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Словослияние (blending) – это способ словообразования заключается в слиянии двух слов в одно: e.g. Oxbridge = Oxford + Cambridge.

Несмотря на то, что данный способ отмечается в языке только с конца XIX в., в настоящее время он набирает продуктивность очень большими темпами, причем первое место по использованию слитков занимает реклама, для которой принцип «максимум смысла при минимуме пространства» в сочетании с необычностью формы является главным.

8.6 Read the words and guess their meaning.

smog = smoke + fog;

absotively = absolutely + positively;

brunch = breakfast + lunch;

cablegram = cable + telegram;

cameracature = camera + caricature;

cheeriodical = cheer + periodical;

chortle = chuckle + snort;

cigaroot = cigarette + cheroot;

crocogator = crocodile + alligator;

dumbfound = dumb + confound;

guesstimate = guess + estimate;

infancipate = infant + anticipate;

newtopia = new + utopia;

twinight = twilight + night;

windoor = window + door;

wordfacturer = word + manufacturer.

Unit 9

Additional exercises

9.1 Fill in the gaps with the suitable derivative of the word given in brackets.

1. His … (discover)… could now be used to protect tall buildings during a storm.

2. This … (invent)… became very popular because it gave off much heat.

3. He persuaded the … (direct)… to try locomotives.

4. The … (own)… of the colliery bought some engines and began to experiment for himself.

5. Samuel Morse was the pioneer of the most widely used electrical … (communicate)… in the world today.

6. What he needed was a … (safe)…lamp.

7. Franklin’s … (curious)…about natural phenomena can be observed from his boyhood.

8. At that time people were … (terrible)…afraid of lightning.

9. Edison didn’t tell the public about his … (success)…lamp until four days before Christmas.

10. One day he brought a new … (transmit)…to the laboratory.

11. This machine is capable of performing any operation of very great … (complex)….

12. This system can produce a great number of … (identity)… products.

13. At present our life cannot be imagined without … (automate)….

9.2 Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them into Russian.

achievement – achieve, resistance – resistant, assistance – assist – assistant, celebration – celebrate, difference – different, city – citizen, nation – national – nationality, measure – measurement, develop – development, act – active – activity, contain – container, discover – discovery – discoverer, literature – literary, graduate – graduation – undergraduate – post-graduate, educate – education, progress – progressive, act – action – activity – active, govern – governor – government.

9.3 Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them into Russian.

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-pie, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, television, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.