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          1. Rules of Success: a Message for Students

Rule 1 Talk and Write – A Lot

Science is a largely verbal enterprise. Successful scientists must speak, write, persuade, and debate. The only way to become skilled at professional verbal behavior is to engage in it. Talk in class. Talk at conventions. Talk in the halls. Listen and respond. Propose and consider. Argue. Share thoughts. If you think you have something to say, say it. If you wonder if you have sometime to say, and worry that it is not worthwhile, say it anyway.

Rule 2 Say “Yes” Easily and Mean It

Early in your study you should expose yourself to different things. You need to take part in many activities. When someone talks about a good project, say “let’s do it.” If someone asks for help with a project, say “yes.” Then deliver. Do more than is expected.

Rule 3 Work with Others and Share Easily

You can learn a lot from others. They help you push you and they teach you new things. So collaborate. Form teams. Network. Give more than you ask to receive.

Rule 4 Keep Your Word

This is the most important rule of all. This one rule separates the successful from the unsuccessful student more than any other, but its value cannot be known until you do it. Set up a program, make it life or death. Do it. Of course, no one always does it. OK, so when you slip, go back and do it 100%. Then when you slip, go back and do it 100%. I violate this one nearly every day. Yet I continue to fight like a tiger to keep it.

Rule 5 Realize Your Own Power and Behave Accordingly

Let me tell you something incredible: you can make a huge difference in your discipline. We are talking about fields that are young and accessible, in which even one person can make a big difference. The successful student will realize their own power, and will push on to make it manifest.

Rule 6 Follow Your Talent

Successful students are confident. I don’t mean they necessarily feel confident. I mean that they follow their talent. They are true to themselves. Be true to yourself. Do not, however, violate what seems important to you. You will pay very dearly for the violation because it will take away your compass for scientific entertainment. You can get lost without a compass.

                1. Task 5

                2. Enumerate the rules given by paraphrasing them

                3. Example: Rule 1. A student should constantly express his ideas verbally no matter whether he is sure or not about the things he has in mind as any idea can give great opportunities for discussion. The articulation of ideas helps the student to express himself and to enrich his way of thinking by the opinions of others.

                4. Task 6

Using the material of the lesson express your opinion on one of the following themes

  1. Critical factors of success in university.

  2. The Rules everybody should follow while studying at the university.

  3. The Rules every professor should follow while teaching at the university.

Smile with us

Farther: You know, son when Lincoln was your age he was a very good pupil. In fact he was the best pupil in class.

Tom: Yes, Dad, I know that. But when he was your age he was President of the United States.

Lesson 2. Russian System of Higher Education

                1. Task 1.

                2. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

                1. What makes many people think that Russian system

                2. of Higher education is the best one?

                3. Task 2.

                4. Active Vocabulary

                5. Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

  1. a competitive system – конкурентоспособная система

  2. a multilevel system – многоуровневая система

  3. an academic degree – ученая степень

  4. an application – заявление (о приеме в вуз)

  5. branches of sciences – области наук

  6. a competition – конкурс

  7. a curricular – программа (обучения)

  8. an educational system – система образования

  9. entrance exams – вступительные экзамены

  10. final state examinations – государственные экзамены (выпускные)

  11. further education – дальнейшее образование

  12. a graduation paper – дипломная работа

  13. higher education – высшее образование

  14. humanities – гуманитарные науки

  15. natural sciences – естественные науки

  16. part-time students – студенты–вечерники

  17. postgraduate education – обучение в аспирантуре

  18. qualifying degree – квалификационная степень

  19. scientific research – научное исследование

  20. secondary education – среднее образование

  21. to be admitted to – быть допущенным к

  22. to give the possibility – представлять возможность

  23. to grant a degree – выдавать диплом

  24. to pass – сдавать

  25. to provide access to – обеспечить доступ к

  26. to provide mobility – обеспечивать мобильность

  27. vocational education – профессиональное образование

Task 3

Give the Russian equivalents to the English phrases

1. higher education

  1. scientific research

  2. entrance exams

  3. graduation paper

  4. academic degree

  5. curricular

  6. competition

  7. an application

  8. access

  9. secondary education


Task 1

Here is the structure of Russian educational system. Will you give the English equivalents to the stages mentioned?

Example: Система образования – System of education

  1. Среднее образование

  2. Профессиональное образование

  3. Высшее профессиональное образование

  4. Аспирантура

  5. Дальнейшее образование.

Task 2

Using your background knowledge about the system of higher education in Russia agree or disagree with the following statements. You may use the phrases given to prove your point of view: to be a competitive system, to provide high academic standards, to pay the fee, good results in the Unified State Exams, highly–qualified specialists.

  1. Russian educational system is the best in the world.

  2. One of the main advantages of Russian educational system is that it is free.

  3. A typical Russian university has all the necessary facilities for studying.

  4. Any school leaver can become a student of a university.

Task 3

Try to develop the idea given. Agree or disagree. Give your arguments

Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela
