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Informing the Caller

Oftentimes at work we answer calls for co-workers. The caller, of course, is usually given a reason if someone cannot come to the phone. Several phrases are commonly used as explanations. Some are specific; others are not. Here are several examples:

- He's just stepped away from his desk.

- She's in a meeting.

- The boss is at lunch until 2:00.

- They are with a client.

Each of these phrases tells the caller why someone cannot come to the phone at the moment. They cover many situations without explaining any detail. The caller simply learns that the person is busy or unavailable. Explanations of absence are normally followed by offering to take a message. Common phrases include: Would you like to leave a message!

Could I take a message?

Should I have him call you back!

Can I tell her you called!

Who should I say called!

The caller may wish to leave additional information. If so, a more complete message is required. Sometimes it is necessary to ask callers for more information or to repeat what they have already said.

Requesting Specific Information

Complete telephone messages usually include important details such as names, telephone numbers, appointments, and addresses. For example, you might request the caller's telephone number. Be specific. Request only the information you need.

- Would you mind repeating the phone number?

- The number's 298-4713.

- Which room was that?

- It will be room 241.

- Could you please spell your last name?

- Sure. H-E-N-D-E-R-S-O-N.

Here is the example of the message:

To: Bob Stanley

Date: 12 Sept.

MESSAGE: Mr. Alan Murphy called from Kyiv. Ukraine. Please call him today before 3 p.m. or any time tomorrow at 044 2115762 about rearrangements for meeting. Message taken by: S.F.


Phone message

Сообщение по телефону

Writing skill

Умение писать

Listening skill

Умение слушать

Tone of voice

Тон голоса



To do the trick

Прибегать к уловке


Лицом к лицу






Обратная связь


Четко, ясно

То confirm









Эффективный, продуктивный

 Фразы и правила

Общение по телефону является одним из важнейших элементов в изучении делового английского. Наибольшую сложность в диалоге по телефону на иностранном языке вызывает отсутствие живого общения с реальным собеседником. Из-за этого возникают проблемы в понимании, волнение, затруднения в выражении собственных мыслей.

Большой проблемой является высокая скорость, с которой говорят носители языка. Как же заставить собеседника говорить медленнее и более понятно?

  1. Просто вежливо попросите собеседника говорить помедленнее.

  2. Когда вы получаете важную информацию, записываете адрес или номер телефона. Если не понимаете что-то или не успеваете записывать, вслух повторяйте каждую фразу за говорящим.

  3. Если вам что-то остается неясно, не говорите, что вам все понятно. Не стесняйтесь переспрашивать до тех пор, пока не разберетесь во всем. Помните, что вашему собеседнику тоже важно, чтоб вы поняли все нюансы разговора.  

  4. Если собеседник продолжает быстро разговаривать, попробуйте перейти на ваш родной язык. Несколько быстро произнесенных фраз на незнакомом языке напомнят ему, насколько вам сложнее общаться. Возможно, в этом случае он постарается вам помочь.

Telephone clichés

Представление себя:

This is Helen

Это Елена

Helen speaking

Говорит Елена

Просьба представиться:

Can I take your name, please?

Представьтесь, пожалуйста

Can I ask who is calling, please?

Простите, могу я узнать, кто звонит?

Просьба соединить с кем-либо:

Can I have extension 321?

Соедините меня с номером 321

(extensions – это внутренние номера в компании)

Could I speak to...?

Могу я поговорить с …

(Can I – менее официальная просьба / May I – более официальная просьба) 

Is Jack in?

Джек в офисе?

Предупреждение о соединении  с кем-либо:

I'll put you through

Я вас соединяю

Can you hold the line?

Не вешайте трубку

Can you hold on a moment?

Не могли бы вы немного подождать?

Если с абонентом нельзя соединить в данный момент:

I'm afraid ... is not available at the moment

Боюсь, сейчас я не могу вас соединить

The line is busy...

Линия занята

Mr Jackson isn't in...

Мистера Джексона нет на месте

Mr Jackson is out at the moment...

Мистер Джексон сейчас вышел

Предложить оставить информацию:

Could (Can, May) I take a message?

Я могу ему что-то передать?

Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling?

Я могу ему передать, кто звонил?

Would you like to leave a message

Вы хотели бы оставить информацию?

Попросить собеседника говорить медленнее или переспросить

непонятную информацию

Could you please repeat that more slowly?

Пожалуйста, повторите это медленнее

Could you say that again, please?

Не могли бы Вы повторить?

Could you speak more slowly?

Пожалуйста, говорите медленнее

Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that/what you said about …..

Извините, я не совсем понял, что Вы сказали о ….

Sorry, I didn’t quite understand that/ what you said about….

Извините, я не совсем понял, что Вы сказали о ….

Общение с автоответчиком

Возможны ситуации, когда вам нужно срочно передать информацию, но к телефону никто не подходит. Чтобы быть уверенным, что оставленная на автоответчике информации будет правильно понята, воспользуйтесь следующими советами:

Представление: Hello, this is Nick. OR Hello, My name is Nick Black (more formal).

Время и причина звонка: It's ten in the morning. I'm phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if ... / to see if ... / to let you know that ... / to tell you that...

Просьба: Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind...? /

Оставить свой номер: My number is.... / You can reach me at.... / Call me at...

Прощание: Thanks a lot, bye. / I'll talk to you later, bye.

How to pronounce E-mail and Web-site

Иногда возникают ситуации, когда необходимо продиктовать по телефону адрес электронной почты или адрес сайта. Необходимо знать, как правильно называются символы, используемые в интернете.


Английский вариант

Русский вариант


at-sign; at

коммерческое эт












нижнее подчеркивание




Exercise 1. Pronounce the following E-mails and Web-sites in English and Russian:






Exercise 2. Прочитайте и переведите диалоги:

Getting Through


Morning Star Hotel.

Mr. Patel:

Hello, could I speak to the hotel administrator, please?


Who shall I say is calling?

Mr. Patel:

This is Mr. Patel from Glasgow General.


One moment please ... I'm sorry, the line's busy. Will you hold?

Mr. Patel:

I'll hold.


I'm sorry, the secretary's line’s still busy. Will you hold?

Mr. Patel:

Err ... I'll call back later. Thank you.


Thank you for calling.

Fixing Appointments


Good afternoon. Commercial Realty.

Mr. Wood:

Yes. Is Bill Matthews in?


I'm sorry, but he's out of town until Friday. Would you care to leave a message?

Mr. Wood:

Sure. This is Roger Wood of Black & Co. Would you mind telling him that something's come up and I won't be able to make our lunch next Monday. I'd like to reschedule for Thursday. If that doesn't work out, have him give me a call.


I'll tell him, Mr. Wood. Could I take your number?

Mr. Wood:

Sure. It's 780-3716.


That's 780-3716?

Mr. Wood:

Right. Thanks very much.


Hello. Johnson & Johnson. Can I help you?

Mr. North:

Hello. This is Dan North I’d like a word with Mr. Wilson if it's possible.


I'm sorry, but he left for Michigan this morning. He was, in fact, looking for you just before he left.

Mr. North:

Oh. Well, could I make an appointment?


Yes. I'll just look at his schedule. Err. . . how about July 20th at 11 a.m.?

Mr. North:

That sounds fine. The 20"' at 11 a.m. Thanks very much.


Thank you. Goodbye.

Mr. North:



Good morning. Environmental Protection Agency.

Ms. Steels:

Is Sharon Cooper in today?


No, I'm afraid she won't be in the office today until 1-00. Is there any message?

Ms. Steele:

Well, OK. This is Susan Steele. Could you ask her to call me as soon as possible? It's very important. She has my number.


I'd be glad to, Ms. Steele. Could I take your number anyway?

Ms. Steele:

Sure. The number is 478-1939.


Did you say 478-1949?

Ms. Steele:

No, it's 478-1939. Got it? Thanks very much.


Good afternoon. Lloyds Bank.

Mr. Hardy:

This is Bill Hardy calling from City Bank. Could I speak to Joe Stevens?


I'm sorry, but he's away from his desk at the moment. Could I take a message?

Mr. Hardy:

Yes. Would you tell Joe that our meeting today will have to be postponed until tomorrow? I'd like to meet at the same time if it's OK with him.


All right, I'll tell him.

Mr. Hardy:

And could you ask him to phone people in his branch offices to let them know about the change?


I'll be glad to. Is that it?

Mr. Hardy:

Yes. Thank you.


Good morning. Valley Medical Associates.

Ms. Curtis:

This is Pat Curtis of United Airlines. I'm calling with a schedule correction for Dr. Tomlin. Who could I speak to?


I'd be glad to take the message.

Ms. Curtis:

The Seattle airport has been closed all morning due to poor visibility, so the 1:30 flight this afternoon has been cancelled. We are asking passengers to rebook on the evening flight. It leaves at 7:45 and should land in Chicago at approximately 9:30. We're sorry for any inconvenience.


I'll relay the message. If he can't make that flight, who should he call?

Ms. Curtis:

He could talk to Barbara or Joe at this office.


What is the number there?

Ms. Curtis:

The number's 789-2722.



Ms. Curtis:


Changing Appointments (personally)

Mr. Bruce:

Alan Bruce

Mr. Hicks:

It's Bernard Hicks here, Alan.

Mr. Bruce:

Oh, hi, Bernard.

Mr. Hicks:

About our meeting, Alan. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. I'm tied up in A & E. I wonder if we could possibly move it to Wednesday.

Mr. Bruce:

Err ... Wednesday is not good for me. How about Thursday?

Mr. Hicks:

Thursday is fine. Same time? 3 o'clock?

Mr. Bruce:


Mr. Hicks:

Okay. See you then. Bye.

Mr. Bruce:

Bye, Bernard.

Returning a Call (personally)

Mr. Chester:

Hello, Mr. Wang?

Mr. Wang:


Mr. Chester:

Paul Chester here.

Mr. Wang:

Oh, hello, Mr. Chester.

Mr. Chester:

You rang yesterday about I'm sorry I wasn't there to talk to you about it. Can I just run over it with you now?

Mr. Wang:

Well, unfortunately I can't talk just now. Can I call you back in five minutes?

Mr. Chester:

That'll be fine.

Mr. Wang:

Talk to you in a few minutes.

Mr. Chester:

Okay. Thank you. Bye.

Рабочие ситуации

  1. Составьте сообщение на автоответчик.

  2. Составьте диалоги по заданным образцам:

Telephone: connecting

Imagine you are calling a company and want to speak to someone who works there. Use the following phrases:

How can I help?

Who is calling please

Can I speak to….please?

Ill just put you through

Please hold

Ill see if hes in

Could I speak to…please?

Just a second

I have got….on the phone for you

Who shall I say is calling?

Hang on a moment


Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How can I help?


Yes can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please?


Who’s calling please?


It’s Richard Davies here


Certainly.  Please hold and I’ll put you through.


Thank you.



Hello, marketing.  How can I help?


Could I speak to Jason Roberts please?


Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?


My name’s Mike Andrews.


Just a second - I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, I’ve got Mike Andrews on the phone for you ... OK - I’ll put him through. Hang on a moment, I’m just putting you through.

Telephone: messages

Imagine you work as a receptionist and you receive a call for someone who isn't there. Use the following phrases:

Can I speak to… please?

I am afraid he is on the meeting

Can I help?

Can you call back later?

Can I make a message?

Could you tell him that…..?

Can I take your number, please?

Okay, Ill make sure he gets the message


Hello, finance department


Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please?


I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I help?


No I need to talk to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he be out of the meeting?


In about an hour. Can you call back later?


Okay, I’ll do that.


Or can I take a message?


Actually, would you mind? Could you tell him that Jennifer McAndrews called and that I’m in the office all day if he could call me back?


Can I take your number, please?


Yes, it’s 5556872.


5556872.  Okay, I’ll make sure he gets the message.


Thanks very much for your help, bye!



Telephone: wrong number

Imagine you've dialed the wrong number. Use the following phrases:

You must have the wrong number

Is that not 556 8790?

Sorry about that

No it is 555 8790

Can I help you?

I must have dialed the wrong number

I'll try and put you through

I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number

Sorry to have troubled you

His direct number is…


Hello, this is the press office.


Rachel Allsop please.


I’m sorry, You must have the wrong number. There’s no-one of that name here.


Oh. Can I check the number I’ve got…. is that not 5568790?


No, it’s 5558790.


Oh sorry about thatI must have dialed the wrong number.


No problem!  Bye!



Hello, press office, can I help you?


Hello. Paul Richards, please.


I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number, but he does work here.  I’ll try and put you through.  In future his direct number is 5558770.


Did I not dial that?


No you rang 5558790.


Oh, sorry to have troubled you.


No problem.  Hang on a moment and I’ll put you through to Paul’s extension.



Telephone: appointments

Once again, imagine you are making a telephone call. This time you are arranging an appointment to see someone. Use the following phrases:

Can I speak to….please?

I am afraid he's in a meeting

I'd like to arrange an appointment

I'll just look in the diary

Would next Wednesday be OK?

When's convenient for you?

He is free in the afternoon after about three

So shall we say 4.15 next Wednesday?

I could make it after four


Mr Hibberd’s office!


Hello, can I speak to Brian Hibberd, please?


I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message?


Well, I’d like to arrange an appointment to see him, please.   It’s Peter Jefferson here.


Could you hold on for a minute, Mr Jefferson? I’ll just look in the diary. So when’s convenient for you?


Some time next week if possible. I gather he’s away the following week.


Yes, that’s right, he’s on holiday for a fortnight.


Well, I need to see him before he goes away. So would next Wednesday be okay?


Wednesday. Let me see. He’s out of the office all morning. But he's free in the afternoon, after about three.


Three o'clock is difficult. But I could make it after four.


So shall we say 4.15 next Wednesday, in Mr. Hibberd's office?


Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much.


Okay, then. Bye.

Telephone: flights

Imagine you are booking a flight and a hotel over the phone. Use the following phrases:

I' d like to enquire about flights

Can I book that, then?

Could you tell me about the flight availability?

I'd like to book a hotel room

Do you want to go economy, business or first class?

Could you check if the hotel has any rooms free?

How many of you will be travelling?

Do you mind if I book that provisionally?

Does that include airport tax?

Is there a discount rate?

No, tax is another $ 70 on top of that

I'll call you later to confirm


Hello! Dolores speaking…


Ah yes, hello. I’d like to enquire about flights to Hong Kong from Kennedy Airport in New York, please. I’m off to a conference at the end of the month - Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th. Could you tell me about the flight availability and prices?  


Certainly. Do you want to go economy, business or first class?


Well, I’d like to go first class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy - company rules, you see. 


Yes, sure, I understand. How many of you will be travelling?


Ah, it’s just me.


Okay, so that’s one seat … economy … New York - Kennedy to Hong Kong Airport.


And how much will that be?


Let me see … to qualify for the discount rate, you need to stay over a Saturday, which you are doing … Yes, that’ll be $830.


Right, and does that include airport tax?


No, tax is another $70 on top of that.


Okay. Can I book that, then?





Can I help you with anything else?


Yes, I'd like to book a hotel room too, for the full five nights. Could you check if the Regency Hotel has any rooms free?


Yes, they do.


And is there a discount rate for conference delegates?


Yes, there is. I think it's 10% but I can check that for you.


Okay, do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I'll call you back later to confirm? I just need to check one or two details.


That's fine, sir. Can I help you with anything else?


No, that's all for now. As I said, I'll call you back.



Steps to Good Writing

How do you write, with pen or pencil or on a personal computer? The tools vary, but the process is the same: Plan, Outline, Draft, Edit, Rewrite, and Proofread.

Plan first. Planning to write requires thinking about your audience and purpose, gathering necessary information, and reviewing appropriate resources. Plan your time and your place to write. Try to create an environment in which you can focus. Research facts, figures, and missing details first so that your draft can flow without interruption.

The writing process doesn't always follow neatly progressive steps, but it must begin with a plan. Then, you have choices. Some people outline first; some write the draft. You may start with either, but must include both steps.

The content should be accurate, clear, and correct: grammar, punctuation and spelling. It is important that each section contains only information pertinent to it. It is necessary that each paragraph: (1) focuses on one topic; (2) is limited to five or six sentences; (3) has most sentences in active voice; (4) each sentence contains an average of 15 to 20 words. Ideas must flow logically. There should be the following reference material on your shelf: a good English/ Russian dictionary and a good Russian/ English dictionary; on line: a spell checker and a grammar checker. Always remember the words of Samuel Johnson: «What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure».

How to Write Business Letters

On the job secretaries most often write short letters or fax-messages. Businesspersons have always used powerful communication to achieve wealth and position. The right message at the right time and place is a success. The principles of good correspondence are 1) writing often and 2) responding quickly. The keys to letter writing art still exist. If you wish to follow them, you will see the improvement in your very next letter.

1. Begin from the end. Decide what you would like to happen as a result of your letter. Want money? To sell something? A promotion? Summarize your letter in a sentence. The best letters have a strong sense of purpose.

2. Put yourself in your reader's place. Therefore be friendly and nice. Never write in anger. Your anger will evaporate: your letter will remain. Find ways to turn negative statements into positive ones.

3. Write plainly. Keep your sentences short – one idea in each. Any sentence longer than two typed lines is automatically suspect. Try to write the way you talk.

4. Decide what information is important and what is irrelevant. Chop out the whole paragraphs if they do not contribute. In particular, pay attention on adjectives as Voltaire wrote «The adjective is the enemy of the noun».

5 Use active verbs. Be brave not to write «Your invoice has been misdirected» instead of «I have misdirected your invoice». Whenever you can, use pronouns I, we, and you addressing your reader by name «Dear Ms White». The passive voice sounds rather wimpy.

6. Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. Set up a clean, logical format for your letter. Read the text aloud to yourself, or, better, to someone else and ask him or her to look critically at your draft.

7. End the letter with an action step. The last sentence of your letter should suggest the reader's or your own next move like «If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to call us at...».