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Succeeding in College

To succeed in an American college, a student must be organized. The college will have a department with advisors who can help the student to structure the best program. It is then depends on the student to take four or more courses at once, write and hand in term papers on time, and prepare for examinations.

Pay Attention to People Differences.

Difference is the word to remember when communicating with professors and their requirements. They’ll all be different. It is important to have a good knowledge of what the individual professors are looking for, which professors are difficult to communicate with or have personality problems, which professors are well loved or generate a lot of loyalty among the students. The more experienced students can be helpful sources for this information.

Respect the Rules.

Throughout a college student’s career, he or she must pay careful attention to deadlines, university regulations and the paperwork the university bureaucracy requires. Fees should be paid on time. Lack of attention to paperwork and deadlines can cause tremendous problems, especially for foreign students.

Choose Courses with Care.

Another part of college success is the choice of a “major” subject. It should be an area the student is happy with. It is important to consider the employment situation after college, or whether or not graduate study is planned. Advance planning will give the college student a good career foundation.

      1. Task 2

      2. What are the main factors of success for an American student? Give the main ideas of the text

      3. Main ideas: To succeed in an American college, a student must…

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Fill in the correct word from the list below

  1. Tremendous, subject, courses, situation, term, program, loyalty, people, problems

  1. ________ problems

  2. to take _______

  3. to structure ______

  4. _____ papers

  5. _____ differences

  6. personality _____

  7. to generate ______

  8. employment ________

  9. major _____

Exercise 2

Insert the right prepositions. Make up sentences with the expressions

  1. to succeed ___

  2. to depend ___

  3. to hand ___

  4. to prepare ___

  5. to pay attention ___

  6. to communicate ___

  7. to look ___

  8. ___ time

  9. to generate loyalty ____

Exercise 3

  1. Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B



  1. сдавать курсовые работы вовремя

  2. готовиться к экзаменам

  3. общаться с профессорами

  4. лояльно относиться к студентам

  5. студенты старших курсов

  6. полезные источники информации

  7. уважать правила

  8. крайний срок сдачи чего–либо

  9. плата за обучение

  10. основной предмет, специализация

a. major subject

b. to generate loyalty among the students

c. fee

d. experienced students

e. to prepare for examinations

f. to communicate with the professors

g. to hand in term papers on time

h. useful sources for information

i. deadline

j. to respect the rules

Exercise 4

Consult the dictionary to find the meaning of the following words and their derivatives. Then insert the words into the gaps

To communicate, communication, communicative, to succeed, success, successful, to confide, confidence, confident, to prepare, preparation, preparatory, to respect, respect, respectful.

To communicate, communication, communicative

  1. He is a very interesting person ___________ with.

  2. Computer is one of the widespread means of __________.

  3. You may ask our teacher any question you are interested in. He is always ready to answer. He is very _______.

To succeed, success, successful

  1. Leonardo de Caprio is a _______ actor. He starred such in films as Titanic and Romeo and Juliet.

  2. This business will be a ______ if we make a set of right decisions.

  3. He needs to be confident _______ in studies.

To confide, confidence, confident

  1. ________ people are people who believe in their abilities and make others believe in them.

  2. I trust this man and I can _____ all my secrets to him.

  3. She doesn’t have enough ______ to win in the competition.

To prepare, preparation, preparatory

  1. He always ______ for the classes.

  2. Some ________ work should be done before we start the experiment.

  3. ________ for the exams is very important for a student.

To respect, respect, respectful

  1. Our teacher ______ the opinions of the students.

  2. This man is a very ________ one. He treats all the people equally.

  3. To deserve the ______ from your colleagues you need to be a highly qualified



Task 1

Discuss in groups of four. What are the factors Russian students should keep in mind to succeed in a university? Give your opinion using the following phrases