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Idiomatic Expressions

  1. . a home, away from home — домашняя обстановка, атмосфера, второй дом.

  2. . at home — 1) прием (гостей), званый вечер; 2) как дома (обыкн.: make

oneself at home, make smb feel at home).

3 . build one's house upon a rock — "строить свой дом на скале", создавать что-

либо на прочном фундаменте.

4 . build one's house upon the sand — "строить свой дом на песке", создавать,

основывать что-либо, не имея прочного фундамента.

5 . keep open house — держать двери дома открытыми (для гостей), жить на

широкую ногу; отличаться, славиться гостеприимством.

  1. . turn smb. out of house and home — выгнать, выставить кого-либо из дома.

  2. . homeland — родная земля, родина.

8. be homesick — скучать по родине.

Text 1. A view of the dunes` house

The Dunes' House was sixteen miles outside of Burlington, a narrow road was the only access to the property. We took a bus to get there. The bus turned off the main road before we reached the road to the Dunes' home, so we had to walk the last two miles. We stopped at the gate to the private road leading up to the Dunes' home. We sat on the rock and surveyed the peaceful surroundings. This place was so quiet, so beautiful.

We turned up the drive and slowly climbed what we hoped would be the last mile to the house. Soon we were out of the forest and came into a clearing, so we could see the house across a broad expanse of lawn. It was an unusual house for the area. Instead of being one story high and spread out across the lawn, this one was compact and rose like a tower on the hill. From the windows you must have a view of the entire valley.

It was a two-storied building with an attic. Its brick walls were plastered and whitewashed. It had a red tile roof and a deep veranda which ran along its front. There was a graveled driveway to a two-car garage which was to the right of the house. One could see a wonderful orchard with blossoming apple-trees and a small vegetable garden near the house.

Nobody was in sight. So we climbed the low concrete steps and rang the entrance door bell.

Ex.1. Comprehension questions on Text 1.

  1. . Where was the Dunes' house situated?

  2. . Was it possible to get there by bus?

  3. . Was it a usual house for that area?

  4. . What view can one have from its windows?

  5. . What can one see around the house?

  6. . What was the house built of?

Ex.2. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers:

  1. . We had to walk the last two miles to the Dunes' house.

  2. . This place was so quiet and beautiful.

  3. . it was a compact building and rose like a tower on the hill.

  4. . The windows faced the entire valley.

  5. . it was a two-storied building with an attic.

  6. . A two-car garage was to the right of the house.

  7. . There was an orchard and a vegetable garden near the house.

  8. . We climbed up the steps and rang the door bell.

Ex.3. Find Russian equivalents to the following:

  1. a cottage; 2) to face smth; 3) a semi-detached house; 4) a grass plot; 5) a chimney; 6) a residential area; 7) neighbourhood; 8) a driveway; 9) a hedge; 10) a fenced garden; 11) a southern exposure; 12) to renovate; 13) a porch; 14) a sloping roof.

Ex.4. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B


1. to whitewash walls a . выходить на море

2. a construction site b . строительная площадка

3. an arched door c. позади дома

4. a flower bed d. чердак

5. upstairs e. арочная дверь

6. to overlook the sea f. белить стены

7. a basement g. клумба

8. to live next door to smb. h. наверху (вверх по лестнице)

9. a garret i.. жить по соседству с кем-либо

10. at the rear of the house j. фундамент, цокольный этаж

Ex.5. Match the words which have something in common.

Pattern. Dwelling: ranch, cottage, bungalow, mansion.

Loan, staircase, brick, stained-glass, window, grass-plot, basement, wood, arched door, premises, roof, tile, architectural decorations, orchard, chimney, balcony, garden, parts of the house, construction materials, column, court, wing, playground.

Ex. 6. What do we call:

  1. . a house in a row of houses which are all joined together;

  2. . a house which stands alone and is not joined to any other;

  3. . a gallery in a church, hall or room;

  4. . a paved area near a house, used for eating outside, etc.;

  5. . the lowest part of a building, partly or wholly below ground level; inhabited

room(s) in this part;

  1. . a barrier made of wood or metal, put round a field, garden, etc.;

  2. . a roofed and floored open space along the side(s) of a house, sports pavilion, etc.;

  3. . a room in which a person works and studies without being disturbed;

  4. . an apartment or flat built on the roof of a tall building;

10. a building with sides and roof of glass, used for growing plants.

A fence, a veranda(h), a penthouse, a greenhouse, a loft, a detached house, a patio, a terraced house, a basement, a den.

Ex.7. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words:

1. The building is poorly (проектировать). 2. This bench is very (удобный). 3. My kitchen is very (просторный). 4. There is (гараж для трех машин) in this house. 5. (Внизу) a guest is waiting for you. 6. There is no booking office (поблизости, по соседству); 7. There is (тропинка) to the back door. 8. The attic window (выходит на) an orchard. 9. This door (ведет) to a wooden staircase.