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3.7.4 Test

  1. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог.

He is afraid _________ (to catch) cold.

  1. by catching;

  2. of catching;

  3. for catching;

  4. to catch;

  5. to having caught

2. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог.

I am proud ________ (to have) such a son.

  1. of having;

  2. to having;

  3. for having;

  4. at having;

  5. having;

3. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог.

They had much difficulty _______ (to find) the house.

  1. to find;

  2. having found;

  3. in finding;

  4. of finding;

  5. finding.

4. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог.

The rain prevented me ____ (to come).

  1. by coming;

  2. for coming;

  3. of coming;

  4. from coming;

  5. coming;

5. Замените придаточные предложения оборотами с герундием, поставив, где требуется, соответствующий предлог.

When he entered the room, he greeted everybody.

  1. On greeting everybody, he entered the room.

  2. On having greeted everybody, he entered the room.

  3. When having entered the room, he greeted everybody.

  4. When entered the room, he greeted everybody.

  5. On entering the room, he greeted everybody.

6. Замените придаточные предложения оборотами с герундием, поставив, где требуется, соответствующий предлог.

You can improve your knowledge of English if you read more.

  1. You can improve your knowledge of English by reading more.

  2. You can improve your knowledge of English having read more.

  3. You can improve your knowledge of English reading more.

  4. You can improve your knowledge of English if read more.

  5. You can be improving your knowledge of English if you read more.

7. Составьте предложение, использовав герундий.

We can not rely / he keeps his promise.

  1. We can not rely on his keeping the promise.

  2. We can not rely for his keeping the promise.

  3. We can not rely by his keeping the promise.

  4. We can not rely after having kept his promise.

  5. We can not rely his keeping the promise.

8. Переведите предложение.

Они любят приглашать к себе своих друзей.

9. Переведите предложение.

Книга стоила того, чтобы ее прочитали.

  1. Переведите предложение.

Я не мог не рассмеяться, когда услышал анекдот.

3.8 Семинар 8. Инфинитив (the Infinitive)

3.8.1 Вопросы семинарского занятия:

  1. Дайте определение инфинитиву.

  2. В чем выражаются глагольные свойства инфинитива?

  3. Сколько форм времени и залога имеет инфинитив?

  4. Дайте определение объектному инфинитивному обороту. В каких случаях он употребляется? Приведите примеры.

  5. В каких случаях употребляется субъектный инфинитивный оборот? Приведите примеры.

3.8.2 Упражнения:

1. Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия или инфинитива.

  1. It’s so nice (to sit) by the fire (to listen) to the rain (to beat) on the window.

  2. Don’t keep your guests (to stand), ask them (to sit) down.

  3. She heard the phone (to ring) but she didn’t want her son (to answer) it.

  4. Jack asked me (to lend) my car but I didn’t like the idea of (to give) it to such a man.

  5. It was time for us (to go), I heard the clock (to strike).

  6. Tell the boys (to stop) (to make) those loud sounds, I can’t hear you (to speak).

  7. My uncle didn’t have enough money (to buy) a new car and tried (to repair) the old one.

  8. Sorry, I forgot (to bring) you the papers, but I see you’ve got no time (to read) them.

  9. The snow began (to fall). She felt it (to brush) her cheeks.

  10. It was time for us (to go), I heard the clock (to strike).

2. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

  1. Я хочу, чтобы ты приготовила мне чашечку кофе.

  2. Родители обычно предполагают, что их дети будут послушными.

  3. Дайте мне знать о ваших планах.

  4. Никто не смог заставить ребенка выпить лекарство.

  5. Я слышал, как она его спросила об этом.

  6. Никто не заметил, что она вышла из комнаты.

  7. Он приказал секретарю тщательно проверить документы. Он приказал тщательно проверить документы.

  8. Он просил агентов отослать товары немедленно. Он просил отослать товары немедленно.

  9. Ожидают, что делегация прибудет завтра.

  10. Этот вопрос вряд ли будет обсуждаться на собрании.

3. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский.

  1. It was necessary for him to return immediately.

  2. The first question to be considered is whether the offer of the sellers should be accepted.

  3. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25.

  4. Please send us your instructions at once to enable us to ship the machines by the 20th May.

  5. The motor proved to be quite efficient.

  6. I know them to be working on the problem of protecting the cosmonauts from the effect of sun radiation.

  7. We consider ourselves to have the right to claim an allowance of 15 per cent.

  8. To meet the increased demand for industrial goods, new shops have been opened in the towns.

  9. There is no reason for us to change the terms of payment.

  10. There was no time for them to examine the goods that day.

4. Поставьте, где нужно, частицу to.

  1. Make him____ speak louder.

  2. Let me _____help you with your work.

  3. He was seen ______ leave the house.

  4. You must make him _____ practice an hour a day.

  5. I can’t ______ go there now, I have some work _____ do.

  6. She was made _____repeat the song.

  7. He is not sure that it can ______ be done, but he wants _____try.

5. Закончите предложения, употребляя простой или перфектный инфинитив (в активе или пассиве).

  1. The diesel engine is known to … .

  2. The calculations were considered to … .

  3. The new system was believed to … .

  4. The scientist is always supposed to … .

  5. The road is expected to … .

3.8.3 Ознакомление с лексикой по теме: Политический строй и экономика США.

branch отрасль, ветвь

executive исполнительная

legislative законодательная

judicial судебная

the House of Representatives Палата Представителей

democracy демократия

to elect избирать, выбирать

a citizen гражданин, гражданка

basic основной

flexible гибкий

Senate Сенат

law закон

agriculture сельское хозяйство

wheat пшеница

corn зерно

challenge вызов

3.8.4 Test

Use the appropriate form of the verb.

  1. We believe cybernetics … an important branch of modern technology.

A to be;

B been;

C being;

D be;

E have been.

  1. These two scientists happened … on the same problem.

A working;

B having worked;

C having been worked;

D to work;

E work.

  1. We heard him … in and … the door behind him.

A came; closing;

B having come; closing;

C come; close;

D coming; having closed;

E come; having closed.

  1. Rubber is known … from America.

A to be brought;

B bringing;

C having brought;

D be brought;

E to have been brought.

  1. Ink is supposed … in Egypt.

A be invented;

B having been invented;

C to have been invented;

D to be invented;

E to invent.

  1. My teacher made me … the words.

A learn;

B learning;

C to learn;

D being learnt;

E having learnt.

  1. The students were made … a report.

A make;

B making;

C having made;

D to make;

E being made.

  1. I saw him yesterday. He seems … weight.

A losing;

B to lose;

C to have been losing;

D have been losing;

E to have lost.

  1. Let me … your bag.

A to carry;

B carry;

C carrying;

D having carried;

E to have been carrying.

  1. I wouldn’t like … an architect.

A be;

B to be;

C being;

D to have been;

E have been.

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