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Лексическая эквивалентностьперевод пословиц и фразеологических сочетаний

1.1. Read the text below and find answers to the following questions:

  1. What are the main problems of translation determined by St. Jerome?

  2. Do languages operate in isolation or within cultures?

  3. Is a one-to-one relation of exact lexical equivalence between two languages always possible?

  4. Do words acquire various overtones and associations that are not shared by the corresponding words in other languages?

The tasks of the translator are the same whether the material is oral or written, but, of course, translation between written texts allows more time for stylistic adjustment and technical expertise. The main problems have been recognised since antiquity and were expressed by St. Jerome, translator of the famed Latin Bible, the Vulgate (Вульгата, латинская Библия), from the Hebrew and Greek originals. Semantically, these problems relate to the adjustment of the literal and the literary and the conflicts that so often occur between an exact translation of each word, as far as this is possible, and the production of a whole sentence or even a whole text that conveys as much of the meaning of the original as can be managed. These problems and conflicts arise because of factors already noticed in the use and functioning of language: languages do not operate in isolation but within and as part of cultures, and cultures differ from each other in various ways. Even between the languages of communities whose cultures are fairly closely allied, there is by no means a one-to-one relation of exact lexical equivalence between the items of their vocabularies.

In their lexical meanings, words acquire various overtones and associations that are not shared by the nearest corresponding words in other languages; this may vitiate a literal translation. The English author and theologian Ronald Knox has pointed to the historical connections of the Greek skandalon "stumbling block, trap, or snare," inadequately rendered by "offence," its usual New Testament translation. In modern times translators of the Bible into the languages of peoples culturally remote from Europe are well aware of the difficulties of finding a lexical equivalent for lamb, when the intended readers, even if they have seen sheep and lambs, have no tradition of blood sacrifice for expiation nor long-hallowed associations of lambs with lovableness, innocence, and apparent helplessness.

(From Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1996)


Иногда перевод пословиц или фразеологических сочетаний не представляет особой трудности, например, “much ado about nothing” - “много шума из ничего”, “to look for a needle in a haystack” - “искать иголку в стоге сена”, и т.д.

Однако в большинстве случаев одна и та же мысль выражается в двух языках различными словами и образами. Поэтому, после анализа пословицы на языке оригинала, переводчик должен подобрать соответствующий эквивалент из языка перевода, который, скорее всего, будет содержать слова иного содержания, например, East or West, home is best. (букв. Запад или Восток, а дом – самый лучший) - В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Among the blind the one-eyed man is a king. (букв. Среди слепых и одноглазый – король.) - На безрыбье и рак рыба.

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