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Самостоятельная работа 5.

8 уч. часов. На последнем занятии (2 ч.) — зачет

Работа с текстом статьи "Внутрибольничная вспышка кори в детской больнице во время общей эпидемии в районе". Журнал "Педиатрия", 1991 г., т! 119, № 2, стр. 183-186.

I. Прочитать всю статью, выписывая незнакомые слова.

11. Прочитать статью второй раз, обращая внимание на сле­ дующие грамматические элементы текста, которые нужно уметь правильно переводить на русский язык при сдаче зачета:

а)Сказуемое в активе и в пассиве:

(has occurred, were considered, died, should be instituted, was given, led, acquired, etc).

б) Причастие прошедшего времени правильных и неправильных глаголов.

Ь) Цепочку из двух и более существительных

e.g. The infection control program (p. 184).

r) "No" перед подлежащим.

e.g. No secondary cases of measles occurred in hospital personnel.

д)Синтаксическую конструкцию субъекта с инфинитивом:

  1. Of the 37 patients, six were not thought to have measles.

  2. Measles exposure was considered to have occurred in patients and personnel... .

  1. If the exposure was assessed to have been between 72 hours and б days... .

  2. Therefore a total of 107 susceptible hospitalized patients are known to have been exposed to measles during 1988.

  3. Transmission of measles virus in medical settings appears to be an important factor in ongoing outbreaks.

  4. Hospital personnel born before 1957 are generally considered to be immune to measles... .

III. Составить список всех производных от следующих глаголов. Уметь правильно произносить, переводить на русский язык.

  1. to expose 6. to vaccinate

  2. to infect 7. to respirate

  3. to hospitalize 8. to isolate

  4. to immunize 9. to identify

  5. to employ 10. to transmit


  1. Студент выбирает билет, на котором указан № отрывка из статьи (№№ 1—9).

  2. Чтение вслух 5*—б строчек текста на усмотрение препода­ вателя (из данного отрывка).

  3. Правильно определить все упомянутые выше граматические элементы в тексте. Если студент не различает "актив", "пассив" и причастие прошедшего времени от личной формы глагола, дальнейший опрос прекратить.

  4. Перевести весь текст (отрывок из статьи) на русский язык, не заглядывая в свои записи.

  5. Назвать все производные одного из 10 указанных глаголов.


Martha Elisa Rivera, MD. Wilbert Henry Mason, MD. Lawrence Alan Ross. MD, and Harry Tucker Wright Jr. MD. MPH

From the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Dis­eases, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, 1991, J. Ped. V. 119, № 2.

From Jan. 1, 1988, through Dec. 31, 1988, a total of 89 cases of measles were observed at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, and 37 patients were admitted to the hospital. Of the 37 patients, six were not initially thought to have measles, which resulted in exposure of 107 patients and 24 personnel. Of the exposed patients, measles developed in four. One nospcomially infected infant died of pneumonia. Another ex­posed patient was subsequently admitted to another hospital with unrecognized measles, which led to exposure of an additional eight patients. Of seven employees in whom measles developed, two required hospitalization because of pneumonia. Two hundred eleven employee days were lost because of

measles exposure or infection. Infection control interventions included prophylaxis of exposed patients, employee education, and measles immunization for susceptible personnel. Of 1103 hospital personnel considered susceptible to measles, 800 received monovalent measles vaccine. No secondary cases of measles occurred in hospital personnel who received appropriate prophylaxis. We conclude that infection control programs aimed at mandating measles immunity in hospital employees at risk should be instituted. (J. Pediatr, 1991; 119; 183-6.)

Despite the introduction of measles vaccine in the United States in 1963, outbreaks continue to occur, especially in large urban areas. Such an outbreak has occurred in Los Angeles County since 1988. Although measles transmission in recent years has occurred mainly in schools or at home, as many as 3% to 5% of cases have resulted from nosocomial transmission to susceptible patients and employees in a variety of medical settings. We describe the impact of a measles epidemic in Los Angeles County on a children's hospital and how infection control measures were implemented to impede the spread of measles to both susceptible patients and employees.

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