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IV. Переведите предложения с местоимениями ‘’some’’,’’any’’,’’no’’.

  1. Houses were built close to the factories, on any suitable piece of land.

  2. A person who has no home and owns no land has a better chance of surviv­al in a large city than in a rural area.

  3. Some people simply live in tents.

  4. Everyone in a city needs food and shelter, and everyone produces waste.

  5. Most concrete buildings of any size are now designed according to this method.

  6. Some people travel up to three or four hours from their homes to their work.

  7. The effective use of any building material requires the knowledge of its physical and mechanical properties.

  8. At that time nobody knew exactly how to do this work.

  9. Some ceramic materials are used for exteriors of the buildings.

V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена группы ‘’Simple’’.

  1. An in­crease in production does not involve a pro­portional increase in the basic population group but depends on the level of automation and other technological advances.

  2. In the year 1800, 20 percent of the British population lived in towns or cities

  3. The science of town planning did not yet exist, and the result was often an ugly and unhealthy urban sprawl, with no open spaces.

  4. These policies will not solve the problem.

  5. Parks and rest and recreational spaces will occupy this city territory.

  6. The price of the house exceeded three times the family’s annual income.

Grammar exercises (control work n 2)

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время и залог


а) Active Voice

  1. The process of urbanization has posed the problem of environ­mental protection and improvement as a central problem in mo­dern city planning.

  2. The environment is being polluted primarily as a result of industrial processes.

  3. Pollution of the environment is already having a harm­ful effect on the health and life of people.

  4. By the end of the 19th century, the British people had learned that they should plan the growth of towns and cities.

  5. The industrial revolution has now reached al­most every country in the world.

  6. Urban expan­sion is occurring so fast, that it is simply not possible to provide safe housing and basic amenities for everyone.

  7. Semi-detached houses have been built in large numbers since the 1930s, when Britain's towns and cities expanded into suburbs (пригороды).

  8. In recent years local councils have tried to improve the areas around tower blocks creating 'green space', children's playgrounds and facilities for the community to use.

  9. Some tower blocks (жилой дом) in large cities like London can be very dangerous at night and they have been criticised for their long dark corridors, which encourage crime and vandalism.

  10. Mobile homes, located in mobile-home parks, are becoming more popular, because they are comfortable, inexpensive, and easy to take care of.

    1. Passive Voice

    1. The territory of a town is divided into two basic parts — resi­dential and non-residential.

    2. The plan structure of a town is reflected in the general plan.

    3. Major industrial enterprises are located in non-re­sidential areas.

    4. Council flats and houses are built and owned by the local council.

    5. The site is landscaped for use by the people living there.

    6. A part of the buildings including residential and service buildings will be replaced by new ones.