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Аттестационная контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку для студентов I курса экономического ф-та


I cеместр вариант II

I. Complete the text with the verbs in the correct form.

Quiet Revolution

When you …… (read) this article, somewhere in the United States two couples will get married and another two ……(get divorced). One of three American children now ……(live) with only one parent, and the United States ……(not/be) alone here: in Canada and France the divorce rate …… (double) in the last twenty-five years. Even in Japan, where the traditional family …… (be) still strong, divorce rate. …… (go) up by 15 per cent between 1985 and 2000.

What is more, the nature of the family ……(change). In Sweden and Denmark, around half of all babies now …… (be born) to unmarried parents, and in the United Kingdom and France more than a third. Although Ireland ……(be) strongly Catholic, quite a lot of Irish people now …… (have) children without getting married. Families ……. (get) smaller. The average Turkish family ……… (have) seven members in 1980; today it ……(have) only five. And in Spain and Italy, where families …… (be) always traditionally large, the birthrate was the lowest in the developed world in 1999.

This fall in the birthrate …… (be) due in part to the fact that more and more women prefer careers and are waiting longer and longer to start a family. The age at which the average woman. ……. (have ) her first baby is now 28 in Western Europe, and it …… (get) later.

II. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Marriage is becoming less important to many young people.

2. The divorce rate is falling.

3. More women prefer having families rather than starting careers.

4. The average family is getting smaller as the birth rate falls.

5. Although families in Turkey were often big in the past, these days they are becoming


III. Here are the answers to some of the questions. Write out the questions.

1. One of three American children

2. 15 per cent

3. in 1980

4. at the age of 28

5. half of all babies

IV. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets for each of the following sentences.

1.Teenagers all over America _____(work) in fast food restaurants, hotels and supermarkets to

earn money.

2. Americans _____(believe) that young people become only independent by learning to cope

with problems themselves.

3. When I was little, I stole a bar of chocolate from shop.

4. Vegetarians (not eat meat).

5. He _____ (drive) a Mercedes, but today he______(drive) Ford.

6. People ____(buy) everything from the Internet in the nearest future.

7. I’ve got my ticket. I ____(go) to New York tomorrow.

V. Translate these sentences into English.

1. На каком языке говорят в Швейцарии? 2.Что ты собираешься делать завтра? 3. Надеюсь, что он позвонит завтра. 4..Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером.5.Какие фильмы вы любите? 6.Моя сестра учится в Академии государственной службы. 7.Он будет счастлив, если вы приедете в Москву.8. Когда вы его видели в последний раз?

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г