Russian Scientists in Geology and Mining

А Грамматика 1 . Продолженные времена (Continuous Tenses) 2. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Текст А. А.М. Terpigorev (1873-1959)

Б. Грамматика. Числительные

Текст Б. А.Р. Karpinsky (1847-1936)

В Текст В

Конференция. Выдающиеся ученые в горном деле Кроссворд (Crossword)