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Smile with us

William Lyon Phelps, on a pre-Christmas examination paper, found written, “God only knows the answer to this question. Merry Christmas.”

He returned the paper with the notation, “God gets an A; you get an F. Happy New Year.”

                1. Lesson 4. Higher Education in the USA

Task 1. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy in universities?

Is it good for a student or professor to be free in his choice of what subjects to study and what themes to teach?

                1. Active Vocabulary

                2. Task 1

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

  1. prior to – раньше, прежде

  2. an undergraduate school – факультет с базовым циклом обучения

  3. graduate school – факультет со специализированным курсом


  1. an Associate degree – начальное высшее образование

  2. community college – местный колледж

  3. junior college – колледж начального высшего образования

  4. to be operated by – управляться

  5. public funds – государственные средства

  6. to transfer to – переводиться в

  7. to lower the cost – понизить стоимость

  8. full-time coursework – дневной курс обучения

  9. to select a major – выбрать специализацию

  10. to graduate with a degree in major – закончить курс обучения в

университете с получением диплома

(бакалавра или магистра)

  1. to complete a course – пройти курс обучения

  2. related fields – смежные области

  3. to major in maths – специализироваться в математике

  4. in order to – для того, чтобы

  5. in addition to – в добавок

  6. to be insufficient – быть недостаточным

  7. to advance one’s career – продвигаться по карьерной лестнице

  8. to depend on – зависеть от

  9. educational background – полученное образование

  10. thesis – диссертация

  11. research paper – научная работа

  12. a requirement – требование

  13. completion – завершение

  14. dedication – увлеченность работой


Task 1

Using your background knowledge about the system of higher education in the USA agree or disagree with the following statements

    1. The system of Higher Education in the USA does not differ from the Russian one.

    2. Higher education in the USA is free.

    3. American colleges are not certified to give universities degrees (for example a Bachelor’s degree).

    4. All universities in the USA are private.

    1. Grammar exercises

    2. Exercise 1

    3. Fill in the gaps with the Modal verbs: can, can’t, could, couldn't

  1. I have been chosen to represent our company in Spain because I am the only person in our firm who _______ speak Spanish.

  2. I _______ do my homework last night because I was too tired.

  3. Do you know how to cook? – Yes, I ______ cook very well.

  4. He _____ watch TV last night because his TVset was broken.

  5. Mozart _______ play the piano and compose music at the age of three.

  6. Elephants ______ live until they are seventy.

  7. We ________ go swimming yesterday because the water was cold.

  8. This diamond ring is too expensive for me. I ________ buy it.

  9. Einstein ______ speak 8 foreign languages.

  10. The coffee is too hot I _______ drink it.

                1. Exercise 2

Look at the phrases given and define what abilities they denote: physical or mental? Put the verbs into two columns

To swim, to speak a foreign language, to run fast, to jump, to play football, to think, to listen to music, to dream, to read, to smell the flower, to feel the fabric, to whisper, to analyze, to argue, to persuade, to write poems.

physical abilities

mental abilities

to swim

to speak a foreign language

Now answer the question “What can you do?” using the phrases of Exercise 2

Exercise 3