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IV. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Сегодня у больной не болит голова.

  2. Мой друг сейчас не в больнице, он в санатории.

  1. Я не пойду в палату, так как у меня нет халата.

  2. У нас вчера не было практики в клинике.

  3. Больной не чувствовал никакой боли в пояснице.

  4. Я не болел пневмонией в раннем возрасте.

  5. У меня не было осложнений после гриппа.

  6. Я не буду принимать это лекарство. 9. Врач вчера не оперировал.

  1. У нас не будет лекции по анатомии в понедельник.

  2. В кабинете врача никого не было.

V. Read the text and say what new information it contains as compared with the previous text:

In the vast majority of cases of chicken-pox the eruption is the first sign of the disease and the rash is not preceded by a prodromal illness.

Mothers usually state that the first symptom to attract attention was the rash. There may be some mild constitutional symptoms, such as malaise and a slight temperature. These may vary in duration from a few hours to two or three days. The child may appear restless and slightly feverish the night before the rash appears. Adults, on the other hand, are very apt to -have a well-defined series of prodromal symptoms, such as chill, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, backache, etc.

VI. a) Speak about the symptoms of chicken-pox.

  1. Describe the period of eruption.

  2. Read what a crust, or a scab, is and explain it in English:

Crust is a formed outer layer< especially an outer layer of solid matter formed by the drying of a bodily exudate or secretion; it is also called scab.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an acute contagious disease characterized by high temperature, rapid pulse, a punctate eruption 'followed by desquamation, inflammation of the throat. It is caused by Hemolitic Streptococcus.

The disease may be transmitted either by various objects — clothing, toys, books and food-stuffs, infected by the patient or by means of droplet infection (during coughing, sneezing or talking).

All children are susceptible, particularly frequently between 18 months and 10 years of age. Adults also contract this illness, but they have only sore throat without the eruption characteristic of scarlet fever.

The incubation period of the disease lasts on an average 4—7 days; sometimes it only jtakes a few hours.

The onset of the disease is sudden. There is generally a very sore throat, a sharp rise of temperature to 39 — 40°C, nausea, vomiting, headache and often chills. The lymphatic nodes of the neck are enlarged. The child' is restless and sleeps badly.

Within a few hours, but more often at the end of the first or in the beginning of the second day a diffuse red rash appears on the neck, chest and back, spreading to the arms and legs. The area around the mouth remains free from rash. The rash lasts one or three days and then fades away. After the disappearance of the rash the period of desquamation begins. Desquamation continues 10—14 days.

If no complications develop and patients feel good they are allowed out of the bed after the 7th day of the disease. They may be discharged from the hospital on the 12—14th days.

The principal complications are acute nephritis, adenitis, otitis media, pericarditis, endocarditis, etc.

Scarlet fever patients should be isolated and stay in bed. Careful disinfection of the patient's things is important. Antibiotics are prescribed.

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